Chapter Four

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We got down the stairs to see Harry waiting. "There you two are. Come on." He says opening the door. I laugh as I pulled Ebenezer along. We walked until we got to Harry's and Hela's place.

"Hela, I'm back with them." Harry calls out. "Oh good !." We heard her say. We walked in, getting stopped by Hela. She smiled looking at us. "I think there's something you two have to do." We looked at each other before looking at her. "Whatever do you mean, Hela ?" Ebenezer asked confused. She looked up, our eyes following until we realised what she meant.

They had put a mistletoe on the door. "Oh-" I looked at Ebenezer and he was just as shocked. Harry came into view. "Go on then ! Kiss her uncle." He said pulling Hela into a hug. "Come on, Ebenezer. It is a Christmas tradition." I said looking at him. "Alright. Only because you asked, (Y/n)." I laughed, he pulled me in by the waist. Pulling my chin up and kissed me passionately.

I kissed him back, putting my arms around his neck. Pulling back, we let go of each other. Hela pulled me away, Harry doing the same with Ebenezer. "So, when are you doing to do it ?" She whispered to me. I looked at her, confused. "What ? Do what, exactly ?"

She smiled. "Ethel told me. About you planning  to propose !" I laughed. "Ahh yes. I'm planning on doing it at Christmas. On our one year anniversary." I said smiling. She smiled sweetly at me. "That isn't that long now is it ! Only a week." I nodded. "Which is why I'm scared Hela. What if I do it wrong ?" Hela put her hand on my shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong you could do that wouldn't make him say yes." I nodded. "I know that he would want to put the ring on me, so I put it my size." I said laughing. "Well then, I wish you the best, (Y/n)." I smiled. "Thank you, Hela. I truly love him. And it would be amazing to marry him and be his Mrs Scrooge." She awes.

"You truly are in love. Come on then, tea is ready." She pulled me along to see that Harry and Ebenezer were already at the table. I sat next to Ebenezer, Hela sat next to Harry.

We finished our tea's and said our goodbyes. We left their house and it was dark. "Oh dear, it's quite late." I said, grabbing a hold of Ebenezer's arm. "It is, let's get back home then shall we." We left to go back home. It not taking too long till we are there. I took my key out and unlocked the door, we got in and he locked the door back up.

Walking up stairs we get out of our clothes, and got into the pajamers. "It's so cold." I said feeling the coldness go through my body. "Come here." Ebenezer says, I walk over and sat down next to him on the bed. He takes off his dressing gown, putting it around me. It smells just like him, comfy. "Thank you, Ebenezer." I get into the bed, him following.

Once we were in, I scooted over to him and rested my head on his chest. Wrapping our arms around each other. "Good night, Ebenezer." I mumbled quietly, his heart beat making me fall asleep. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." And I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up, feeling Ebenezer's arms around me. Smiling I rolled over to see his sleeping face. I carefully untangle his arms from me and got up. I pick up my pocket watch, seeing it was 5am. I had woken up an hour early.

I tip toed to the wardrobe and got out my clothes. Walking into the bathroom, I get changed and do my business. I walked down the stairs and saw Prudence still sleeping on her bed. I smiled and walked over, sitting down by her. I gently stroked her head, waking her up. "Hi Prudence, shh don't bark. Ebenezer's still asleep."

She got up excitedly and started to lick my face. "Aha, I love you too Prudence. Let's make some breakfast." I got up and walked into the kitchen. And started to make breakfast, I put it on plates and placed it on the table. When I heard footsteps upstairs. "(Y/n) ?" I heard Ebenezer call from upstairs.

"Down here !" I called back. I heard footsteps going downstairs. He was fixing his suit. I laughed and walked over. "Here." I helped him with his tie. "Thank you, (Y/n)." I smiled and pulled him down, and kissed him. Putting his arms around my waist, he kisses me back.

Pulling back, I pull him by his hand into the dining room. "I made breakfast." He pulled out my chair for me. "Thank you, Ebenezer." He sat down next to me. "You're welcome." We ate our food just chatting about what we have in store today. Prudence came into the dining room after we finished, and barked. "Hello to you too, Prudence."

Ebenezer got up and stroked her. I smiled and picked up the plates and put them into the sink. Ebenezer followed after me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Smiling I turned around. "Hi."

"Hi." He pulled my chin up, kissing me again. I smiled and kissed him back, the kiss deepening until I pulled away. "Let's get going." I pulled his arms off me and grabbed his hand. "Come Prudence." He said as we walked to the door, Prudence coming along. Ebenezer'unlocked the door, all of us coming out. Locking the door behind us.

Ebenezer pulled me along as we walked to the bank. Unlocking the bank door we walked in, putting our coats, and his hat on the hanger. And went into the office. Ebenezer goes for the notebook. "We have no payment pick ups for today." I nodded. "Alright." I pick up a pile of documents and walked to my desk. We had moved around the office room to have three desks. Ebenezer's, Bob's and mine.

We went through the papers when Bob came in. "Good morning, Sir, (Y/n)" he puts his coat and hat on the hanger before going into the office. "Good morning Bob." I said smiling looking up from my papers.

"Bob, you know I told you to call Ebenezer." He looked up from his desk. Bob still hasn't fully gotten a hang of calling him by his first name. Even though they are business partners. "Oh, yes. Sorry, I'll get a hang of it in the end. Thank you, Ebenezer." He got a pile of papers before going to his desk. Filling everything that needs to be filled out.

The Proposal {Ebenezer Scrooge x Reader Part 2}Where stories live. Discover now