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Turning at the sound of knocking I see the door open a little and his head pokes through.

"miss smalls, I would like to introduce you to Lady Harth, she's the crone we spoke of earlier."

I shake my head at his announcement trying to emulate an air of coolness. "yes Lady Hart I remember. how is it that I can help you exactly?"

at this point in my visit I would say I have held my shit together. I've only just sold my house flew and drove for hours across the country to a town in bum fuck Egypt and to add the cherry to the top of the shit sundae I found out im not human and the world Is not what I thought it was. aint that a bitch.

"Miss Smalls you can relax, we have time to take it as slow as you need so that you can let it appropriately sink it." she softly touches my cheek as she speaks. this lady is so weird. she speaks like my maw maw but looks like she could be my sister. I guess its magic. being a witch and all.

"im sorry" I blurt out breaking the contact.

"you just told us that you have drafted us into a war and now your telling me I have time to fuck around and soak in it?" I might have got a little heated at the end there.

"easy" she speaks and I felt like a small child getting scorned.

she takes a seat at the table and clears her throat "I never said I drafted you dear, that my darlings was fate herself. you didn't think of bonding like yours wouldn't be a precursor for greater things? I mean really Dean your not that naive". I look at him and he is nodding in agreement.

"okay my mistake, poor choice of wording. but please, can you just stop speaking in riddles and just give it to me straight. cause right now I am so damn confused." I blurt it all out releasing some of the stress and frustration with it. I notice Dean has taken a spot right beside me and has put his hand on the small of my back. his skin making contact with mine where my flannel had bunched. sparks traveled through me radiating from the contact. somehow and I cant explain it my body relaxes. my fear and anger and whatever the hell else I was feeling just disapated. like his touch alone held the key to my mind, body, and soul and with it he pulled it all away.

clearing my throat I don't pull away but I can feel the flush creeping up my chest. at the sound of her voice I shift my gaze to give her my full attention.

"As im sure Dean gave you a very thorough breakdown of your new situation, I will not overwhelm you by doing it again. the union of your two factions has never been recorded. not to say that it hasn't happened, we just haven't heard of it. you see darlings yours is just the one of many new bondings that are happening all across the shadow world we are getting reports daily".

"By we you mean the Shadow council" I interject wanting to clarify as much as I can to make sure I don't get lost.

Shaking her head yes she continues "up until 2 weeks ago it has been known that you bond with another shadow member of your respective house. no cross bonding and definitely no bonding with humans. now today I can confirm not only your cross bond and but a few more. As well as a confirmed case of bonding with a human. " she pauses for what I assume is dramatic flair.

''Myself and the council are planning to release a statement to the shadow world today. in it we will be releasing the hidden prophecies contents and confirming is fruition."

"your kidding?" Dean chuckles uneasy beside me. "Corinthia , are you telling me that two different houses bonded and with a human too? how...what does that even mean?"

I can sense the fear in his mind through the connection we still shared. that did not instill any confidence in me one bit.

"Dean I do not have the time to come here and tell you lies, yes it is all true. but what you must understand is that this is much more than new love interest. Our announcement today will also be a warning. war is upon us Dean, the dark factions have erupted with outrage at the rumors. once we confirm them today they will draw up their declarations of war. we expect to see them no later then this time tomorrow. these new bonds hold a place in this war, one that we haven't quite figured out but one that is bound to be instrumental in our survival. "

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