Introducing The Crew/ Snake's Birthday/ Governor Diane Foxington

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It Was A Bright Sunny Day In California, Los Angeles. A Snake And A Wolf Were Drinking Coffee.

"Stop!" Snake Said, Already Annoyed With Wolf Bringing Up That Today Is His Birthday.

"I'll Asking About It If You Just Explain It To Us, Because I Don't..." Wolf Insisted.

"Would You Please Just Drop It?" Snake Asked, Cutting Wolf Off.

"Alright, Alright, Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine. Consider It Dropped. It's Dropped. It's On The Ground." Wolf Said.

"Good." Snake Said As He Pours Sugar In His Coffee.

"I Mean, Come On! Everybody Loves Birthdays." Wolf Said, Making Snake Groan In Annoyance. "You Got Decoratioons. You Got Balloons. And Parties, And Cake."

"Look! I Don't Need Presents! I Don't Want Decorations, And I'm Not A Cake Guy." Snake Hissed.

"Seriously, Though. You Don't Like Cake? Name One Food Better Than Cake." Wolf Asked.

"Guinea Pig." Snake Said With A Smile And His Tongue Sticking Out.

"Oh, Again With The Guinea Pig. I Bet If We Blindfolded You, You Wouldn't Be Able To Tell The Difference Between A Skunk And A Guinea Pig." Wolf Said As Snake Poured All Of The Salt Into His Coffee.

"Wrong. Snakes Have Impeccable Taste Buds. I Can Taste Air." Snake Said.

"Yes. Air." Snake Slurped His Tongue Out. "Mm. Nice."

"I Don't Know. They're A Little, Uh... A Little Cute For My Taste." Wolf Said As He Leaned On The Other Side Of The Table With Snake Licking His Coffee.

"That's What Makes Them So Delicious. You're Not Just Eating Food. You're Eating Pure Goodness. It's Not About The Pig. It's What It Symbolizes On A Deeper Level." Snake Explained.

Wolf Just Looked At Him With Confused Expressions.

"So, You Can... You Can Taste Air?" Wolf Asked.

Snake Groaned.

"What Else Can You Do?" Wolf Asked Again.

"Forget About It." Snake Said.

"W-W-Wait. Can You Also Hear Color?" Wolf Questioned.

Snake Groaned While Wolf Started Laughing.

"Can You See Sound?" Wolf Asked.

"All Right, All Right. Okay." Snake Said.

"'Cause We Should Really Be Capitalizing These Skills." Wolf Said As He Laughed.

"Okay, All Right, Fine. Get It All Out. Get It All Out Now." Snake Said.

"Okay." Wolf Chuckled.

Snake Then Cough Up An Alarm Clock On His Tail.

"Look At That. 4:00 PM. Now I Know The Exact Moment Our Friendship Died." Snake Said, Sarcastically.

Wolf Laughed Before Saying, "Let's Bounce."

"Yep." Snake Said.

Snake Threw The Alarm Clock Up And Swallowed It Again. As They Pushed Their Plates, They Got Up From The Booth.

"It Tastes Like... Like You're Going To Stick Me With The Bill Again." Wolf Said.

"Well, It Is My Birthday." Snake Smirked As He And Wolf Started Walking.

"So, Now You Play The Birthday Card? That's Interesting." Wolf Said As Snake Chuckled.

As They Waited For The Waiter To Swing By, Wolf Flashed A Charismatic Smile, But Everyone In The Diner Was Shaking In Fear.

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