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chapter three

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chapter three


you groaned as your eyelids fluttered opened. it's so painful to wake up with a headache given that you didn't dry your hair last night.

you hear a light knock on your door and a few seconds later, you hear the voice of your brother.

"y/n? are you awake? you should get ready now, i'll drive you to school later." you smiled the moment you heard his voice.

"okay. i'll get ready now." you replied, getting out of bed was such a pain in the ass. if possible, you won't want to leave your bed. but considering it's the second day of school and you're actually looking forward to it.

as you walk down the stairs, you can see your brother in the kitchen trying to fry an egg with a apron on.

it's is obvious that he isn't the kind to be in the kitchen but the fact that he's willing to do it because of you warms your heart up.

"ah y/n, you're down. i've made some breakfast for you. have some before you go to school." he said as he placed the plates on the table.

you sat down infront of the table as you stared at the slightly burnt toast and egg infront of you.

nonetheless, you still finished it all. your parents wasn't always at home so it's basically on you and your brother at home.

sometimes, it's only you as he have to attend some business meetings overseas.

while eating, a notification appeared on your phone

while eating, a notification appeared on your phone

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hello y/n!!
are you free today?

you looked at the message,
realising it was your seatmate
who messaged you

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