Chapter 15

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Once dinner is finished, we all decide to go to our hotel rooms and unpack for the vacation week to come.

Driving back, the boys wanted to share one of their new songs they had written together.

It was called "Long way home"

We listened to the song for a bit before getting the words down.

So we're taking the long way home
Because I don't wanna be wasting my time alone
I wanna get lost and drive forever with you
Talking about nothing yeah forever baby
So we're taking the long way home

Soon enough we were all yelling the lyrics in the car on our way to the hotel. Luke was holding my hand, my head on his chest in the back seat with Maddie and Calum.

Calum's hand was on her thigh and they were playfully giving peck-kisses.

They were adorable.

Once we got back to the hotel parking lot, Luke opened the car door to let me out and grabbed my hand as I climbed out.

Alaina checked us into our rooms at the front desk, while we start going to our rooms with our bags.

Luke managed to carry all of me and his bags together into our room.

We slept in the same room many times before, especially this past two weeks, since he's been at my apartment since we got back together.

But for some reason this felt more special... I guess?

Probably because we were on vacation.

Me and Luke have never did anything before, if you know what I mean. We had hardcore makeout sessions, but we both decided to wait for a while.

After Luke carries the bags into our room, and I unpack them into the dressers provided.

My dress was aching me, so I needed to get out of it as soon as possible.

"Can you un-zip my dress?" I ask Luke.

He nods and I lift my hair up for him, to get a better position of un-zipping it.

The dress revealed all the way down to my lower back.

Luke takes his finger and trails over my back dimples. He leans his head into the hollow between my neck and shoulder. He places small kisses all down my neck and I feel his hot breath against me.

I look up and peck his lips with mine.

Luke smiles and sits on the bed and takes off his jacket and shoes.

I slide off my dress and walk over to the dresser and pull out Luke's drawer. I grab Luke's oversized Nirvana T-shirt. I look over at Luke and he smiles. I slide the shirt over my head, leaving me in the shirt and panties.

I walk over and plop down next to Luke and lay my head on his shoulder.

He lifts my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes. He cuffs my cheeks in his hands and crashes his lips with mine.

I smile and roll under the covers.

Luke puts on grey sweatpants and no shirt.

He climbs into bed next to me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body.

We have a big day tomorrow, planned by Maddie.

Luke falls asleep before me, and right as I start drifting asleep, I hear Luke's phone notification ring.

I jump up, slightly looking over to the screen. I wasn't being snoopy, but my body moved before my mind could think it through.

I glance over to the screen.

Message from: Taylor

What the hell is Taylor doing texting Luke?

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