Chapter 35: Consequences

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It is now the weekend and everyone is asleep until they hear someone banging on the door. They all left their rooms and went to the entrance of the dorms. Lida opened the door revealing Aizawa on the other side along with Nezu. "Aizawa sensei, with all due respect sir, but why are you banging on the door as if you are a crazy person at...5:30 in morning? On a weekend?" Lida asked. "Someone is here for the Bakugo twins and they want them now,"Aizawa replied. "Who?" Katsuki and Katsumi asked in unison. Aizawa moved to the side and both of their eyes widened from the sight of their parents standing there with anger visible on their faces. "Old hag? What are you doing here?" Katsuki asked. "Pack your things...NOW!" Mitsuki yelled. "What is going on? Why do we n-" Then it hit her...what Nezu said to them. She looked at Izuku with sadness in her eyes as she realized that Izuku made his decision and he made it clear. "...okay" Katsuki and Katsumi said as they turned around and headed to their rooms, leaving the class confused. "What is going on? Why are they packing their things?" Kirishima asked. "Because they are expelled," Nezu replied. Everyone looked at Nezu with a shocked look, but some of them realized why; except the one person who refused to believe the truth. "Why?" Kirishima asked with a hint of irritation in his voice. "Because they have treated Izuku in the past very wrong and injured Izuku terribl-" "So you are going to kick them out just because they hurt someone in the past? The past?" Kirishima asked; interrupting Nezu. "First, don't you ever interrupt me again. Second, I only want people who are here to become a pro hero and never cause any harm to anyone. I don't want anyone in my school who has a dirty record," Nezu replied. "But this school is a place where we can change and be the best we can. Why won't you give them a chance to redeem themselves for what they have done in their past?" Kirishima asked. "Instead of them changing, they kept that reputation up. They came here, lied to everyone, and once they were caught lying they didn't think once to go to Izuku and apologize," Nezu replied. "Then why are you giving him a second chance? You guys have been after him and Touya for how long? A year and a half? And you decide to give them a second chance at becoming a pro hero, but you won't let them get a second chance. Izuku and Touya have KILLED hundreds of people, and they haven't killed a single person. What's so different about them that they get a chance and they don't?" Kirishima asked.

Nezu was visibly getting annoyed with Kirishima and kept defending them. Yes, they are his friends, but they have done many wrong things. Endeavor has done far worse, but it was enough to put a bitter taste in Nezu's mouth. Nezu was going to reply when Sero spoke. "Izuku and Touya both only killed bad people. Yes, they have killed which is considered a murder and should be in jail, but they have helped the society. I may have been snooping around and found out that with them out there at night, not only lowered the chance of dangerous villains coming out, but barely any came out in the past year. They even killed a dangerous pro hero that everyone thought was a good guy...As much as I hate to say it but, Katsuki and Katsumi have harmed an innocent person, someone who was vulnerable, and broken. With the attitude, anger issues, and quirk they have could have caused permanent damage to how many they have come across other than Izuku. They may have physically killed people, but it helped society. While Katsuki and Katsumi killed people mentally, they probably killed him." "Destroying someone's mentality is far worse from killing them physically. I know that from experience. Imagine being depressed and soon start having those dark thoughts of not being on Earth anymore. The suffocation, the numbness, the emptiness is how it feels to be depressed. And studies show how depressed people feel is close to how it feels to be dead...When someone says to take them out of their misery, they are saying to take that feeling away. The numb feeling they feel everyday, and that feeling can easily start from bullying," Kaminari said.

As he said those words, everyone felt bad for him. He spoke upon the subject of being bullied, but he described it so well. Almost as if he is depressed now. Nezu and Aizawa started to be concerned for Kaminari, but that is something they can discuss once the twins are gone. Mina looked at Kirishima and could tell tears were starting to form in his eyes. Mina walked up to Kirishima and pulled him close to her. "It's okay to cry," Mina said. Without any further hesitation, he for once, accepted something. He started to cry hard on Mina's shoulders as she rubbed his back in circles. Mitsuki and Masaru could see the hurt in his eyes. "They must have formed a strong between them three of them for him to act like this," Mitsuki said.

After what seemed forever, Katsuki and Katsumi gathered most of their stuff and headed to the door. Everyone said their goodbyes to the twins as they were walking by. Katsuki and Katsumi looked at Izuku for a moment before they turned around and grabbed their stuff. Izuku sighed and walked to the two. They turned around confused until he handed them a letter and tapped both of their shoulders. "Read it when you get home." They both were confused why he handed them this, but they took it. They left the dorms along with their parents, got into the car, and drove off.

The Bakugo's made it to the house and Mitsuki instantly took their phones. "You can have these back after a month." They understood and went upstairs into their room. Katsuki remembered the letter and knocked at Katsumi's door. Katsumi lets him come inside and sees he had the note in his hand. "Want to read it now?" Katsuki asked. "Sure," Katsumi replied. They both sat on Kastumi's bed and they both opened the letter to see a note.

Dear Katsumi and Katsuki,

You guys got a letter from me...I know you guys are surprised. I can't believe I am doing this either, but I feel like I need to do it. Ever since we were kids, I have always thought we would become pro heroes together and be friends. Finding out the news from the quirk doctor that my quirk was dormant was a shock. That is the day I realized that I won't be able to become a pro hero, but that didn't affect me much. I thought we could have still been friends even till this day, but after the stunt you guys pulled; we couldn't. You guys have lost my trust and my forgiveness, and I greatly dislike you guys...But you guys helped me. You guys helped me become stronger, took bigger discrimination against me, and made me who I am. I don't know why you guys did what you did, but the least I can do is thank you for making me stronger. I hate how y'all did it, but it is what it is.

You may have lost your chance at becoming who you guys wished to become is sad, but you guys did this to yourself. Take this as a lesson to never hurt someone just because they are different. And don't drag it for a long time for no reason. And please don't take this as a chance to become a villain because of this. Like I said before, you guys did this to yourself, and you guys are now facing the consequences. I wished we had more happy moments then we do now, but life isn't all cupcakes and rainbows...I have nothing else to say, but only one thing left...Happy Birthday.


Izuku Midoriya

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