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1) No NSFW at All
2) No "Harsh" Cursing >:(
3) No Harassment
4) No Spam
5) Asker/Anon magic allowed :D
6) No Roleplaying or Conversation
7) No Commissions
8) Maximum of 15 Asks for the Asker/Anon Magic thing
9) Making a joke? Make it clear or put (This is a Joke) at the bottom of your comment to clarify
10) Only speak English & Spanish in the Comments

I will add more rules if I can think of more 😅

You will revive two warnings, a deleted comment, and if these rules are still violated, I'll have to mute you, no exceptions. Keep the comments friendly! Also allow me to clear up some of the rules so you all understand

Number 2, no harsh cursing, so you can say Damn, Hell, and the A word, but the other words your aren't allowed to say.

Number 6, no roleplaying or conversations, I will allow conversations to last about 5 comments and that's it, if it goes over that then I'll have to give you a warning, I already have a Discord filled with role players lol. Love ya besties!

Number 7, no commotions, please don't commission me to draw something, you can send it as a request, but I won't take commissions. Difference? I consider requests to be like small sketches or doodles while commissions are full out completed art, so no commissions

Number 9, make a joke clear, I love joking around, I put the most random crap into the comment sections of the stories I read! But I don't want any insensible jokes unless the person is fine with it

Number 10, Only English & Spanish, I must know what everyone is saying, so as much fun as it would be to see other languages, I will only accept English and Spanish so I can monitor the comments, and if you are speaking another language, I will ask for you to translate to English or Spanish.

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