Chapter 14

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Within a few minutes, I heard the Metkayina people making their war cries. Above me, I heard a more than familiar call. The call of an ikran, more accurately, mom's ikran. The aliens must have learned what that sound was, because they all looked up, seeing it flying around them. One went to take aim at it, but their leader told them to wait. I looked at the water in the distance seeing what must have been the entire Metkayina clan. The leader walked over to Lo'ak, once again taking his com device off of his neck and ear before holding it up to his own. 

"Long time no see there Jake. I'm sure you got eyes on me here but let me just explain what's gonna happen next. I took you under my wing, Jake. You took that and killed your own, good men. Do not think for a second that I will hesitate to kill your kids here today. You're gonna come out, alone. If you don't, you'll have your own kids' blood on your hands." He held a gun up to my head, exaggerating his point. I hissed at him, looking into his eyes and hoping that he wouldn't be able to see the fear I was trying to hide in my own.  "I'll start with this one that reminds me too much of you," He finally spoke into the com again, not breaking eye contact with me. 

Lo'ak was fighting the handcuffs again, "Leave her alone!" He shouted as he tried to break them. The aliens just ignored him. They had started to back away when suddenly there was a loud crash of water, and a giant tulkun landed on the ship, killing a few sky people as it did. "Payakan!" I shouted, happy to see my old friend. He was using his fin to squash and throw people off of the boat, with Lo'ak who helped by kicking a man into Payakan's range. It wasn't a minute before the Metkayina clan approached the boat, along with mom and dad, and immediately started killing the aliens off. Once the deck we were on was clear from any enemies, Neteyam ran onto the boat and set us all free. 

"Go go go!" He shouted as he got Tuk free, telling her to get away from the boat. She jumped into the water after Tsireya as Neteyam freed Lo'ak and me. I jumped into the water soon after I was freed, and looked behind me expecting to see my brothers. But I didn't. What I did see, was Tuk being chased by one of the crab-looking robots again. Without a second thought, I quickly swam toward her. Just as I reached her, the robot fired another giant net. I quickly pushed Tuk out of the way and got caught in the net. I looked around trying to find any weak points that I would be able to break free from, but I saw nothing of the sort. What I did see, was Kiri holding onto it as the robot drew in the net. Let go I signed to her, but she only shook her head. Even if she had let go, it would have been too late anyway. 

We were both dragged back onto the ship, despite our fighting to break free. One man grabbed my arm and lifted me out of the net. He started dragging me back toward a rail that he would then use to handcuff me to. I quickly bit his arm, hoping that if I bit him hard enough that he would let go, but it did nothing but piss him off. He threw me on the ground, but before I was able to react, he punched my gut knocking the air out of me, "Stupid bitch" he growled as he cuffed me to the rail. Kiri had already been cuffed. "Nelyia!" She called once the men walked away, "Nelyia, are you alright?" I nodded slowly, still trying to regain my breath. 

A few minutes later, I heard shuffling from behind us causing me to turn around. My heart sank when I saw Tuk and Tsireya coming toward us. "Tuk, you shouldn't be here!" I whispered to her. She got closer and started trying to free me and whispered back, "Sullys stick together." To my dismay, the alien's leader came around the corner, seeing my baby sister and the Metkayina girl. Without hesitation, he threw Tsireya off the ship, grabbed Tuk, and quickly cuffed her back to the railing. "I can't believe I'm tied up again," Tuk wailed as she tugged on the handcuffs. 

The leader stood by us now, making sure that nobody else would try to free us. Or if they did, he would be there to stop them. One of his men came running toward him, "Sir, we got one of Sully's. Fred shot him, it hit him in the spine. No way he'll survive it." My heart dropped, and I whipped my head around to look at my sisters who looked just as terrified as I did. "Good, that'll draw him out. Get me the kid's communicator. I think I've got a message for Sully that'll put an end to all this." 


Y'all we are getting to the good shit. But you know I gotta leave it on a cliffhanger. Sorry, not sorry. 😂

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