Just for practice, Right? (Kissing)

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Casey(mainly) 3rd person Pov

Donnie was sitting in his lab, working on whatever it is he needed to do. Casey watched from the doorway, April already told him the plan, he was extremely nervous about this, but it was just for practice, right? How come he had to do it and not Donnie? Casey sighed a bit and finally went up to Donnie, hesitantly he would place a hand on their shoulder, now getting Donnie's attention. Donnie turning to face Casey and was met face to face, very close to each other, "C-Casey?" Donnie stuttered as Casey placed a hand on his face.

Casey lifted Donnie's face a bit, aligning it so it'll be easier to kiss, "Donnie, can I-" Casey was cut off by Donnie, a kiss, he didn't expect for Donnie to move in so quickly, but he liked it. Casey kissed back, both of them melting into the kiss, Donnie wrapped his arms around Casey's neck, and Casey wrapped his arms around Donnie's torso.

They stayed like this for a bit but soon they separated, both blushing, silence for a bit before Casey spoke, "April told you?" Donnie was so confused, "Tell me what?" "About the trial?" Casey was now also confused, but it clicked when seeing Donnie's hurt expression. Donnie looked away a bit, "O-Oh, yeah, of course she d-did." Casey wasn't buying it, picking Donnie up and stealing his chair, Donnie placed gently on his lap. Donnie blushed, a bit confused, "uh, C-Cas-" Donnie was now the one being interupted by a kiss, he was hesitant but kissed back, refusing to let it be as short as last time.

Eventually they stopped and began to hug each other, Donnie was confused, "W-why?" Casey smiled, "You're too cute, couldn't help myself." Donnie blushed more than he already was, hiding his face in Casey's shoulder, "I-I thought you like April." Casey laughed a bit, "I thought you liked her too." He did have a point, they both did, guess they didn't realize their feelings for each other til now. Oh well, Casey is just going to take advantage of the time they are spending together, resting his head in Donnie's neck, "Doesn't matter right now." Donnie gave a small smile, he'll take in this moment for now too, a hand moving to Casey's hair, slowly playing with it.

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