Friends with the Aviler

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"What do you mean thought what?" I asked.

"Thought what?" He said. 


"What are you thinking about?"

"Of how you said that 'I thought'"

"Okay. I understand, now."


He is close to me.

"But," he said, "we are friends."

"Yep, we are."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure."


"Do you want to hear my story?"

"What story?"

"My first love story."

"Um, okay..." That was out of the sudden."

"Why? Is it weird?"

"Um, no... it's fine"

"Does it seem weird? Like, out of the sudden?"

"Uh, yeah..."

Is he near?

"I'm next to you." He said. "Dumb dumb."


"Eh?" He said.


"Hey, I'm trying to tell you about my first love story..."


"Because you said that you want to hear it."


"I mean, you didn't actually say that, you just responded that you want to hear my first love story with an, 'okay'"

"Yeah, I did."

"Okay, so I will tell you about my first love story."


"Do you want to hear about it?"

"Yeah." But I wanted to know why he wanted to tell me all the sudden.

"But," I said, "why do you want to tell me about that?"

"Because you said that love is useless." He answered. "So, I want to convince you that love is not useless. It is important. It's actually the most important. More than benefit. More than anything. You should know that. I am heartbroken."

"By what?"

"By my first love story."


"I will tell you."



"No silence."

"Um, okay." That was surprising. 

"Just more surprising."


"More okays."


"Okay, I will tell you."

He said, 

"Of when I was an Angel."

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