Chapter 4: The Day He Turned Back

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As Ranboo had started to walk home Quackity stopped him "Where are you going?"

"I'm going home Quack"

"Ranboo can we please have some time together you're always writi-"

"I'm going home Quack" Ranboo had repeated

"Please can you just take a break from-"

"I SAID I'M GOING HOME!" Ranboo had snapped back at Quackity

Quackity stood there shocked as tears started to form in his eyes

"Quack I'm sorry..."



"I said leave!"

Ranboo backed up and walked home as Quackity fell to his knees crying


Ranboo got home and slammed the door shut when he got inside "God I'm so fucking stupid!"

Ranboo walked upstairs to his room and grabbed a book from a shelf called "Revival Book" and started reading

"I hope I can revive the egg I don't know why-" A knock could be heard from downstairs

Ranboo set the book down and walked downstairs and opened the door to see Phil

"Oh hi Phil what's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to visit"

"Ok we'll come in!"

Ranboo opened the door for Phil to walk in and Phil walked in

Ranboo closed the door and went back upstairs and Phil followed

When Ranboo got into his room he sat back down and started reading again

Phil peaked over his shoulder "Whatcha reading?"

"Just reading the revival book"

"Why?" Phil asked wondering who Ranboo was trying to revive

"Trying to revive the egg"

Phil's smile faded after hearing what Ranboo said "The egg?..."

"Yeah is something wrong?"

"Ranboo you are not reviving the egg"

"What do you mean I'm not reviving the egg?"

"Have you seen what the egg has done to you in the past?"

"Yeah I have remembered but the egg's changed"

"No I'm not letting you" Phil tied Ranboo up with a rope that didn't allow Ranboo to teleport out of it


"Doing what's right I'm sorry Ranboo" Phil left the house

Ranboo tried to teleport out of the rope but couldn't

Ranboo kept trying to get out of the rope "SOMEONE HELP ME!!"

Ranboo kept calling out but no one heard him

Ranboo started to cry knowing no one could hear him and he started to lose hope

Then Someone heard Ranboo and went over to the house and walked inside it was Ghostbur!

Ghostbur walked upstairs because he heard crying and saw Ranboo "Ranboo are you okay?!"

Ranboo looked at Ghostbur "Ghost!!"

Ghostbur ran over to Ranboo and cut the ropes

Ranboo was still crying and Ghostbur hugged Ranboo "Hey what's wrong Ran?"

"P-Phil t-tied me u-up b-because I-I w-wanted t-to revive t-the e-egg..."

Ghostbur rubbed Ranboo's back trying to comfort him

Ranboo continued crying as Ghostbur tried his best to comfort him

Ranboo was starting to calm down and stopped crying

"It's okay just calm down"

"I-I just wanted to revive h-him..."

"I get it you miss the egg"

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