• Chapter Eighteen •

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The rest of the vacation you had with Ted blurred together. You had as much fun as you could with him before he had to leave. And it's months after the incident and you still tense up in your own house. Ted calls you whenever he has the chance to, even if he's editing. Always making sure you're safe and sound. You both know that Hunter is in jail again, but this time for good. You had to testify in court for self-defense. Giving all the evidence in which you could. You even installed cameras in your house now for extra security.

You and Ted had plans of moving in together. Not just for your safety but because you both felt serious about the relationship and wanted to take a step forward. Ted had also explained to the boys what happened and pretty much kept everything else under lock and key. Not ready to talk about anything at all. You hardly even wanted to talk about it with anyone. But you did briefly tell your family. They came to visit shortly after it all happened to make sure you were doing okay and it felt nice to know that you were cared for at that moment. Schlatt and Charlie expressed their condolences and offered any help they could.

It meant a lot to you that you had so many people in your life willing to put you first. To protect you. Along with that you kept up with your business, addressing and apologizing for the hiatus. Explaining without any context that you had emergency family issues and weren't going to talk about it. You were so thankful that your fanbase was so supportive and didn't question much. It lifted quite a bit of weight off your shoulders knowing your privacy was valued.

So as weeks passed by, you put things in boxes. Zelda jumping in and out of most of 'em. It wasn't until Ted flew back to your place to help you move your things out and set "sail" to California. You both joked about this being your first road trip together. But all and all you were having a fun time already. Ted knew you could be tense at times, a bit paranoid himself. Which meant you took any precautions you could on the way to Cali. Locking doors on both your car and hotel rooms. Always looking behind you or just around the general area. Being more observant than usual. You were traumatized and paranoid beyond belief. But none the less you made the trip as enjoyable as possible. Even stopping at some famous landmarks.

Of course Ted was making a video about it because, hell, free content is free content. And you didn't mind of course, you gave him permission to do so. You hadn't really publicly came out as a couple yet but he figured that this vlog would be a perfect start. And you agreed.

"And here is the Grand Canyon, here in good ol' Arizona!" You said to Ted's camera whilst gesturing to the landscape behind you. "I can honestly say, seeing it in person is so amazing." Ted said as he panned over to the scene. "Just like you!~" You said cutely as Ted kinda became flustered, making a slight joke out of it. "Wha-Ahhh Come On- What are you talking about you... nerrrrd." He said with a small laugh. Making you lerch forward and laugh. "Oh now I'm a nerd?" You jokingly asked. "The biggest one here as a matter of fact." Ted playfully bullied you. "Guys do you here this bologna? So unfair. You wouldn't say that to Schlatt or Charlie." You said as you turned around, leaning over the guard rail of the tourest site. "That's because they aren't nerds (Y/N), viewers I want you to tell me how much of a nerd they are in the comments." He said behind the camera as you just stared at his stupid grin, smiling to yourself.

You both continued on, making more memories and recordings as you finally arrived at Ted's doorstep once again. You groaned for a moment as you reached the door, "I have to bring in all my stuff man. The least fun part about moving." You joked, carrying Zelda's kennel in your hand. "That's what happens hun, you can't avoid it. But atleast you have an extra set of hands from this guy." He said as he pointed both thumbs at himself like a dork. Making you smile and shake your head. "That I am thankful for." You replied as you laid your head against his chest. He lovingly kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back. "For now though, let's get inside and rest. We can get your things out at anytime this week." He said as he turned away from the hug, unlocking the door. You both walked inside, taking your shoes off and setting Zelda down. Letting her rome around and get used to the place.

As you got over to the couch you just plopped down, exhausted as hell. You rubbed your face and eyes as you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist. "I'm so happy to be home and have you here with me finally. We can cuddle every night now." Ted said happily. "I know I'm so excited. I will say though if your either a major bed hog or a major blanket stealer. I will with no remorse, kick you off the bed." You joked as you looked at him for a moment, staring at his eyes. "I can promise you I'm not either of those. I'm just an incredibly heavy sleeper. And a major cuddler. So, rest assured you'll have all the room and warmth you need." He said with a wide smile. As you leaned your head against Ted's shoulder, you felt a soft pair of paws place themselves across your thigh.

And for months this is how your life continued. Waking up and seeing the love of your life each morning. Getting to know his small quirks, like how he leaves toothpaste in the sink. Or how he'll misplace things that are clearly right infront of his face. All the annoying, frustrating and wonderful things. You wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Hello my sweet lovelies,
I'm sorry if the ending feels rushed but, I lost motivation for this book halfway through writing it and I wanted to end it for you guys so not only could you all have closure, but atleast I wouldn't have to worry about this project lol. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this wild ride, and if you want more Ted content from me, be sure to drop by ny oneshot book and leave some requests!

Love yous 💕 -Onyx

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