Introductions, Request, and rules page!

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Hello Hello, Camo here, and welcome to the Pokémon scarlet and Violet oneshot book! Do note that this is my first oneshot book ever, so I may or may not be kinda sorta bad at this.. but I will try!

This is the request page, as mentioned by the title. Wanna ask for a oneshot or headcanon page with a character from Pokémon SV? Ask here! Though, there are rules, as mentioned.


- No NSFW/Smut requests. I cannot and will not write those whatsoever.
- Do note that these will take some time! I'm kinda juggling books here, so sorry in advance if your request takes a while to come out.
- No proships, please.
- Nothing illegal, like incest and whatnot.
- I suppose yandere themed requests..? I'm not too sure how to word it, but they make me kinda.. iffy. Sorry.

Cool? Cool. Now here's what IS allowed!


- Fluff! I'm not the best at it, but I will try to drown you all in pure serotonin ( /lhj )
- Hurt/Comfort. An absolute weak spot of mine.
- character x reader! However, keep it legal. Platonic/Romantic duos are allowed as well! Just clarify in case.
- Adding onto the last point, I might.. use my own SV character for these as well.. his name is piers :]
- Character hcs! Again, just no NSFW ones.

Is that everything?- Cool, it is. Well then, that's all from me, so ask away!

Violet synthwaves and Scarlet Skies! ( Oneshot Book )Where stories live. Discover now