ii • wednesday

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scenario: wednesday confessed her feelings for you and is still waiting for a response back from you

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scenario: wednesday confessed her feelings for you and is still waiting for a response back from you.

PT. 1 of 2

september 17th


wednesday's pov:

there she was, sitting in front of me.

the girl who had me confused about what i was even feeling.

ever since i got to nevermore y/n seemed to have an effect on me, not the bad kind of effect but something that i doubted i would ever feel.

romance and friendships were never something i ever wanted to be involved with but i guess this girl is slowly changing that for me.

no. nope! romance is a waste of time, i kept telling myself this and i always will.

but yet this girl has done nothing but cause my stomach to errupt with butterflies...

me and y/n we're currently out in jerico at the weathervane since it was her treat to take me out.

she looked very stunning, breathtaking.

wednesday what are you even thinking, what did we say about romance?!

nothing but a WASTE of time.

"wednesday?" y/n asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"yes?" i asked, not in the mood.

"is everything okay? you looked. a little bit lost for a moment" she chuckled.

"i'm fine."

no, i wasn't.

this girl was making me feel weird and i can't handle it anymore.

wednesday, do it now or never.

"y/n, i lied" i spoke up breaking the silence.

she turned and looked at me confused.

"i like you." i said.

i saw the way y/n's eyes immediately widened when i said that.

"romance isn't even anything fun to brag about but for some reason you changed that. you have been having an effect on me since the day i transferred here. i hate to admit to it but i have... what's the word?" i thought

"feelings?" y/n asked.

"yes. feelings. for you" i finished.

she continued staring at me for a few seconds before she did something that made me regret even telling her.

"i uhm.. have to go..." y/n said as she rushed out of the cafe.

i face palmed myself.

i guess wednesday addams wasn't meant for this romance stuff.

present day

it has been 2 days since i told y/n about how i truly felt about her.

we still saw eachother throughout the day but no one ever spoke.

i should have known that romance wasn't something that someone like me couldn't handle or even do.

i was currently working on my novel on my typewriter, well mainly because i wanted to get my mind off of y/n.

who knew that she had THIS much of an effect on me.

just as i was finishing my last page for today i heard the dorm room door opening.

"hey wednesday" enid said.

"hello, enid"

"i uhm.. heard about what happened with y/n, is everything okay?"

"i'm fine. it's normal." i replied with a tone.

was i really fine tho? or was i just trying to keep my same "i don't care" energy?

i mean i guess i could ask for her input on what i should do in this burdensome yet bizarre situation.

"well, could you give me your direct opinion on what i should do" i asked.

"of course, that's what besties are for!" she squealed.

one of the things i'll never understand about enid is how can she be so energetic?

enid grabbed my arm and sat me down on her bed.

"well wednesday if we are being honest i feel like you did the absolute right thing. you were honest about your feelings, which i never thought would happen"

i mentally rolled my eyes because she was right i just didn't want to admit it.

"but i feel like the only thing you can do is to either wait until y/n comes forward about it and talks to you. but i know what you are probably thinking right now so the next thing you could do is to go talk to her yourself because chances are, she might just be waiting for you to talk to her because she probably doesn't know how to bring up the topic herself."

i can't believe that i was about to say this but enid was right.

i know i was the one who brought up the whole feelings thing but knowing y/n she is a very shy person, she is probably scared to talk to me about it.

i decided to make up my mind and fix this situation myself.

"i think i'll go talk to her, do you know where she is right now?" i asked.

"i just saw her at the quad, she might still be there"

"okay. thank you."

i stood up and walked towards the exit, just as i was about to close the door i looked back at enid.

"and enid. it's a pentagon" i said before shutting the door behind me.

i quickly rushed down the stairs and made my way to the quad enterance.

just as i got there i caught my eye on y/n, there she was sitting by the fountain looking down.

"well, here goes nothing" i said to myself as i made my way towards her...

to be continued...

wednesday / enid x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now