~The Crazy RED Ex Girlfriend~

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I wanted to believe that Pearl was taking the break up as well as me but by the look on Pearls face and her choice of clothing only confirmed my worse suspension's. The realization that Pearl had gone completely crazy for me did NOT flatter me in the slightest. It just deepened my regret but also enlarged the feeling that this is how it had to be and if that meant I would have a crazy ex girlfriend on my hands then I would just have to make do. That definitely doesn't mean I'm not scared oh of course I'm scared this is Pearl we're talking about! I have known her for a long a know not to take her kindness for weakness. I just hoped that she remembered what good friends we were because recently I've been finding her wandering around me and Cleo's base and when I confronted her she would say she got lost. I found this hard to believe but I wasn't trying to angrier her because if I ever had a chance to try and make amends she would most definitely turn me down. So I went to my base not thinking much of it. When a diamond sword was pointed at my throat. I tried turning to see who the person was but when trying to the person would just edge the sword closer to my throat causing a small cut to appear. Every bone in my body was telling me to run but I managed to keep calm remembering Cleo would becoming back any minute now. So I got the courage to ask "who are you and what to you want!" The slightly familiar voice I couldn't put my finger on because the person was using some sort of voice distorter said "oh you'll find that out shortly and as for what I want well that's quite simple.....you." How the last word was told made my terror rise 10 fold. Then the next thing I knew I felt a syringe stab my neck making my vision blur and I slowly fell unconscious as I felt myself being pulled the last thought I could make out was oh no.

<370 words!>

The Terrified Gay and the Crazy Ex (double life SMP Pearl and Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now