Chapter 5

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Mike was getting his lunch a cup of joe, a ham and cheese sandwich, with a bowl of chili. He was halfway done with his sandwich when he got the call, he was upset at the loss but he was struck with a spark of hope that he might catch the guy who did it. That spark pushed him to drive to the house and see the horror of two days ago. It was truly Daja vue same scene ribs open blood pooled all around the body and the organs were thrown around the room. Mike knelt down and examined the corpse of the woman there was fear in her eyes he couldn't look at her anymore "Call the FBI" Mike said to one of the officers in the room with him. The officer nodded and left the room Mike got up and jotted down notes on his notepad that he pulled from his pocket. As he wrote he looked at the body squinting to catch all the details, in his notes he put, "Frantic unsub, Unsub is in control probably by the fear he emits, looking for something?." Mike tapped the notebook the last question nagging his brain, he couldn't think of anything so he headed back outside the house. The officer in the room jogged up to him with a phone in his hands, "What should I tell them boss?" the officer asked, Mike, looking at the officer's badge *Ah fuck* he thought, the guy was a rookie. "Give it to me I will tell them" the officer almost eagerly handed the phone over to him and then walked off to help deal with the crowd that was forming outside the yellow police tape. "Hello?" Mike asked as he walked around the house looking to see how the guy had gotten in, "Hello, is this the officer in charge?", "Ya this is head detective Mike Durnage, I'm calling to see if I can get one of your BAU units down here" he stopped outside the backdoor and looked into the house. He sighed as he found out how the guy got in, "We got a nasty fucker up here, he's ripping open people's rib cages" he finished, a few breathes past until the response came "Please send us all the files and crime photos you have of the case so far and we will dispatch a team to your department. Mike gave a sigh of relief, he was really glad they accepted the case he needed help with this one he didn't want more people to end up like this. Before he walked back to his car he noticed something, he approached a breaker box next to the door, and the door lock seemed to be damaged Mike opened it and saw that the control board was destroyed, but there was something else he squinted to see it but it was there a piece of red and yellow paint. He also noticed the weird scratches that went through the controls, they seemed to stab in but it wasn't blunt, there was a space in between each cut, he had seen this somewhere before Mike's eyes widened with slight terror the word crowbar echoed through his mind as he ran back to his car and sped to the police station.

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