2 ~✧ clean sheets

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A LOUD STATIC rings in Wilhelm's ear as he opens his eyes, eyelashes struggling to separate for the first time in what seems like forever. A cloudy haze slowly lifts from his vision, leaving a trail of blurriness behind it. No matter how many times he blinks, the fogginess remains. Taking in his surroundings, a beeping noise also comes into earshot. He groans and shifts, but winces when he feels a sharp pain travelling through his left arm upon moving it.

Thats when everything comes flooding back to him.

Screams, cries, honks, yells, sirens, glass, blood, Erik, ERIK

Where is Erik? His chest rises and falls faster than it should. Where is Erik? His body instinctively shoots up and looks around. So what if his arm feels like it has shattered just from putting the slightest amount of pressure on it? All that matters is Erik. Speaking of, where is he?

"Erik?" he calls out, waiting for somebody, (preferably Erik) to respond. He tries to get out of the bed he's in, but is immediately met with a tsunami of dizziness, sending him crashing back onto the bed he's in. He blinks. Aggressively shakes his head. Tries again. Stumbles back onto the bed. This is so frustrating, why can't his body understand he needs to get up and run to Erik? He pants, he stood up twice, why is he out of breath? He takes a large breath, before standing up again. He wobbles slightly, but steadies himself. His vision turns splotchy and black spots appear around him. Okay, never mind. He plops back down on the bed and groans in frustration.

He looks around again, there has to be a button to call somebody. Maybe Erik?

He tries once more. This time, slowly. He begins to stand, slow and steady wins the race, right?

"Nej! Ah-ah-ah,"

Wille blinks confusedly at the nurse that has just walked into the room. Eyes wide as he is pushed back down on to the blank bed. Seriously, they couldn't come up with a cooler room design than this? Everything just looks like a blank canvas waiting to be painted.

The nurse looks shocked. Why is she shocked? Shouldn't she know he's supposed to be looking for Erik?

"Stay here. Don't move, okay? You're much too hurt to be walking anywhere. I will be right back, okay? Do not move." She commands, and Wille is taken slightly aback by her statement. He does as he is told, beginning to pant for breath again. His lungs don't feel satisfied, like they could use more air. 1, 2, 3, in... 3, 2, 1, out. He gives in, laying back down in the clean sheets that hug the bed below him. Not a few seconds later, another nurse walks in.

"Ah, you're up! How are you feeling?" She asks, taking out a clipboard. "Been better," he mumbles, shifting slightly.

"What hurts?" She says after she scribbles something on the clipboard she's holding. "Like i've been stabbed. Many times. Mainly in my face, especially my nose and arm." He answers truthfully. She walks over to him, reaching out for his arm. She presses down on it ever so slightly, but Wilhelm yelps in pain, retracting his arm from the nurse. It has a cast on it, which he hadn't bothered to pay attention to before, but even with the protection on the injured arm, it still aches upon moving it.

"So it hurts right there?" She asks, and Wilhelm flinches when she brings her hand to hover over the spot. He nods, gulping. "So when the car made contact with the tree that you hit, the windshield shattered and shot into the both of you." She tries to act calm, but Wilhelm is feeling the opposite of calm. "Which is why you have a lot of bandages on your face, see?" Wilhelm felt the patches on his face. That's going to leave a lot of scars. "Unfortunately, the airbags had failed, causing you and Erik to slam into the dashboard in front of you. The impact caused you to break your nose, which is why it hurts so much." She explains. "Your arm was in front of you when you slammed into the dashboard, as well, and it shattered upon impact. Luckily, that was the worst of the injuries. The rest of them are mainly bruises and scars from glass. Nothing a little pain meds couldn't ease."

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