Gym leader hcs!

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Gym leader headcanons, eh? Well then, let's see what I can do!

( This will be in no particular order whatsoever. )


- Definitely very chill ( haha get it ) and laid back. He loses his passion a bit quickly when it comes to certain situations.
- Rarely gets sick, probably because of him being a retired snowboarder/getting adjusted to the cold weather in the mountains.
- Very reserved, probably is the last person to speak during a discussion.
- His Cetitan probably rolled down the mountainside once, and he had to chase after it..


- Has 100% yelled the line "I AM AN ARTIST!" With the accent sometime. I cant be the only one who can hear him say that.
- Probably a bit of a perfectionist.
- Adding onto the last point, he will try his hardest not to make too many mistakes on a painting. It was originally just one mistake being too many, but Hassel got him to be a bit more relaxed about it, changing it to about 2 or 3. Yeah..
- Only has the whip to add onto his look. I myself have no idea why he has it to begin with..


- Definitely has played genshin impact ( I know nothing about the game, don't look at me )
- Was probably a Vtuber at some point before switching to streaming
- Constantly gets chastised about her not focusing on her job as a gym leader
- Though belibolt is an iconic Pokémon of hers, I like to think that her Mismagius was there the longest and one of her first actual gym team Pokémon.


- Probably watched Avatar the last airbender as a kid
- Gets off track SUPER easily. He needs to focus on getting something done? It'll most likely be set aside for a minute or two due to something else. This isn't super dire, thankfully.
- big man. gentle giant :] ( not a hc but hey, I'm not wrong )
- Accidentally fell into the riverbank a lot as a kid to look at Pokémon underwater. He does the same thing now, but is more careful not to fall in.


- Someone she's close to feels down? Immediately makes their comfort food.
- Will most likely not hesitate to go absolutely apeshit on somebody in battle, yet in the calmest way possible ( emotion wise )
- I like to think her Teddiursa sometimes helps out with her bakery, even with a little experience.


- "I miss my wife, chat."
- Desperately needs a promotion and break, though he never asks for either since he knows he has a job to get done. And he chooses to stick to it.
- Probably the only one with braincells out of the eight gyms alongside Grusha.
- Tends to overwork and is a light sleeper.


- One of the top 10 rappers Eminem was too scared to diss /j
- Can and will chastise anybody and everybody if need be.
- Composes her music with her Toxtricity and DJ G-raves ( if I remember the name correctly )
- Destroyed self esteem? Probably her fault from a rap battle.


- ...wait who were you again
- Likes the feeling of attention, though some days it's just better to go without much of any of that
- Probably had some sort of part in designing the gym leader's attires. Well, some of them.

That's all I got! Hope these are good ones. Requests are still open!

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