Chapter 9 - Fearful Disaster/Feelings For You

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Sonic walked back to the mansion with the chipmunk siblings. But he just can't do it. That's when Erica said to Sonic, "Hey, I know it's been hard but it's gonna be fine, trust me."

Sonic replied to her, "Erica I'm only doing this for you. You were the only one 'who has been so kind to me.' I don't even know how to repay you for what you did for me. Even though it was a living hell for me, you stood by me." Erica then said, "It was all I can do. My Grandma Snickers always said to be kind to people. Besides I'm more merciful than anyone was." Evan sighed sadly and said, "Seriously Sonic. We are all very sorry for treating you like shit. I'm also sorry. We never shoulda treated you like shit if we knew what had happened."

Evan then said as he looked down, "Tails would probably be alive today if we knew. We shoulda given you our salary to save his life." Sonic replied, "I forgive you all but I can't forget what you guys did to me. Evan I expected better from you. Even Erica expected better from you."

Evan sadly said, "I know. But I'm just easily holding grudges on myself and I felt so horrible. As if our parents separating and getting remarried to other people wasn't bad enough."

Erica replied, "Evan that wasn't even your fault and that's beside the point." Sonic asked, "How do you both even know he likes me? He has been hating me more than anyone. To be honest I liked him too. I teased him and acted childish towards him cause I liked him. But he never liked me back. Not ever."

Once they arrive back, Sonic was hesitant to step inside. That's when one of the servants walked out and said, "Hey, the master wants to speak with you at the backyard." Sonic looked away and said, "It's too much to handle. I can't."

Evan replied to him, "Yea you can. Dude, if you can survive a 50 foot robot attack then at least get over your fears of him." Sonic sniffs and said, "I can't do it. He's even more scarier than any large body of water would be." He then cried Evan sighed deeply and said, "I was afraid he will say that."

Thats when Evan said to Tim, "I told you it was worst Tim and now you owe me 80 buck Tim." Thats when Tim replied, "I don't owe you a penny Evan."

Evan blew raspberries at him as Erica said, "Evan your not helping." Thats when Erica said to Sonic, "It's going to be okay. Trust me Sonic. The other servants wanna start over and make things right. All of them wish they could take back what they did and help you out. The master wants you and wants to love you, treat you right, and never let you go. He promised himself he would treat you better."

Sonic asked, "How do you even know it's true? He never liked my guts and you know it. Nobody does." Evan replied to it with a childish look, "Wrong. Look despite your childish ways in the past you did get us out of a few scrapes. More than a few actually."

Sonic sighed deeply and muttered as he walked to the backyard, "I can't believe I let you talk me into doing this." The chipmunk siblings high five each other as they said, "Yeah! Chipmunk sibs!"

Sonic began to have shaky feet as one step was like cold winter air was blowing at his legs. One step at a time to the backyard was getting slow, as if time was freezing like a ice cream cone or a fresh frozen vegetable. Memories of abuse and echoes of being screamed at just made him feel more and more fearful of Knuckles.

He loved him deep down but no amount of anything will get it out. Once he arrived at the backyard, he spaced out as his heart beat loud and rapid. He can feel himself being watched and sweat drip from his head. He shook and whimpered a little bit.

He was so oblivious to see the nice dinner for two in front of him. It was getting too intense. It was like he was sucked into a horror movie. Sonic couldn't bring himself to move. He was paralyzed with fear. With one touch on his shoulder, his eyes widened as a booming voice in his head shouted in a demented tone, "BACK FOR MORE BITCH?!"

Sonic turned swifty 'slaps his hand away' as he screams in fear. As a result, Sonic fell from the porch and landed on the dinner for two table. It was not a mess.

Sonic gasped in fear. Thinking he was gonna be blamed and shunned. Sonic was shaking and crying while begging Knuckles not to hurt him. Evan and Erica we not actually happy with this. Erica looked her brother in concern.

Evan said to her, "Maybe we shoulda given him more time." Erica nodded and said, "I agree but we also shoulda thought this through and also give him therapy."

Evan then said, "If Manic found out about Knuckles abuse towards him, he be psychotically furious. Jules is super angry. Lets hope he does not sue us." Sonic kept his eyes shut tight and feeling scared.

No one saw Manic and Jules  'hiding behind the side of the house' heard everything.

Manic growled and whispered, "So that's why he has bruises." Jules whispered, "This is a new low, even for him."

Knuckles 'who sighed deeply' and had a guilty look on his face while tears were in his eyes.

He walk to him as Sonic whimpered out of fear. But to his surprise, Knuckles didn't hit him or yell at him. He just kneeled down and rubbed his back gently.

Knuckles just slowly drew him close, held him close, and whispered softly, "I'm so sorry Sonic. I love you so much. I never meant for it to go this far. I never shoulda done this to you. After all I put you through. I can forever hate myself for this."

Sonic refused to look at him but his heart slowed down and his whimpering ceased. The cobalt hedgehog blushed a bright red. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around his neck.

Sonic softly said, "I'm sorry too. I love you too. I-I have feelings for you." Sonic can feel his tears running down the back of his now messed up maid dress. Sonics ceased all shaking. He relaxed as he fell asleep in his arms. Knuckles immediately noticed this. Knuckles sttod up and said with the slumbering Sonic in his arms 'as if carrying a princess', "You guys get to cleaning, he and I will turn in early."

He walked in while carrying Sonic. Evan said to Silver, "Well that didn't turn out like we thought." Silver repied, "At least Sonic calmed down a little." Evan flatly said, "Silver? Shut up." thats when the two got to cleaning immeadiatly.

Manic growled and said, "I'm gonna kill him for this." Jules replied as they both walked to the front entrance, "Well I won't stop yo..."

That's when Chuck 'who followed them' stopped them and said, "Let him go you two. Let this play out a bit. If he actually is still abusive. We'll send him to jail."

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