'caged cries '
"it's funny how a memory, turns into a bad dream"
We all loose things and people close To us at some point of time. It's typical and obvious. Yet we Can't manage to fully overcome the pain, the sadness-what we call 'emotions'. When in reality, it's just a term given to it. We do not know why, how and what makes it happen. We make memories with those close to us-we live and enjoy time together. It's supposed to be sealed in our minds forever as an unforgettable memory, making you smile. "Does it really, though? " we always take the people most important to us for granted. We want them to be there forever,when we know it's impossible. They become the colorful, beautiful, aromatic flowers in our lives; bloomed and cheerful. Always there when we're low. Always to bring a smile on our face. We keep these 'flowers' close To us; in vases and pots called 'hearts'. We water them, care for them and feel fresh and relieved in their company what according to us is 'love, affection and comfort.' Little do we know that bloomed flowers don't always remain the same. Someday, they will fall off and fade away like rotten leaves. But as the thought crosses,even for a fraction of seconds-we opt to push it away. "why think of such thoughts? "we frown, we pass it off. We continue living, like we always are. We grow up, find ourselves stepping into grasslands and vallies, From our little nursery of beloved flowers. We experience new worlds, new ways and 'duties'. We get busy,leave The nursery every morning,not thinking much of the waving flowers bidding US a good day. Time passes like usual-days, weeks, months, years. Each day with a new goal and busy schedule. Then like any other day, one evening after a long and tiring day, we step into the nursery and find it awfully silent. Then comes the sudden realisation. The smiling flowers are no more. They fall off, frozen as if they never exsisted. We watch before our eyes as our nursery crumples down, leaving behind not a single trace of where it has gone. We collapse, our pulse races,heart stings and an uncontrollable feeling washes over us. And we begin blaming ourselves. 'why did I take them for granted? ','why did I forget what was right before my eyes? ','why did I ignore? ' we let out cries, loud, hoarse, depressed. We loose ourselves-we don't know what to do. We stop everything for days and the world looks dull and gloomy. We wish we could reverse time, we wish our flowers would come back, we wish we realised sooner. But it's too late. We can't think straight, we can't focus. All the little things we'd said and done comes to mind. Our 'case'breaks and we shed countless tears, and finally decide to seal them. We try to remain positive,and collect petals of those flowers, hoping they would always be a part of our conscience. Why then, do we feel so broken, so alone even after years have passed by? Why do the 'memories ' make us feel so melancholic? They make is feel dejected, and yet remain caged in our brains like a deep imprint. Why does it refuse to let go? Why do we hate life? Are these 'memories' really helping us? Or are they the reason for our downfall? Do they Still make us smile? Or is it the opposite of what we think? Worth to be thought about, isn't it? Maybe we are hated by life instead of we hating it. And at the end of the day, we still live.
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UNRAVEL ~ Stories Untold~
Non-FictionJust like footprints Trailing along, Over the frosty snow... So much in mind, so less to say, so difficult to express... For the untold tales, mysteries, emotions To the answers of Questions we seek To the slips of the tongue or the subconsious l...