HighschoolAUxFemReader {Music Club}

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You quickly ran down the sidewalk.

"Wait, wait! Atsushi!" You shouted in a panic.

Atsushi, who was about to walk inside the school, saw you running to him in a hurry, "Oh, good morning,

Bungo Highschool is for exceptionally great students with abilities.

Your ability was called Simple Craft. It allows you to be able to be creative with any materials around you. One time, you even made a water bottle out of a plastic container.

"I got your order!" You stopped in front of him and smiled.

You usually were paid for every order you gave people.

"Already?" Atsushi looked surprised.

"Yup." You gave him the glass bottle.

"Thank you, L/n!"

"Why a glass bottle though?"

"I'm gonna learn how to put a boat in it!"

"Oh, alright."

The bell rang.

"We're gonna be late!" Atsushi shouted in panic and ran inside.

"Wait, Atsushi!" You quickly followed him.

~Time Skip~
You were in your first class, English.

You noticed your classmate Dazai throwing a paper airplane across the room. Kunikida was busy studying for a test that wouldn't happen until a week, and you saw Chuuya looking at the window in boredom.

The whole classroom got quiet whenever Ms. Kouyo walked inside.

You knew this class would pass by quickly.

~Time Skip~
During your class, you suddenly heard the speaker turn on.

"Attention, all students." Principal Fukuzawa said, "Report to the school cafeteria after your first class."

The speaker turned off.

What does Principal Fukuzawa need us for?
You wondered.

~Time Skip~
All of the students began walking inside of the cafeteria.

You looked at your classmate Higuchi, "Hey, Higuchi. Do you know what's going on?"

Higuchi looked at you, "No. I don't."

"Thank you, everyone." Principal Fukuzawa said, "Mori, could you give them the announcement?"

Vice Principal Mori looked at everyone, "This time of year, we are beginning to open clubs to every student in Bungo Highschool. Clubs can only be made by the student, not the school. If you establish this club and practice, their will be a contest. The winner will receive a special reward, as do the other members of the club earn this as well."

Your eyes widened a little.

Special reward?

"Clubs must be established within a week. You are all excused."

Everyone began walking out of the cafeteria.

~Time Skip~
For the rest of the day, you were thinking hard.

Club.. what club?

You stared down, still thinking.

An.. art club? No, not that.. What about.. a drama club? No, I suck at acting.

Then what?

You heard a cough from your left. Akutagawa.

You glanced at him. He was drawing something in his notebook.

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