Chapter 2

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Once Neteyam left, the rest of us went down to the surface and started walking away from hometree. Before we got too far Lo'ak stopped leading us and looked at Tuk.

"Tuk, you should stay here. You're too slow to keep up with the rest of us. And it's too dangerous for you to go where I want to go."

"No, I'm not! I can keep up." She said looking at our brother. "Where are you wanting to go, Lo'ak?" Kiri stepped in before he could argue with Tuk.

"The old battlefield," He said calmly.

"What? Lo'ak you skxawng! You know we aren't allowed to go there!" I said firmly looking at him. I would say that I was shocked he wanted to go there, but that would be a lie. I couldn't say that I blamed him though. We knew almost every inch of the whole forest, except for the battlefield. It was the only mystery we had left here. Dad said it was too dangerous, and that there wasn't a reason for us to be there in the first place. "Oh come on. It can't be that bad. It'll be quick, I just want to look around."

"If you go without me I'm telling mom!" Tuk said, putting herself back in the conversation. Lo'ak shook his head, "This is why I don't tell you things Tuk. You just go cry to mom and dad." Tuk stuck her tongue out at our brother.

"Dad will kill us if we go there. It's not a good idea." Kiri said picking Tuk up as if she was protecting her.

"I don't see what harm it'll do if we just go for a minute or two," I said softly looking up at my older siblings. Lo'ak smiled, "There. See? Nelyia gets it. Come on, it'll be fine." 

Despite her better judgment, Kiri decided to come along with us. We all ran through the forest without a care. It wasn't long before we made it to the battleground, but before we got too close, we all stopped. The air had a new scent. An alien scent. We all froze and looked at each other silently, before getting up in the trees to look down on the possible threat. I was the first to reach a good vantage point, seeing people who looked like Na'vi but wore all camouflage and carried big guns. They seemed to be rummaging through the place, getting data off of old mech suits from the sky people. "You have to tell dad, Lo'ak," I whispered next to him, soft enough that the imposters wouldn't be able to hear us.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lo'ak reached his hand up to his neck and started talking, "Dad? Dad, can you hear me?" I quickly put on my com device and listened to their conversation. "Lo'ak, send your traffic."

"We are out in the forest. There are people here who look like Na'vi, but they're wearing camo and have ARs."

"Alright do not engage. Do you read me? Do not engage. Who is with you?"

"It's me, Nelyia, Kiri... Tuk."

"Okay... Alright, all of you need to get out of there. Don't make a sound. I'm on my way. Where are you?"

He hesitated again, "The old battlefield."

"Don't make a sound. Get out of there." I heard the anger in his voice. "Yes sir," Lo'ak whispered as we all started to make our way down the tree. Once we were all down, we started running, me in the front. "I told you this was a bad idea!" Kiri whisper yelled. Before anyone could say anything else, one of the sky people jumped out from nowhere and grabbed me, holding a knife against my neck. I yelped and tried to break away from them, only to have them pull my hair and press the knife harder against my neck.

Lo'ak had his knife in his hand and was swinging it toward the intruders. It didn't take long for them to get him on the ground, along with Kiri and Tuk. The one that must have been in charge walked over to me and grabbed my hand looking at it. "Would you look at that... You're Sully's kid. Aren't you?"

I hissed at him trying to fight myself free of his grasp. He let go of my hands and looked around at all of us, taking note of our hands.  "Well well, seems like we've caught a whole litter of Sully kids here. Ain't that something." He walked back over to me, kneeling down to be at eye level. "Why don't you tell me where your dad is, and then I can send you on your way." Without saying a word, I held my hands back up and gave him the bird with both, smiling just a little as I did. "So that's how you want to do it huh?" The man holding me back pressed his knife harder against my throat leaving a small cut. 

"Leave her alone!" Lo'ak yelled from behind the one in charge. He turned around to face my brother but decided to say nothing to him. Instead, he instructed his men to take us with them. They tied our hands together and held us by our hair while they waited for their ship to come to get them.

In the distance, I could hear a familiar call. Mom. My siblings must have recognized it too because they all started to look around too. I heard Kiri mumbling something about our Great Mother, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. "You guys are so dead," I said softly to the man holding me captive. He pulled hard on my hair and told me to shut up. Just then, an arrow came flying past my face and straight into the man's head. As soon as he released me, I went straight toward the man holding Tuk. Before I got there, another arrow came in, killing that one too. I quickly grabbed my little sister and started running into the forest. Kiri had come along, so Tuk went with her. 

I wasn't sure how far the rest of my family had gotten away from the fight. The panic that any of them might not make it was creeping inside my bones. I started to cry as I made my way through the forest. In the distance, I could hear my family talking to each other. "Where is Nelyia?" I heard Tuk's little voice first, then Kiri's. "I lost her in the crowd." Just then I had made it into the clearing where they all stood. "Nelyia," Dad let out a harsh sigh of relief. I walked closer to them all as tears streamed down my face. "Daddy," my voice trembled as he wrapped me up in a tight hug. "It's alright, baby girl. You're alright." I felt the rest of my family join in on the hug, everyone was breathing heavily. "Thank you, Great Mother," I heard mom say softly as she placed her hand on my head. 



Sorry this one is kinda long. I would say that the other ones won't be like this, but I can't promise that. Anyways, hope you are enjoying this so far!

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