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I blink and I'm on stage I couldn't tell you how or what path I took I just blink and I was there. My gods I think I might lose conscience. Her eyes are the lightest shade of violet. The most amazing color I've ever seen. My heart lurches and my breath catches as does hers. I feel the pulsing grow immensely and see a silver ring appear on the outer most part of her violet eyes. It starts to glow and I notice the pulsing in her new silver ring matching the pulsing in my eyes. I have no doubt now that I have that same ring. Reaching forward like I instinctively knew what to do I place my open palm on her bare chest just right of center. I shudder as her palm parts my dress shirt and makes contact with my skin. Leaning forward we touch our heads. As if on cue we both speak "what was meant to be together, may it not be broken"

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