Break In/ Betrayal/ Girls Trip/ Marmalade's Deafeat/ Going Clean

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In Marmalade's Mansion, The Meteorite Was Glowing Bright Blue And Sparkling With Electricity As All The Mind Controlled Guinea Pigs Were Running After The Trucks With All Of The Charity Money.

Marmalade Was In A Room Laughing Maniacally As He Looked Through A Computer Screen To See His Heist Going According To Plan.

"Faster, Faster, My Little Pigs." Marmalade Said As He Pushed A Lever On The Control Panel To Make The Guinea Pigs Run Faster.


Groups Of Guinea Pigs Have Taken Out The Drivers And Drove The Trucks Away Causing Explosions And Making People Scream.


Wolf Drove The Car Toward Marmalade's Mansion And Stopped It.

"Once We Steal The Meteorite, We Take It Straight To The Police." Diane Said After Rolling Down The Window.

"And All Will Be Forgiven." Wolf Added.

Diane And Kaguya Looked At Each, Uncertain.

"So, How Are We Putting This? What He Needs To Hear Or He Wants To Hear?" Kaguya Asked.

"I Don't Know About 'All', But It's A Start." Diane Stated.

"An Odd Start." Kaguya Said, Making Wolf Glare At Her.

They Got Out Of The Car As Wolf And Diane Went Over An Electric Fence While Kaguya Turned Into A Wolf And Flipped Over It. They Ran Through The Front Yard And Hid Behind A Tree. They Climbed The Wall With Suction Cups As They Made It To The Top. When They Got To The Top, They Opened The Trapdoor As The Three Canines Slid Down A Rope Inside The Chamber.

They Landed Next The Meteorite Until Wolf Save The Golden Dolphin On A Pedestal.

"That's Strange. Why Would Marmalade Leave The Golden Dolphin Unprotected?" Wolf Asked As He Walked Towards It.

"Because Maybe It's A Trap." Diane Said.

"Yeah, It's Obvious Since He Wants Us To Think That It's Unprotected When Really It Is. Besides, Only An Idiot Would Fall For Something Like That." Kaguya Stated.

"Or Maybe..." Wolf Said As He Was About To Grab It.

"Wait, Wait, Wait!" Diane And Kaguya Yelled As She Ran Towards Wolf.

But As Soon As Wolf Grabbed The Golden Dolphin While The Girls Touched Him, They Got Electrocuted.


Kaguya Started To Wake Up And Saw Herself Chained Up.

"Where... Where Am I?" Kaguya Asked.

Kaguya Looked Over To See Marmalade With Cuddles Standing Behind Him.

"Oh, Kaguya, How Nice Of You To Return Back To Your Father." Marmalade Said.

"Yuru Neba Bi Mai Faza!" Kaguya Exclaimed.

"Huh?" Marmalade Asked, Not Understanding A Word She Just Said.

"I Said, You'll Never Be My Father, You Good For Nothing Rodent!" Kaguya Shouted.

"Well, Too Bad." Marmalade Said, Not Caring. "Cuddles, Put Her In The Machine."

Cuddles Grabbed Kaguya By The Chains And Put Her In Machine.

"You Won't Get Away With This!" Kaguya Exclaimed.

"I Surely Doubt That." Marmalade Said As He And Cuddles Leaves Her Alone.


Wolf And Diane Are Tied Up And Hanging Upside Down.

"Yeah, It Was A Trap." Wolf Said.

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