Meeting a true family

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It had been a few days since Izuku had set out to sea and he was not doing very well. He had no idea where he was. There was no wind or tide; he was just drifting. "Figures! I finally escape that place and life just stops me again. God damnit!"

Izuku, in frustration, kicked the side of his boat. But then from below the surface he saw a shadow moving in the water. Huh! Maybe it's a fish; I could use some more food, he thought to himself. Izuku took the small fishing rod he had and baited the line before casting. After a few seconds, the line tightened and began to actually pull the boat. "Whoa!" Izuku stumbled trying to reel it in, but the line snapped before he got the chance. Damnit! Today is not a good day for me, he thought in annoyance. But then he saw that the shadow in the water had not disappeared, and was in fact getting bigger at an extremely alarming rate.

"Wha?" was the only thing he could say before the shadow finally breached the water's surface. The creature let out an enraged screech as Izuku looked up to reveal...


The creature looked down at Izuku before letting out another screech, opening its jaws, and diving down to devour Izuku. I can't believe this is it. I die not as a hero but as a weak quirkless kid on a boat. Izumi was right, I am a useless deku. Izuku closed his eyes to accept his fate until...


All of a sudden the sea king was slowly being pulled backward. It thrashed back and forth, screeching until it finally stopped, and that was the moment Izuku saw his savior. He was a large, tall man standing nearly 10 ft

tall on the deck of a larger boat. He was still small compared to others Izuku had seen but at least five times the size of his own. The man had some sort of black vortex emerging from his hand.

"Marco grab that kid!" As the tall man shouted the order, Izuku saw another man jump off the boat, and just before hitting the water beneath them, to Izuku's shock, his arms and legs burst into light blue flame before he suddenly soared into the air beelining straight for izuku. Before Izuku even realized it, he was soaring above the sea in the clutches of two bird-like talons made of flame; although for some reason the flames didn't burn. They felt warm and comforting.

The flaming bird man set Izuku down on the ship's deck and Izuku witnessed the tall man let go of the sea king before slamming his other fists directly into the creature's head, seemingly knocking the sea king out. Then, the tall man turned towards Izuku and started walking over to him.

"That was a close one; you ok kid?" the tall man asked Izuku who, still in shock, could only nod. "Well, that's good! If we had been one second later you would have been fish food! Zehahahaha!" the tall man laughed. Izuku, meanwhile, was confused. The man had a gruff and loud voice but somehow it felt comforting. "Hey, you got a name kid?"

Izuku, finally snapping out of his shock, answered. " I-I-I'm Izuku Y-... just Izuku."

"Well then Izuku, I'm Marshall D. Teach, and fire feathers over there is Marco."

"Hey!" Both Teach and Izuku turned to the newly named Marco. Marco had blond hair and a tattoo shown on his chest. "Teach, I'm all for saving little kids but now what do we do with him?"

"Well, what else do we do? We take him to Pops of course!"

"Really? We don't even know if he has a family to go back to, we shouldn't just take any kid we find, we should see if his parents are on any surrounding islands. Besides, he's much too young to become a pirate, and in the Grand Line no less!"

After hearing that he may be returned to the Yagi family, Izuku started to freak out. "NO! Please don't take me back to that hellhole! I don't want to go back to those bastards!" he shouted as he started to tear up, clutching Teach's jacket.

Marshal D. Izuku the yonko heroWhere stories live. Discover now