(SMUT/NSFW) TetchouxFemReader {If Only}

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"Tetchou, if I see you eat a strawberry with hot sauce one more time, I'm going to put an axe to your face."

"Wouldn't that kill me?"


You and Tetchou were walking down some empty hospital. Your leader Fukuchi thought the Armed Detective Agency could be here since they're wanted now.

You both continued walking down the hallway.

"Why the hell would the Detective Agency choose a hospital? Are they idiots? Because that's not where they'd be. He is being an idiot."

"You sound less angrier than usual at least."

"What makes you say that?" You looked at Tetchou from the corner of your eye.

"Just a thought."

You looked ahead, "We're going to find nothing."

"This is only the first floor. We have 8 more to check." Tetchou told you.

"8?! Who the hell needs 8 floors for a hospital?!"

"This one."

You groaned.

You noticed him grabbing something from his pocket.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm hungry." He put the egg in his mouth.

"The shell was on that. What's next, are you going to try white cheese and vanilla mochi?"

"I've tried it. It's good."

"You're disgusting."

"You've said that for the 17th time today." He looked around as you two spoke, "Besides, I know you don't mean that. I'm probably the only person in the Hunting Dogs who even gets along with you."

"Yeah, I guess." You mumbled.

He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, "What's wrong?"



".....Is it that bad?"

"What is?"

"My temper? Is it bad so much that the other Hunting Dogs members aren't fond of me?"

He blinked twice, "I don't think it is."

"...Do they hate me?"

"I don't."

You looked at him.

"I don't hate you. I like your fierceness."

"I wouldn't really call it fierceness.."

"Well, whatever it is, I like it."

Your heart fluttered after he said that. You looked ahead, "Thank you, Tetchou."

It's been 3 years ever since you've fallen for Tetchou. You always tried pushing him away because you wanted those feelings gone, but he always put up with it and you only fell even more. Now you deal with your feelings for him, but you know he'll never feel the same.

If only he did.

You both continued walking in silence.

You two had cleared the first floor. You took a flight of stairs to the second.

"I love how we're just taking our time doing this." You said.

"Well, the commander will most likely give us another pointless job."

You chuckled.

Suddenly, you noticed Tetchou stopped.

You sighed, "Tetchou, what are you doing?"

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