Play Pretend :)

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Scott POV:
     Okay I could deal with being kidnapped, not seeing the outside world for bit, and losing this series. But having to deal with Pearls insanity was a COMPLETELY different story. It's been a pretty long time sense she left me here but I'm still bleeding from her cutting her hand a little making me also feel that pain which still hurt agonizingly bad. I wanted to leave her as soon as possible and see Cleo. I wonder what she is doing right now. Maybe she's looking for me. What ever the case I can handle myself fine anyway I thought confidently! Until I heard the door and all my hope vanished now knowing she is definitely not afraid of hurting herself just to hurt me. Earlier she took off my blindfold so, "She could see the fear in my eyes" I of course didn't give her the satisfaction of doing so. Instead I gave her the best death glare I could muster while still in agony of the stinging cuts. She only laughed at this. She pushed hard on the cut on my arm wincing but looking satisfied in a very creepy sadist way.
"let. me. go." I said through gritted teeth finding it hard to speak through the pain."Okay okay feisty as always I see I will let you go under one condition you break up with Cleo let everyone know I am your one and only soulmate and you love me too death,"Demanded Pearl.
" Thats definitely more then one condition- OWWW JESUS CHRIST YOU CRAZY LADY OWWW okay okay calm down Jesus!" I screamed as Pearl added a new cut for my comment which is just how I am okay like come on!
"don't correct me when i'm villain monologuing and I wouldn't have to do that now come on we have to cover those cuts and bruises so people don't suspect anything when we go out." Pearl said annoyed.
Still having a little sass in my system I say, "and if I don't what are you gonna do crazy lady?". And I immediately regretted it as soon as I said it. As if on cue Pearl took a cut at my neck. I clenched my fists in pain but determined to keep a straight face which as a gay person pretty hard to do.  A/N: can vouch for that as a 💅
"That is what i will do" snapped Pearl as she cleaned the wound on her neck but hadn't bothered to clean mine as it stung.
"Well with that attitude of yours you can wait till next session to see the outside world bye." the absolute venom in her voice made me filled with fear but I didn't show it. Then she put my blindfold back on and left. I just sat there in pain silently crying unable to hold back the fear anymore. Well I guess i'm going to have to play pretend next session...

<500 words!>

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