★ 🎀 𝐵𝓊𝓈𝓎 𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝐻 🎀 ★- 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 2

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"Sure" and with that, they were on their way upstairs.

They were still kissing as he opened the door. He pulled her closer to him making her feel the tent that was his pants. She took the first action and started unbuttoning his white button-up shirt. He moved from her lips to her neck leaving trials of hickeys.

The dress was gone in a matter of seconds leaving her in her underwear. She thanked God that she wore her sexy underwear. She took off his shirt and was working on his pants.

"This is not the first time we meet today, darling," he said as he unclipped her bra, letting straps fall down her shoulders.

"Oh I know, you alcohol thief," she said before holding his dick from his briefs causing him to moan.

"That's not a pretty word to say, little girl," he said pushing her panties to one side and sticking in two fingers.

"Who you calling little girl, I'm twen- -," he interrupted her by sticking another finger inside.

"Fuck, you're so tight," he groaned.

"Stop teasing me, you prick," she whined as he turned circles in her clit.

She cummed soon as he licked everything up.

"Your turn," she said as she stood up and turned around, her mouth on his dick. She took his briefs off, shocking her a little

"Damn that shit huge," she muttered

"I heard that darling," he smirked

"Shut up," she said before taking the whole thing in.

He groaned and moaned the whole time before he finally cummed.

After he carried her up and kept her right on top of his dick. They both moaned and groaned the whole time.

Once again, she thanked God that she was on birth control cause she didn't see no condom. They were too carried away for that. Her hand was on his hair and he pumped into her. She allowed him to cum in her as they fell back.

She slept beside him, her head on his chest.

She woke up, her eyes cloudy.

She looked around and saw him. She crawled out quietly from the bed and picked up her clothes, wearing them without waking him up. She carried her shoes and walked out of the room.

She called an Uber and went home. She crashed on her couch and went into a deep sleep.

Surprisingly, it was already Monday. Sunday went as a breeze cause all she did was laze around and puke, with a huge hangover.

She entered the hospital, her eyes looking very swollen.

"Damn. girl are you okay?" Lily asked her.

"Nope, hangover," she groaned

'Oh," Lily said "And oh, James is here and he wants to see all the new interns,"

She groaned internally. She didn't good at the moment and didn't want him to see her like this.

She walked into the office and to her surprise,

He was

James fucking Smith

He was also the same guy that she fought in Kroger with

He was also the same guy that she hooked up with two days ago at the party

He looked at her, the stupid smirk on his face.

"Hi Racheal," he smiled

'Fuck shit," she groaned under her breath. She just slept with a guy that was as good as being her boss.


And there we have it, Part 2 of Busy but H

Busy but H actually means Busy but horny but that sounded a bit too horny so I made it H.

I don't know if I ended it right but I have plans of making it an actual story.

Comment if I should.

Thank you for reading "Just One Shots'

I really appreciate and I promise to come with better ideas.

Thank you again

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