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Sometimes your friends can't notice when you're having a moment with someone and might interrupt said moment by calling them from across the street. Tao was that friend, and Valentina was forced to remind herself that he was her friend, and she shouldn't hurt him.

Tao Xu was another member of the Krusiec girl's friend group, along with Charlie Spring, Elle Argent, and Isaac Henderson. When Valentina reached the side of the street, where Tao stood, he immediately looked over her shoulder curiously. "Was that Juniper Balderas you were talking to?"

"Why do you and Elle say her full name like she's some celebrity?" The raven-haired girl crossed her arms, as she watched Tao look at her completely baffled.

"Because she is! Juniper is one of the most popular year 11 girls at Higgs. Besides, it's common knowledge that you have to say a person's full name when they are at a high status of popularity." The look on Valentina's face told her beanie-wearing friend that she was unamused by his dramatics and supposed universal truths.

"Mhmm, Tao you better have something important to say, or else I'm leaving." If they keep on talking both of them would surely be late for their class.

"Oh are the things I say not important enough for you?" Ever the dramatic. It was a surprise to Valentina that the taller boy hadn't joined a Drama club or something.

"Not really." Tao gasped dramatically holding his right hand to his heart as if Val had stabbed him right then and there.

"Rude..! Look I just wanted to ask about Elle." Suddenly Tao looked nervous and was fiddling with his weirdly styled hair.

"Ooh, I see." Valentina had a knowing smile on her face that made Tao feel slightly concerned about what she was seeing.

"A-And You! I wanted to see how both of you are doing." Tao stumbled on his words. They both know his main concern was for Elle.

"Sure. Well, she's great, already loving Higgs." With those words Tao lit up he was glad that Elle was enjoying her new school.

"She's not having any trouble though is she?"

"Well..." A protective expression forms on his face like he was ready to beat someone up for messing with Elle.

"She's been having trouble paying attention because her eyes are glued to her phone since you two text non-stop." A sheepish smirk could be seen on Tao's face when he laughs and Valentina shakes her head in amusement.

"Okay good, I thought you were going to say something bad." With that, Tao looks content with the information he gains from his friend.

"Now it's your turn, what's new with you guys?" Since the new term, their friend group hadn't been able to hang out as frequently as they normally did. So Val was dying to gossip with them usually, Isaac was the one she went to for the tea, but Tao was equally equipped to provide her with details.

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