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It's Been A Year Since The Bad Guys Turned Themselves In.

But, On Snake's Birthday, The Bad Guys Were Being Set Free.


A Year Later, The Bad Guys Got Their Sentence Reduced For Good Behavior.

A Year Later, The Bad Guys Got Their Sentence Reduced For Good Behavior

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"Okay, So Imagine It's Your Birthday." Wolf Said.

"It Is My Birthday." Snake Stated.

"Yeah, I Know. So, But We're Walking Along And You Meet A Genie." Wolf Said As He And Snake Gave An Officer Their Prison Clothes.

"Okay. What's His Name?" Snake Asked.

"What's The Genie's Name?" Wolf Questioned.

"Yeah, I Wanna Know Who I'm Talking To." Snake Said.

"I Don't Genie Or Gene For Short. So, He Offers You Three Wishes." Wolf Said As He Grabbed His Coat.

"Why Three?" Snake Asked.

"You Know Industry Standard. Now, What Do You Wish For?" Wolf Wondered.

"Uh..." Snake Said, Thinking About His Answer.

"Good Luck Out There, Guys." A Male Police Officer Said As He Walked Past Snake And Wolf.

"I'm Gonna Go With Nothing." Snake Answered.

"Nothing? Come On, It's Your Birthday." Wolf Said.

"All Right, But What Do I Need Wishes For? I Got My Freedom." Snake Said As He And Wolf Exited The Door.

Wolf And Snake Met Up With Webs, Shark And Piranha, Who Were Standing At The Front Door.

"Hey." Webs Greeted.

"Guys!" Shark Said.

"Looking Good, Hermano." Piranha Commented As He High Fived Wolf.

"I Got My Friends."Snake Said.

"Aw." Webs Said.

"I Got The Skin Of A Reptile Half My Age." Snake Said.

"I Don't Know About Half Your Age, But You Do Look Good." Shark Said.

"Well, That's Because You Just Molted." Wolf Mentioned.

Two Police Officers Opened The Exit Doors.

"Yes, I Did." Snake Answered, Happily.

"You Smell Good, Too." Shark Added.

"I'm Shiny. I'm Gorgeous." Snake Complimented Himself.

The Bad Guys Laughed While Walking Out Of The Exit Doors.

They Stopped Laughing As They Stood Next To The Prison Wall And Looked At The Street.

"Uh, So What Do We Do Now?" Webs Asked.

"Steal A Car?" Piranha Suggested.

"Piranha!" Wolf Yelled, Angrily As He And The Others Looked At Him.

"I Was Joking. It Was A Joke." Piranha Said.

"You Know, On Second Thought, Wolf, Maybe I'd Wish For A Ride." Snake Said.

"Oh, Yeah? Alakazam." Wolf Said, Snapping His Fingers.

As Soon As He Snapped His Fingers, A Car Drove Toward Them.

The Car Stopped In Front Of Them With Diane In The Front Seat And Kaguya In The Passenger Seat.

"Hey, Guys. Ready To Get To Work?" Diane Asked.

"Hey. Whoa." Wolf Said He Grabbed The Cat, Who Jumped Into His Arms.

"Otosan!" Kaguya Exclaimed.

"Kid!" Wolf Shouted.

The Two Wolves Hugged Each Other, Happy To See Each Other Again.

The Bad Guys Got In The Car.

"Hey, You. That's Right. Come Here. Little Closer. I Said Closer!" 

 I Said Closer!" 

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The Screen Zoomed In On Wolf

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The Screen Zoomed In On Wolf. "Now That We've Had Time To Get Acquainted, Uh, Not So Scary Now, Are We?" Wolf Asked The Audience.

"Webs, Hit It." Wolf Said As He Puts On His Sunglasses.

Webs Played Some Music On Her Phone While The Others Put On Sunglasses As Wolf Drove Them Off, Ready To Start Their Lives Of Being Good

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Webs Played Some Music On Her Phone While The Others Put On Sunglasses As Wolf Drove Them Off, Ready To Start Their Lives Of Being Good.

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