RanpoxGnReader {Pocky Game}

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You and Ranpo walked down the river bank.

He had just completed a case.

"Great job, Ranpo!" You smiled at him.

"Nah. It was nothing. Just some guy killed a cousin due to an affair. It was obvious."

"Still impressive. I can't even figure that out."

"Oh, don't put yourself down, Y/n. Besides me, you could be the second smartest in the Agency." He smiled and put his hat on your head.

You blushed slightly and looked away.

You and Ranpo had met 3 years ago. At first, you both never talked, eventually, you two got to know each other. Now you're both the #1 duo in the Agency.

You thought of your ability as nothing. Your ability is called Wind Chimes. It can manipulate the sound of wind chimes and make people sleepy. You thought you were pretty much useless.

For some reason, Ranpo believes the opposite. He always says you have so much potential and you're not as dumb as you think.

You looked ahead.

Ranpo opened his eyes and looked at you from the corner of his eyes.

Ranpo could figure almost anything out, but one thing always puzzled him and remained a mystery. Your true feelings for him.

Perhaps it's because he gets so nervous deep inside whenever he's around you, he thinks your secretly judging him. He sometimes wishes you secretly share the same feelings.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know you do share the same feelings.

You continued walking with him. "So.. any other jobs tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but that's in 2 days. Not tomorrow. One's taking place at the mall. Something about a security guard getting murdered. I think it just might be suicide."

You nodded. "Want your hat back?"

"No. You can wear it for now."

"Oh, thank you."

You both continued walking.

Ranpo looked at you. He sighed in frustration.

Probably the only mystery he'll never solve.

~Time Skip~
You were working at your desk.

Everyone else was out on a job, leaving you and Ranpo.

"Hey, Y/n." Ranpo said.

You looked up from your computer, "What's up?"

He smirked. He knew this idea could possibly work to figure out how you truly feel. "Wanna play something?"

"Sure. What sort of game?"

"Pass me that Pocky box on Atsushi's desk."

You grabbed the Pocky box and tossed it to him.

He motioned you to go to his desk. You obeyed.

He took out on of the Pockies. "Ever heard of the Pocky game?"

You were caught off guard, "Huh? Pocky game?"

"Yes. Whenever two people try to eat each end without kissing. Care to try?" He smiled.

"Oh, alright."

You grabbed a nearby desk chair and placed it beside his. You sat down and you both faced each other.

Ranpo grabbed a chocolate Pocky and bit on the chocolate side.

You hesitantly bit on the biscuit side.

He took a small bite, you did as well. He took two small bites and then you took one.

You both kept taking bites until you both were very close.

Before you knew it, he bit off the rest of it without kissing your lips. He chewed the Pocky in his mouth and swallowed, "I win!"

You chuckled.

"Okay, round 2!"

Your eyes widened a little.

Round 2?

He took one side and you took another.

You started first and took 3 small bites. He caught you by surprise whenever he took 7.

He was close to your face again.

You slowly moved your teeth forward and bit down on the Pocky. Your lips didn't touch his.

"I have a point, you have a point." Ranpo grabbed another Pocky, "Tie-breaker round." He then opened his eyes and grinned mischievously.

You suddenly felt your face get hot and butterflies in your stomach.

He took one side, you took the other.

You took one small bite.

He took 3 bites.

Your face reddened more. His eyes were still open. Those green eyes usually gave you butterflies, now he won't close them.

You took 2 small bites.

He took 4 small bites. His eyes closed.

You felt relieved. You room 3 small bites.

He suddenly took a huge bite. He was very close to your face, closer than before. His eyes opened again.

Your eyes widened and your face reddened.

Damnit! You thought. You started realizing you were blushing so much, he'd figure out that you liked him.

You slowly chewed some of the Pocky in your mouth and swallowed it.

You took a small bite.

Your eyes widened whenever you felt someone's lips touch yours. Ranpo was kissing you. He grabbed your waist.

Butterflies flew everywhere in your stomach and your face was hot.

Ranpo pulled away, leaving you a little breathless.

"I've been waiting to do that for 3 years, you know?" Ranpo's eyes were still opened.

You were speechless.

He smirked and kissed you again. He pushed you again the desk chair you were sitting in and continued kissing you.

"Ranpo, Y/n, we're back-" Dazai froze with the other Agency members behind him.

Your eyes widened more.

Ranpo pulled away and looked at them, "Oh, hi, guys." He said casually.

"R-ranpo? Y/n?" Atsushi was surprised.

"If you don't mind," Ranpo grabbed your hand and began walking out the door. "We have some unfinished business to do."

Your face heated more.

He finally solved it.

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