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"what the hell was that? Ow what did he do?" grabbing the collar of my flannel shirt I jerk it down to bare now aching chest. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Oh my god oh my god. I've been kidnapped by a cult.

"Miss Smalls" says Titus , with his hands extending in an attempt to ease my nerves, slowly he stalks towards me periodically glancing down at the man on the floor. Following his gaze I take him in for the first time. He is huge. I mean everyone is huge compared to someone that's barely bigger than the average 12 year old. But he is "big" big. Like bigger than the football players in the NFL. Makes them look like they skipped gym day their entire lives.

"what's wrong with him?" I ask blinking as not yet able to look away. "And what the hell is this shit?" pointing at my chest I realize for the first time that It hasn't been hurting. Now in place of that searing cold is a tingling sensation that amplifies when I glance back in his direction. "It appears..he has passed out" Titus answers and I notice he his fighting back a chuckle. He struggles to reign in his smile.

"The mark, well that is a soulbond." he burst this out like I'm supposed to have any idea what it even means. "and a soul bond would be what exactly?" I wait looking at Titus and after seeing hesitation in his face I scan the room landing on each person until I find one that looks workable.

Her eyes widen as she realized I'd locked in on her. "what is a soulbond?" I repeat this time with a little honey drizzled on for effect. softening before me her eyes relax and a small smile crosses her face. Just as her lips part and she fills her lungs for a response, she rapidly blinks and quickly chirps "im sorry I think we need to wait for Al.....Dean to come to and then we can continue." 

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