malcolm in the middle x the addams family fanfiction crossover

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The malcolm in the middle family are in there home. Malcolm is watching TV before the episode begins saying wow what a unrealistic family. The tv show he is watching is the Brady bunch. Malcolms thoughts on the show is there is no way a family can be this happy with all their children and still be happy each episode. Reese then walks up to the tv and says malcom it is my turn to watch tv. Malcolm fine I dont even like the Brady bunch. Reese grabs the remote and says what the hell is a Brady bunch is that a breakfast you eat or something. Reese turns to his tv show the ninja turtles cartoon. Reese your telling me that a rat and four turtles learned karate in the sewer eating pizza everyday there living the dream??? Reese I wonder which ninja turtle I am!.? Dewy walks In and says my turn to watch tv. Resse but I was trying to figure out witch ninja turtle I am. Dewy your the red one. Resse all right I kick ass. Dewy is watching the power rangers ! Reese and malcolm decided to watch it with dewy ! Malcolm big robot and teenagers with super powers man my life sucks. Resse is confused that a color can give you power ??? Dewy you just enjoy it ! Malcolm sits down and starts laughing at the power rangers. Malcolm says how does the bad guy always lose? Dewy what do you mean?? Malcolm because the villains can just send a bunch of giant monsters ! Resse says if I had a giant monster it would be an elephant! Malcolm yeah sure I guess. ! Reese laughs at the explosions every time the power rangers pose ! The 3 boys watch the power rangers combine with the music there losing there minds ! Dewy yeah the power rangers win ! Malcolm so they have been fighting for months sounds insane. Resse giant robot combine with smaller robots ! Dewy how does it work? Malcolm magic. Resse I have another show we can watch the ninja turtles! The brothers watch it trying to understand the show ! Malcolm says mutagen has to be made in the future ! Dewy what is that? Malcolm its a special ingredient you add to water or soup to get super powers ! Dewy oh ! Malcolm its a secret ! Dewy said it loud ! Resse says be quiet you dont want the shredder to hear. Dewy says nothing. Dewy pizza and ninjas ! Malcolm that Casey Jones guy has some serious rage problems ! Dewy yeah he kicks ass !Resse wait if im the red one than who is dewy and malcom and Francis. Malcolm simpel Im the purple one dewy is the orange one you resse are the red one. Malcolm and Francis is the blue one sometimes ! Malcolm okay lets make fun of the Brady bunch. The boys say ! Malcolm that Brady is hiding something ! Dewy what??? Malcolm that Brady has got to be a mob boss. Resse like the dad from home alone !Dewey so this family is happy every day ! Resse !The brothers laugh and continue the show !But there dad hal says go to sleep and they do. Hal says besides the Brady bunch is crap no way a family that big can always get along like the family in home alone !Hal watches his tv show gilligans island. Hal oh come on Gilligan stop destroying your chance to escape ! Gilligan is going to keep on destroying the boat until theres nothing left hal why hasnt Gilligan and Mary Ann not have become a couple yet. Hal no way that gingers purses has so much makeup !hal is laughing so hard he cant breath !The next day the boys are watching scooby doo. ! Resse you know theres no such thing as ghosts. ! Dewy look at the dog !Resse I know I am not going to believe that a talking dog will talk to me !Malcolm there just using fred because he can drive a car. Dewy and velma deserves more credit. Resse and daphne always gets kidnapped. Resse also shaggy must be doing weed. Lois the mom says have you seen your dad he said something about winning you boys a prize. The boys are kind of surprised wondering what it could be. Hal says lois boys I won are 3 sons to a trip to some kind of mansion or museum maby both. Lois wait its a rich family malcolm resse dewey your going. Lois your going to be polite and nice this is such a opportunity to be in a mansion. Hal boys I know how tempting it is to hangout with some rich family but you must behave. Hal parks his car. Hal knocks the door. Uncel fester says hello did you win the prize on the ticket!?. Hal yes boys your in. Fester wait were is the ticket??? Hal it is in my left no right yes here it is. Fester shocks the ticket with electricity powers saying come in. Lois okay boys enjoy yourself and dont do anything bad. Hal yes boys as your mother said they leave the boy at the addams family home. Fester come on in uh names right. Malcolm dewey and reese. Resse is this family emo or edgy maby gothic. Malcolm I would say gothic. Dewye are they vampires. Fester I have no idea what edgey or emo or gothic means but we do know Dracula but were not vampires. Resse awesome you know Dracula he is so cool. Fester he is. Malcolm so your actually monsters. Fester yes but we wont hurt you we dont do that. Gomez addams oh you must be the lucky brothers that won to live here for 3 days with us. Thing moves malcom is that a robot?? Gomez what gave you that impression he is all natural. Dewey he wont hurt us right. Gomez no thing is one of the friendliest self moving hand we know it might be possessed but thats fine. Dewey is that possible to be possesed by a thing and not be dead. Gomez I dont think it would be possesed if its a hand. Dewey oh ok. Gomez oh hi lurch !!!!!! Dewy and malcolm and reese are shocked on how tall he is. Dewy and malcolm and reese and reese are amazed on how strong and muscular he is. Gomez so lurch these are the wining brothers I was told about. Lurch daha ah ur. Gomez oh he cant speak English he just makes noises. Malcolm he just speaks in gibberish or werid noises. Gomez oh yes. The boys are outside looking around. Malcolm says wow there is some awesome stuff here. Dewey I havent seen a baseball bat in weeks. Malcolm I wonder if theres any cool old inventions. Dewey walks towards Wednesday addams saying hello. Wednesday is sitting inside her room reading a book. Dewy says hello. Wednesday looks up and says you must be one of the 3 brothers that won. Dewy yes I have I guess. Wednesday your not afraid of me right? Dewey yes I am. Wednesday oh good that I make you scared. Dewey just a little bit. Wednesday your really naive or maby manipulative no another kid has talked to me this long. Dewey what do you mean?? Wednesday look at how I am pale dark and white colors and black sometimes always cold. Dewey im thinking your trying to say your death. Wednesday your correct. Dewey what do you mean youre death !!!!!! Wednesday Im just telling you im not normal. Dewey normal my family is not normal not at all. Wednesday not normal like my family to other families like mine explain. Dewey okay my brother reese is as strong as a bull and as dumb as one. Wednesday hes strength does not make him smarter how funny explain more. Dewy well he doesnt even read books he only reads comic books. Wednesday reese is a very strong and stupid person. Dewey and malcolm is very smart but he is always self centered. Wednesday what a waste of intelligence. Dewey I agree he never has fun or ruins it. Wednesday like a curse for him towards himself. Dewey yes thats true. Wednesday and yourself what dark life do you have. Dewey im useley lucky. Wednesday only luck maby enough to survive. Dewey I guess. Wednesday why guess?? Dewey because I dont care to have to much to have fun. Wednesday I have fun to but not the fun of a child the fun of death. Dewey why do you say that. Wednesday I have lived a long time since I was born even if I am young. Wednesday what about your parents. Dewey my mom is such a control freak she never leaves our house and my father is a workaholic or just insane. Wednesday your mother sounds like my mother except less fun. Dewey my fathers insane sometimes we cant tell if he loses his mind. Wednesday and your father I would love to document him and his random adventures. Dewy and finally my oldest brother Francis he cool and lets us have fun on are destructive side. Wednesday destruction I cant wait to see. Dewey are you righting everything im saying??? Wednesday yes because its interesting such a instresting family. Wednesday any other dark or broken family members to tell me. Dewey my grandma is always smoking and angry and my grandpa is some war guy. Wednesday sounds like a nice family. Dewy my family is bad always angry or confused or in trouble in werid events. Wednesday I havent meet them and i want to. Dewey yes your welcome to visit anytime. Wednesday maby. Dewey and my dads family are a bunch a rich jerks except my grandpa. Wednesday I hate rich snobs. Dewy yes me too. Wednesday shows her drawings and what she wrote about deweys family. She shows her mother as a dragon his father is a small tornado the grandma as a gun with a cigarette the grandpa wearing a broken military uniform. Then malcom is a exploding calculator resse is a bull that keeps hitting a wall Francis has fireworks on his head. And hals family except for the grandpa is getting crushed by gold. Dewey sees the descriptions and drawings he thinks on how accurate they are. Lurch the boys are funny. Gomez yes it is almost like there my kids. Malcom is reading a book. Morticia addams oh my a teenage boy interested in reading. Malcolm I hope I dont get grounded for this too!? Morticia why your just reading a book about war. Malcolm because my mom is a control freak. Morticia im not like that at all. Malcolm so Im free Im finally free!!! Morticia yes you are a poor soul. Malcolm I love being able to do whatever I want now. Morticia well not everything good bye. Malcolm continues to read then thing walks towards malcolm. Malcolm asks whats wrong? Thing says nothing. Thing asks you want to eat lunch with me. Malcolm says sure. They sit down at a table. Resse enters judiths room he says wow look at all the witch craft weapons dead animals Im in heaven. Judiths says oh someone interested in the dark arts. Resse yeah I am into witchcraft and demons and especially weapons. Judith here a sword try it out. Resse thanks. Judith says its silver and made of real steel. Resse can I be in your family. Judith that is what your parents say. Resse my mother would say no my father would say yes. Judith they have to approve because I would like for you to stay. Resse we cant have what we want all the time believe I try all the time. Judith thats why I have so much fun doing what ever I want and making things. Resse can I brake things that you dont like or use!? Judith yes you may do that. Resse do this I am going to break everything here in this room that you dont want wait this is first time my destructive side is being praised thank you!!! Judith here a sledge hammer. Resse thanks. Judith say thank you. Judith says goodbye to resse. Resse I love this family while braking what judith does not want. Judith says great job back to what your doing. Resse its so much fun breaking things and being able to do it. Judith join us for dinner your brother is waiting. Pugsley is watching malcolm doing experiments wondering how smart he is. Gomez says he is pretty smart he knows what hes doing. Pugsley hi malcolm. Malcolm hi would you like to help me with some experiments. Pugsley sure. Malcolm says you have to bring tools and stuff. Pugsley for tourette!? Malcolm no wait your experimented on. Pugsley only by my sister its fine. Malcom and your parents are fine with that. Pugsley yes. Malcom are you kidding my parents wont even let me eat chocolate when I sleep. Pugsley no candy before you sleep. Malcolm says yup. Pugsley so what are you making malcolm. Malcolm so pugsley im trying to make the best model rocket. Pugsley oh cool! What is it like. Malcolm it should go 0 to 30. Gomez what a interesting rocket. Gomez a rocket on the 3red day before your parents come back okay. Pugsley what!? Thats crazy. Gomez thats true but that is why it is fun. Pugsley oh yeah!!! Gomez so malcolm dont worry thing well watch over your rocket to make sure it is okay while you eat for dinner. Malcolm smiles he is happy that the addams family is supporting his intelligence. Lurch is done making dinner he says it is ready. Malcolm I thought he could not speak English. Gomez he can he just cant speak as clear as others. Lurch it is true. Resse dont worry lurch I dont understand half of the words in the dictionary. The addams family laugh at his joke. Resse laughs saying that was funny I was being truthful for lurch. Gomez he is funny and helpful. Resse it is like im in a perfect family. Dewey I must say the darkness and white colors really contrasts each other. Morticia oh thank you dewey for complimenting my work. Malcolm I must say this house is very old styled like classic darkness in a movie. Wednesday so your smart and cultured dont be so hard on your self because life will do it to you. Malcolm I love the fact that your family does not mind darkness or death. Lurch dinner is prepared. The food comes on the table each plate has a mixture of dead animals. Resse this looks like a dead animal of food maby I could experiment on the kitchen. Malcolm this is dead animal food. Wednesday you noticed and your not afraid. Malcolm at least it looks kind of good and not spoiled or dirt. Wednesday you mean your mom cooks food that hits the floor. Malcolm at least it tastes kind of good. Gomez oh your a cook as well resse what do you think morticia. Morticia I think he should cook for is for the next to days. Resse so it is all dead animals?! Morticia yes and enjoy the kitchen resse and everything it has to offer you never know where inspiration may strike. Resse I will make the best food for the next 2 days breakfast lunch and dinner. Resse enters the kitchen and sees the food and kitchen utensils. Resse this is my kitchen and im trying to figure out the best way to improve this great kitchen. Morticia says so resse you want to redecorate the kitchen.!? Resse yes but as already as it looks making it look better like a gothic kitchen. Morticia like a beutifal dark panting. Resse exactly paint of black and white patterns like a zebra no gray only a tornado of colors. Morticia what about an x pattern crossing on to each other but not really mixing. Wednesday no matter how you paint a kitchen it is still a kitchen. We go back to Dewey In flashback in the morning of the addams family remembering when he was eating cereal with ice cream and butter. Lurch good breakfast for dewey at his request. Gomez and malcolm are playing catch in the front yard. Gomez who new playing catch was so much fun. Malcolm and the fact that pugsly is keeping score of each catch. Pugsley I want see who will win or lose I dont care im just having fun. Pugsley ball catch ball so funny. Gomez and malcolm laugh. Gomez you know that game called pool. Malcolm yeah lets play pool. Pugsley sets up the the game of pool. Lurch gets the pool sticks together. Pugsley heres a cue for you malcolm. Malcolm Time to start this game. Gomez and malcolm starts to play. Gomez loom how one ball the white 1 can move all the other balls. Malcolm yeah its just a bunch of energy and physics. Pugsley oh your so smart. Malcolm yeah gravity and stuff. Gomez and malcolm continue to play. After the game they take turns saying who won. Malcolm says man 2 more games chess and cards this is fun. Gomez fine we play. Reese was seen by Wednesday she says hi be Afraid. Resse why should I be afraid of anything. Wednesday because you are not normal. Wednesday I am not normal and neither are you. Resse why do I want to be normal it is so boring. Wednesday the world needs people like you and me no matter how much they dont. Dewey and morticia are in the garden looking at the plants and trees. Dewey and morticia talking about plants and flowers and art or music. Dewey says I like this place because its so dark and mysterious. Morticia because I love the plant life. Dewey I wish I could live here forever. Morticia at least you have 3 days until your parents get home. Dewey yeah i know. Morticia dont be sad dewey. Dewey im not but I would like to be here longer than 3 days. Morticia you can visit but witg your parents permission. Dewey please you dont mind. Morticia of course not I would love to have you stay and your brothers. Then Deweys flashback ends and returns to the dinner. Dewey so lurch you like your job of being a butler?? Lurch I do enjoy it. Dewey why?? Lurch it is all I know to do. Dewey okay and you like this family?? Lurch yes. Night time comes and there watching tv. Resse so have you guys seen wwe. Pugsley is that wear men fight in a ring. Resse yes big man as ridicules characters. Gomez sounds funny lets watch. Morticia is it fake?? Malcolm yes but that is not the point it is fun. Dewey yes it is fun because there is martial arts and great story telling. Pugsley o okay lets watch. Resse turns on the tv to watch wwe. And the addams family watch there first episode of wwe with the boys. The wwe logo plays smackdown I wont be denied no Matter you try and I will rise ahhhhhh brake it down brake the rules anything goes. Gomez is hyped up on the music saying that was fun and thinks it is over. Resse its not ever we got a hour of wwe. Gomez okay cant wait. Morticia that opening song was so inspirational and dark I love it. Wednesday that theme song was powerful. Pugsley it was so dramatic for no reason but it was fun. Fester I thought the song was cool. The first character on wwe is tripel h saying I am the game with my buddy shawn Michaels as tag team champions. Shawn Michaels oh yeah hunter dx is the best. Then we cut to booker t dancing and looking at his hand saying I am the king and champion. Rey mysterio is fighting randy orton and rvd and Batista in a fatal 4 way. Rvd attacks rey mysterio and ducks randy orton dose a rko Batista attacks from behind and rey mysterio waits to attack Batista and the 3 fight slowly rvd gets up to win by pin and becomes number one contender. Morticia poor randy orton he says he heres voices In his head and hes going crazy. Pugsley what makes rvd one of a kind maby all the kicks and jumping off the top rope is like a double jump or something. Fester I like how Rey mysterio can do a 619. Wednesday Batista is my favorite his song says I walk alone. John cena comes in running. The addams are confused on why he thinks he is some kind of superhero. And why does his song say you cant see me we can see you. The rock comes in saying you know john cena your not a icon because I am the rock and tonight you can see me. Then tripel h comes in saying wow I know the tension between you to are high but the fact remains im the champion. Stone colds music plays he says okay cut the music I see four great wrestlers wanting to be champion and you tripel h are that champion. Mr McMahon comes out no chance alright I see there is a situation here 4 wrestler icons okay a fatal 4 way tonight. They fight and stone cold wins. Finally the undertaker comes out as the last wrestler with his entrance his dark tone the lighting the fog and his cult of druids ive been waiting for you to come back. The lights go down and the fog comes up. Undertaker walks in ive had a long journey to the arena and its been a long day but now your here my revenge is finally begining. The addams family were so in to the undertaker they loved his entrance. because of the fire and lightning and his dark music he has a cult and his fashion sense. Undertaker any one who dares to challenge me will rest in peace!!!! Mark Henry comes out to challenge undertaker by saying im the worlds strongest man and I want to take on the dead man at survivor series. Undertaker you may be the worlds strongest man but this my graveyard. Undertaker vanishes out of the ring. Mark Henry final words are I will win. And the show is over. The addams family talk about what they liked about wwe. Morticia I loved the dark nature of the show and its intensity of the fighters. Gomez the theme songs were really telling on the characters ive never heard of music ike that before. Fester i must say ive never seen wwe before but it was very entertaining. Pugsley being the worlds strongest man sounds difficult. Wednesday I love that the character undertaker i have never seen a man so open about his darkness and everyone cheered for him ive never seen anything like it. Morticia oh the cheering feels so xtreme. Pugsley the characters feel so bigger than life. Gomez I hope there is more characters and episodes to watch. Fester I wonder if the undertaker is like us ive never met a man that would be so open about his darkness I want to try his electricity. They boys are ready to sleep. Malcolm can you believe they thought that wwe is real. Reese yeah but lets not ruin there fun. Dewey yeah to bad we stay here for 2 days left. Malcolm we can ask to come back ive always wanted to live in a mansion like this. Resse yeah this family is way better than are family. The boys sleep and wake up the next morning ive slept so good i dont even need my alarm clock. Thing says hello boys ive missed you. Resse goes in the kitchen to repaint it. Morticia has the buckets of paint saying okay reese lets redecorate. Resse lets see it must be perfect but how what iknow there is something in the basement. Morticia lets start with white or black ime sure all will match. Resse I dont know it is different but iknew something like this would happen. Morticia lets make it a little more gothic and dark if you like. Resse okay maby we can add red. Morticia okay. Red white and black paint. Resse okay lets start panting ive got some ideas. Morticia okay so resse starts to paint on the walls making square patterns of red white and black trying to make them blend like a door. Morticia your slowly making each square become a big pattern. Resse whats the point of decorating if you are not going to use your imagination. Morticia I agree we aee making great progress. Resse your making a pattern on that side. They keep painting until there done ive made the kitchen look awesome and really dark and beautiful ive made it gothic and dark. Morticia I think this is enough paint and what great painting ive seen. Morticia cant wait for resse to make food she is excited for his food. Resse dont worry I am a great cook ive studied many recipes and im proud to say the results are amazing. Resse okay time to make some breakfast what do you eat for breakfast. Morticia oh we eat things like slugs or pancakes and gummy worm jello. Resse I dont know what that is. Morticia dont worry I will teach you lost chef. resse and morticia start making breakfast. Meanwhile malcolm talks with wednsday. Wednesdayso malcolm you have one day left to live here hope you enjoyed your stay. Malcolm I actually am enjoying your home and your family. Wednesday you enjoy it werid every other person that comes here is shocked horrified to be here. Malcolm because your family is so welcoming it is so refreshing. Wednesday refreshing that is creepy no one has accepted us as friends as fast as you and your brothers have. Malcolm why is that shocking it is more shocking that your family accepted me and my brothers because every family has rejected us. Malcolm's wait your family and my family has been rejected but we have not rejected each other as friends. Wednesday it is like fate has made the 2 most hated or unpopular familys meet to accept each other kind of poetic. Malcolm please dont hate me Wednesday. Wednesday I dont hate you just sort of werid but normal. Malcolm turns around to brake the 4th wall saying okay this family is perfect and so enjoyable. Wednesday who were you talking to just know a spirit?? Malcolm what no I was I just do that to feel alive. Pugsley and Dewey meet they talk . Dewey hello pugsley. Pugsley hi Dewey your the youngest like me oh wait I forgot my parents have a baby. Dewey werid just like my parents. Pugsly what does your baby brother do. Dewey what cant he do he can escape his crib he gets right out. Pugsly well yeah thats right my baby brother can do that too. Dewey oh wow thats soo funny I wouldnt have guessed that. Pugsly my brother can hide and not be damaged. Dewey yeah my brother hides very well as well and wait did you just say he can't be damaged. Pugsly he is invincible. Dewey my brother can talk to me while being in my mother's stomach. Pugsley your brother can talk before being born know that is a super natural power. Resse hey younger brother. Pugsley and Dewey turn around at the Same time looking at resse. Resse not you dewey are second family that is not are family. Dewey okay fine. Pugsley look at the bright side dewey he wont punish you today. resse your smart pugsley dont waste your mind like my brother malcolm wait I said something smart. Dewey wait for it pugsley. Resse wait what was I saying??? Pugsley you wanted me to hang out with you. Resse oh yeah her you go dewey play with thing the walking hand. Dewey looks at thing talking to him. Pugsley so resse what are we going to do today. Resse I let me think oh okay we should dig a hole and see how far we can dig. Pugsley let's get shovels to dig. Pugsley we should dig here. Resse okay let's dig the biggest hole like a world record. Pugsley I wonder how a house underground looks like and to live in it . Resse im sure its awesome even if we could only live there 1 night your life would be complete. Pugsley yup so im curious now to how a underground house looks like and what it smells like. Resse first we must dig a big hole underground. Pugsley and resse did with a lot of water to drink. Pugsley it is a good thing that we have a giant ladder. Gomez walks In on them digging and sess the hole in the ground. Gomez it looks if mother nature is destroying its self. Resse no it's not were just digging a hole. Gomez I will join you I will dig under ground. Resse were also going to build a house underground. Gomez why haven't we the addams family have thought to live underground the dirt the soil the dead everything my family enjoys. Gomez thank you resse for giving us the idea of a life time a underground house. Malcolm is talking with fester. Malcolm do you have a brother fester?? Fester I do Gomez is my brother. Malcolm you live with your brother. Fester I do as much as I hate him I love him. Malcolm how much do you hate and love him. Fester just to stab his eyes or burn his hair but at the end of the day were still brothers. Malcolm I wish I had your family's invincibility of immortality. Fester what do you mean?? Malcolm can I hit a baseball on your head. Fester go for it. Malcolm okay this Is wooden baseball bat prepare to get hurt. Fester nothing. Malcolm and this is a metal baseball bat swing. Fester that feels funny. Malcolm look the bat took more damage than your head. Fester your so intrested In my mortality my body is hard to take no damage. Malcolm okay let's start with wait a minute I'm not resse wait were is resse. Fester let's find them. Gomez okay we need to start a house big enough for one person or kind of big to live underground. Malcolm according to the dropped candy bars on the floor they will be right about. Fester there a hole why is there a big ladder as if there is plan or game yes a game. Malcolm do you want to climb down the ladder to find out what is going on. Fester I should go down first we must follow the mystery. Malcolm alright but after this I want to do a experiment on your electricity powers. Fester such fun for your intelligence to experiment on me and my family. Malcolm and fester climb down the ladder. Fester I have to say the hole and climb was so exciting. Malcolm why do I hear construction?? Gomez hello malcolm and my brother fester help us build a house underground. Malcolm well you dont have to pay a electric bill all I have to do is build a circuit powerful and creative enough to absorbs some of festers electricity and it recharges over and so the power never ends. Gomez interesting malcolm a never ending energy source of recycling I could die. Malcolm right but wait dont you have enough money to make a wait you don't no bills no taxes no one will find out about are underground home. Gomez explain. Malcolm we need to cover the top of the hole then we need to find a way to connect to the house underground with a tunnel it is the perfect plan. Gomez yes a perfect plan. Gomez calls lurch to help underground for the house. Lurch undeer grround housse. Gomez yes lurch we must. The guys do there best making the house. Pugsley I must say this house is slowly becoming a home. They work together all day long to finish building the house and finally they are done. Resse finally we are finished I am so tired. Malcolm finally I can make the ultimate power source. Fester yes finally I am dying to try. Gomez one step at a time my freind. Fester so what should I do?? Malcolm all I have to do is make some adjustments to the power source to be a magnetic rece like a circular pattern. Fester so my electricity will multiply when I drop my power in that chemical formula it goes to the circuit of the first wire. Malcolm yes exactly so the ball from before will charge up because there is an electromagnetic change. Fester I think I feel better from eating chocolate it has more energy than I expected. Gomez wow you both completed the project perfectly without any complaints. Resse wait what if it blows up or it burns. Malcolm that is why I made this device to send power that is unbalanced to high or too low. Malcolm basically a checks and balances system dont worry my math is correct. Dewey what if something happens to your back up plan. Malcolm look nothing bad while happen until 10 years nothing is perfect. Pugsley ten years sounds exciting. Resse it is a good thing that lurch has super natural strength to help build the house. Meanwhile in the mansion. Morticia so Wednesday do you like the wining boys. Wednesday I barely understand them slowly I learn there souls. Morticia I do they are wonderful children even if they are teenagers. Wednesday we need to have them stay longer I'm not done picking there psyche. Morticia yes I want to learn more from them. Wednesday hopefully It won't be disappointing. Morticia I wonder were are they. The guys enter the mansion to sleep after taking turns for showers. Morticia Gomez what were you doing??? Gomez something with a lot of excitement building a underground home. Morticia underground the death the darkness the mystery. Gomez the love together a secret of a family hidden in the shadows of the ground. Morticia show me Gomez!! Gomez not yet my love were not yet done but I promise it will be perfect even if it kills me!!! Morticia stress is a good sense of confused. Morticia went underground in a tunnel to see her house. She enjoys the underground theme. Morticia opens a box of paint ball guns. She dosen't fire a paint gun bullet but outside. Morticia art that is creative and unorthodox. Wednesday a creative killing weapon for art. Morticia does everything to make the home her style. Up the surface of the 1st house Gomez and fester are watching kane and the undertaker on tv. Fester electricy I am the brother of the undertaker. Gomez and I am the brother of kane the passion the fire. Gomez there brother relationship is like ours fester the pain the drama !!!!!!!!!!! Wednesday and fester are laughing at the tv show because of the violence !!!!!! Gomez our family is so much alike. Wednesday the same we are the same. Resse wait you already helped your mom in the secound house no way my mom would make us clean to the bone. Wednesday clean to the bone sounds fun. Malcolm so why aren't you smiling then?? Wednesday because I dont want to my fun is within. Dewey if you like wrestling so much Gomez than you should fight fester outside. Gomez you are correct we shall. Fester yes I will make a ring. Gomez and fester wrestle wwe style. Gomez trys to grab fester but fester jumps on the top rope. Gomez kicks fester off the ropes. But fester holds on and counters by ducking a punch. Fester holds Gomez in a hold I n between the ropes. Fester stops holding him and Gomez drops to the floor. Gomez outsmarted fester by pretending to be tired to get in a submission hold. Fester picks him up to drop him. But gomez dose his finisher move on fester but fester quickly dose a reversal to do his finisher and wins!!! Morticia doesn't necessarily like the violence but she loves the drama. Resse not bad for your first match. Pugsley being the referee is so much fun having the best seat in the ring while standing. Dewey the fight with a real storyline of a brother relationship is so cool. Fester the acrobatics in wrestling is so intense. Gomez yes the blood flowing in my soul. Malcolm yeah it is great. Lurch I should have been the referee. Gomez yes next time perhaps me and fester can fight you in a handicap match. Lurch I will enjoy it funny. The next dinner is starting. Morticia are you enjoying the brothers Wednesday in there 3 day stay??? Wednesday I am not sure I not done analyzing there psyche. Morticia of course learn there characteristics as much as you wish. Wednesday okay I hope they stay longer to meet the rest of their family. Malcolm I believe my rocket is going perfectly Gomez. Gomez we will launch it tomorrow before your parents take you back. Malcolm okay I need to find the perfect spot to launch it outside of course. Resse I want Wednesday to help me cook in the kitchen. Wednesday how come?? Resse because I just want to. Malcolm so dewey like playing with thing. Dewey yes thing helps me with my fun. Morticia I believe that everyone is happy perfect harmony in the dark. Dewey I agree no one disagrees with each other and we all get along. Fester only some times we do but we quickly become whole again. Gomez we still hold the hate but family is the glue of are love. Resse so Wednesday we are in the kitchen do you enjoy cooking?? Wednesday I like using the kitchen utensils and weapons. Resse you use things to cook as weapons teach me after the cooking. Wednesday your very passionate about cooking aren't you. Resse one time I entered a cooking contest to win I sobateged every dish to win. Wednesday you ruined your chance to win for chaos how inspiring !!! Wednesday here are multiple meats to chop. Resse !!!?? Wednesday you must be fast and precise or you will lose your life. Resse so hard core sounds like a challenge to me !!!!!! Wednesday you're right lets begin. Wednesday and Resse chop meat with knives and forks. Resse you should smile Wednesday even if life sucks my brother malcolm says life is unfair. Wednesday you can't always be happy but you should always be constant. Resse perhaps pride it is one of the nine deadly sins !!!!!! Gomez and fester enter the kitchen to watch the action. Gomez look at you resse first day cooking and you are butchering masterpiece !!!! Gomez I like your style Gomez and fester leave the kitchen to seat back near the kitchen table !Morticia is cooking with Resse and is happy to be in the kitchen. Morticia Wednesday my dear you should take a break. Wednesday I will meet you later resse for a lesson of death !!! Judith hey dewey would you like to learn the dark arts? Dewey no thanks unless I can gain super powers. Judith in a way yes but it is supernatural. Dewey I heard the word super so I agree !!! Malcolm the rocket launch is tomorrow early in morning at sunrise no wait at night I want it to be perfect. Lurch the food is ready. Wednesday has a werid smile on her face. Malcolm how did you make Wednesday smile?? Resse trust me it wasn't easy !!! Gomez and fester have finished eating. Lurch we need to get going to our next adventure just kidding I made a joke. Dewey yes I taught you how to tell a joke lurch he laughs. Lurch I'm not funny so stop laughing no wait I am sorry. Dewey it's okay it was a nice laugh. Judith and you malcolm we can combine your science with my magic to create a new form of science. Malcolm you mean a magical science like science fiction. Judith science what hahaha fiction of science ??? Gomez and fester walk up to give Judith a hug for wanting to teach magic for the boys. Lurch is confused with the idea of combining a science with magic. Wednesday I am very excited to learn destructive science and to know more about malcolm family. Malcolm go ahead my family is a open book to you. Gomez and fester enter the living room to sit down to watch the power rangers because it was recommended by the brothers. Lurch I am too tired to watch that garbage but colors are cool. Pugsley color is a beautiful gift of violence and power. Wednesday and fester are watching tv with the guys watching Gilligan's island. Wednesday is not following the story line but imagining how would win if they tried to kill each other. Resse if I were on that island I would use my magic to fly across the ocean and be the last guy alive. Judith really now. Morticia the power rangers are silly and Gillian's island is intoxicating. Wednesday can't believe people watch this tv show called the Brady bunch. Wednesday I must say they remind me of that summer camp almost to perfection. Gomez the ninja turtles fighting crime while braking crime as vigilantes it is perfect for us. Fester the power rangers are a great team of heroes fighting evil and teaching moral values in a way that is fun very violent. The malcolm in the middle brothers show the addams family pop culture in tv and movies. Malcolm so Dewey and reese I have the perfect movie to show the addams family and that movie is home alone the first one. The addams family are excited to watch home alone with the brothers. Morticia that poor Kevin mccallister every one in the family is against him except his sister who is trying to protect him. Gomez yes this movie is perfect for the addams family because they are a family of misfits but we have class. WedWednesday I am inspired by the traps in the movie. Wednesday and fester start building traps from the movie while the rest watch for real criminals to get attacked by the traps. Pugsley I wish I had super powers so I could fly away from the traps to safety he laughs but I'm not at the receiving end of a trap. Night time arrives and the boys are in their sleeping bags waiting to be woken up for breakfast by fester howling in the night. The boys wake up and eat cereal and drink milk. Malcolm I love this we can eat sugar for breakfast. Lurch don't worry it wont hurt you I used the power ranger special sauce to make it safe I lied hahaha. Pugsley I have fun with you it is like I have 3 more brothers wish that you were my real brothers. Resse look pugsley you should meet Francis but he is away. Pugsley my family and your family are kind of similar because I like brotherhood like you. Dewey hey I just released today is are last day nooooo I'm don't want to leave the addams family. Wednesday really this is the first Time someone doesn't want to leave the addams family I dont understand. Malcolm because your family is so much fun to hang out with. Malcom these few days with your family have been some of the best times ever so thank you. Judith well thank you very much for giving the family a chance it means a lot. Gomez if you want to stay you can if your parents dont want to pick you up. Resse I have no words other than thank you Gomez. Gomez is surprised on how much the malcolm in the middle brothers accept and love his family. Meanwhile hal and lois are talking in their house. Lois today we must get are boys back. Hal wait should we must we?? Lois yes we must it is the third day today. Hal think about this lois they haven't called us witch must mean there okay. Lois fine if that phone doesn't ring in 5 hours during thr afternoon or night time then we will come get them. Hal them we agree it is a deal. Hal alright. Back to the addams family in the morning. Malcolm hey reese and dewey let's make a gift for morticia a beutifal drawing of a rose black and it shows her admiring the beauty of what is around her. Malcolm reese and dewey do there best to draw a masterpiece for morticia and her lifestyle. Morticia has no idea of what the brothers are making for her but she will be amazed when she gets it. Morticia has her morning coffee and starts reading her newspaper about all the bad news of the day to enjoy it with her coffee. Malcolm hello morticia. Morticia hello malcolm do you want to read the bad news?? Malcolm no but I have a surprise for you made by my brothers. Morticia okay so what is it?? Malcolm a beautiful flower with black roses in a pot that represents the beauty of life and death also around it is a picture of a your home and family. Morticia looks at the drawing but doesn't see anything wrong with the drawing because she loves flowers and black roses. Morticia slowly cries she reads the quote in the bottom corner of the picture "Death is the only true path to peace" it is a poem written by an unknown author by brothers. Morticia thank you malcolm and resse and dewey for the beautiful present. Morticia gifts presents to the brothers because she feels so happy. Gomez walks in this moment and sees the tears in her eyes. gomez Morticia why are you crying ?? Morticia these boys have given me such a lovely gift I feel like they love me as much as I love them as a friends. Gomez has never seen morticia this happy before because she is usually so so free. Gomez you brothers of the middle are free to visit anytime you want to come over whenever you like. Gomez leaves to go to sleep. Lurch I like my job so I am going to do some work for my boss I will be back soon. Resse I will join you later I will do some cleaning around the house !!! Morticia I enjoy you my extended family of the middle brothers. Lurch I like being a part of your family I am glad I met all of you. Resse me too I like how everyone is so kind. Dewey I like how everyone is so different but can still be in love. Wednesday I like how ironic this all is. Judith I like how everyone is unique and can be friends with anyone !!! Lurch I like how everyone is a mystery but can still become a friend. Dewey I like how everyone is not perfect but can be in harmony with one another. Pugsley extra brothers even if were not related. Fester jumps in joy that everything is okay. The addams family except the malcolm in the middle family as best friends. During the afternoon Wednesday interviews dewey malcolm and resse about their childhoods to find out more information about them. Wednsday tell me about your childhoods !!! Dewey I grew up in a normal home nothing special happened I was lucky to be okay. Resse I am very aggressive and destructive but slowly I have a creative side to me. I have a lot of hate inside me but I try to live life I lost my thought. Malcolm I am a genius and I have the same problems as everyone else I have anger issues sometimes but I'm to overconfident. Resse I have a wild imagination and I like to hear myself talk. Dewey I am smart and I am super good at art. Malcolm I have to say I wish I could be like you I wish I was talented with my hands. Wednesday do you have a older brother.?? Resse his name is Francis he is the most creative and violent fun brother. Wednesday I would like to meet him. Malcolm he still is in his prime of unorthodox chaos he likes to create a masterpiece with his own hands of destruction. Wednesday tell me about your parents. Malcolm my is the ultimate control freak and my dad is a clown thats pretty much it its not really hard. Wednesday what about your grandmother. Resse she a smoker she is a evil monster and wants to kill us!!! Malcolm grandpa is a broken war guy. Resse my dad's family are a bunch of rich jerks that have no values and always take advantage of people we're. Wednesday it looks like everything dewey told me on the first day is correct. Malcolm wait dewey you told her about are family actually it is not that big of deal. Resse all are neighbors hate us. Wednesday everyone thinks that are family is weird and your family is hated but together we can make a difference in our lives we just need to be careful and watch each other's backs. Malcolm why are you wanting to do this. Wednesday we must be family as friends against everyone else. Wednesday I am very excited for this opportunity. Afterwards malcolm grabs a board game called monopoly for the addams family to play. Morticia a game were the winner bankrupts the rest of the players so wonderful. Gomez does this game really teach democracy. malcolm in a way the game teaches different economic systems and brings out differences among countries in which communism or capitalism. the little known rules of this game consists of buying property, developing a strategy, collecting money and also winning. Pugsley why dont we just share the money so everyone wins! Fester then it wouldn't be fun. dewey few games show the true intentions of man kind. Malcolm wait dewey that was profound. Dewey the truth hurts. Resse yeah but you dont get free money just for walking. Wednesday what a strange game of economical rights. After the game of monopoly they talk. Malcolm hey I just noticed something this house has different culturally ethnicities except for white Americans. Gomez really I never noticed that we rejected the American lifestyle. Morticia it's not strange we just never noticed or at least questioned it. Resse why should it matter. Dewey shouldn't art be free to Express yourself. Fester the narrative of normal is confusing. Grandmama yes nothing is normal nothing will ever be normal so embrace your inner struggle. You are the oddity in the world this is so natural to feel this way. Pugsley why should anyone overanalyzing things. Thing sees the family finally getting accepted by another family. Wednesday thinks should I go with my original plan. Resse look we could just play pranks on other families. Wednesday as childish as pranks are i agree a little anarchy is needed to disturb the neighbors. Dewey we can have so much fun throwing eggs or maybe? Malcolm's sounds like fun rebellion against their establishment is best when used with style. Pugsley can I join the fun Wednesday of this pranking thing? Wednesday depending on the ring leader. Resse and dewey what is a ring leader. Malcolm your a ring leader resse like a warlord except for pranks. Resse I can't believe it I'm the leader. Pugh so can I join resse reese sure why not pugsley the more the better. Grandmama hope you all enjoy your fun children. Gomez wait kids what weapons will you use for your acts of vandalism? Malcolm just paint feathers eggs toilet paper and other none lethal items. Gomez you have my blessing to be pranksters what do you think morticia? Morticia are children should join and learn the brothers ways of this thing called pranking it sounds so liberating and free spirited. Fester sounds crazy but being crazy is amusing. The adults allow the kids to go outside and let them do acts of vandalism. Pugsley Wednesday malcolm dewey and resse are walking around the neighborhood thing is watching them to make sure that they don't fail. The kids put graffiti and making fun of other homes not destroying anything but rather just make a miss outside of the homes for a disturbance in the organization of the American household by the organization of culture to make fun of the nuclear family. Painting the white painted fences with black paint putting frogs or other creatures at the front of the house anything that they could think of. Malcolm know we have to do the same to your house Wednesday so that way we dont get caught if everyone's house is vandalized and we cant be blamed. Gomez and morticia agree what with malcolm said but not because of the fear of the law but because it sounds spontaneous and whimsical it's exactly sounds like something that the addams family would enjoy. The news plays the neighborhood has been vandalized by pranksters a mysterious group everyone's house has been affected but not even destroyed no violence involved. Back at the middle house. Lois sees the news that must be are boys. Hal wait lois are kids are innocent even if they did it there is no evidence. Lois who else could have done this. Hal as long as the law doesn't suspect them then there is no reason to intervene. Lois but today is still the last day the third day. Hal maby they can stay longer. Lois why hal how much longer can the addams family handle are boys. Hal look all I'm saying is no one has called us so maby there enjoying are sons company. Lois are house is more organized and clean not a lot of stress but. Hal look we can call Gomez to ask if they can extend are boys stay. Lois fine only if Gomez and his wife agree we should let it be. Lois grabs the phone on speaker so they can talk. Gomez the phone is ringing morticia let's answer. Morticia hello addams residence. Lois hi um morticia was it we were wondering are our boys behaving? Morticia they are wonderful behaved sons and brothers. Lois really. Gomez your son hal are inspiring showing us the social norms. Hal so then there is no trouble. Morticia no harm they're not even scared of are ways of life. Gomez yes very well behaved guests of ours would love to have them here longer. Lois and hal are shocked because they had no idea that they got along together so well. Hal oh okay yes they can stay longer you have my permission. Lois are permission yes thank you. Hangup. Hal see lois everything is fine and okay. Lois we should visit the addams family for dinner and bring gifts to show are appreciation. Hal that addams family may be strange but they have beautiful manners and respect. Lois also by respecting other people and keeping in touch makes an excellent point. Gomez you hear that morticia they can stay longer. Morticia it is good even there parents have accepted us as normal citizens of this country there really is nothing to fear. The boys are so happy that everything is going so well for them. Gomez and morticia gifts the brothers presents. Malcolm hey I got a bo staff cool. Dewey cool nunchucks like Bruce Lee! Resse alright sais and a hockey stick wait these are weapons from the ninja turtles. Gomez since you made my wife morticia so happy we offer you weapons from your favorite cartoon. Morticia enjoy your tools of martial arts and for your oldest brother Francis we invited him to are home he is outside after the plane ride. Gomez yes he is here lurch please open the door for him. Francis sees lurch he is a little afraid but he was paid to visit them and he will use any excuse to escape militarily school. Francis nice to see a muscular butler really destroying the expectations very brave um lurch. Lurch thank you. Francis here would you like money lurch. Lurch I dont need money. Francis you work for free you love work hu werid strange pride In work. Francis walks inside. Dewey runs and hugs his brother saying Francis. Francis hello brother is this one of are moms experiments on us like therapy to show are true nature of are family. Malcolm no it's like a free vacation a paradise. Resse exactly this family has accepted us which means they're letting us relax and show are freindship. Francis wait does this mean that mom and dad gave up on us. Malcolm no we just one a ticket for a 3 day visit here but because were so well behaved they decided to extend it a little bit longer. Francis really your saying that the addams family and are parents have agreed finally a family that is almost like ours except they let us Express and explore our natural instincts and no one tries to change our opinions the rules have finally been reversed. Wednesday has both katana blades. Francis they even gift us with martial arts weapons this is unreal this a dream in real life. Francis no wonder my brothers love this house it's a playground of fun. Francis this is so fast so incessant but I accept this addams family stuff. Flash back. Francis hey someone sent me a ticket for a plane ride. Spangler oh how interesting cadet a fake ticket that you created to avoid the academy. Francis this is a real ticket. Francis it took a while to prove that it wasn't fake. Frances well whatever is important to me it's not fake but do I have a choice? Yes I do. Look it says it came from addams residence. Francis hey for some reason the house in this neighborhood got vandalized like all of them. Francis does that mean resse did you do this what if mom finds out. Resse they won't the parents of Wednesday and pugsley aloud us to be architects for some time. Francis so that's why even this house is trashed to not get caught. Gomez it seems that Francis is very smart and fast when it comes to his brothers. Francis yeah I'm like the ring leader. Morticia it seems the 4 of you are the same when it comes to life. Malcolm I'm smart resse is strong Francis is the leader and dewey is the quiet one. Dewey I'm not always quite I'm just a child. Gomez we're glad to see you seem happy I mean we were hoping that you'd start seeing us for who we truly are. Morticia please accept your destiny. Francis so they allowed you to be doing stuff that are parents wouldn't allow wait? Francis did you say destiny? Morticia like fate everything darking into a tapestry having such a time. Francis uh malcolm can you explain there personalty or thought process. Malcolm okay Gomez and morticia think or believe that what is normal or strange is not based on societal expectations but it's based on the family values of the addams family unless trying to see or find out what is normal but they stay the same. Francis so basically what you said was that the addams family should expect from the world and not from society. Gomez we just don't understand what being normal means and we will never understand. Morticia exactly learning the outside world doesn't mean your werid ness can't still exist in you just like learning more than one language doesn't stop you from speaking yours fluently embrace the unfamiliar learn as much as you can you'll know who you truly are and others will accept you as part of your family and the community and hopefully someday in your lifetime your own true selves. Francis this family is perfect. Wednesday were not perfect but stable are dynamic is static however the consistency keeps our sanity and health check this stability as an opportunity. Francis is exploring the house and enjoying his time with the addams family so much so that he helps around for them showing his true self of helping without worrying about hurting or disappointing anyone. What do you all think of Francis. Hal is driving. Hal okay lois we agreed to have dinner with the addams family. Lois I have the gifts ready in the trunk of my car. Lois are you sure that is wise we could give it a few hours. Hal maybe but we agreed to this we're going to honor the agreement. Lois fine we must make sure that we stay behaved at dinner. Hal is driving down long drive way towards the mansion. hal enters the house again. Fester oh it's the father and mother welcome. Fester so you finally decide to see them hmmmhehehe. Hal were just going to eat dinner with you. Lois yes we are. Fester hopefully are accommodations well make you feel proud. Hal well not to proud that's one of the deadly sins. Fester tempting your making me feel today. Lois and what do you exactly mean by that? Fester oh nothing just an old habbit. Lois so hal this family might be. Hal look lois maby this family is unorthodox and yes maby it's a bit scary here but compared to are family there As normal as they can possibly be. Lois I'm still wondering how this environment or the scenery affected are sons. Fester thank you for completing are lifestyle can I offer something to help improve it. hal I would like to talk to Gomez. Fester go ahead talk to my brother. Lois let's just talk or maybe just I guess hangout. Grandmama hello fester give are guests are lucky rabbits foot and are charm bracelet from are leprechaun freind. Hal so your superstitious and a little supernatural. Fester it's all luck my new friend. Hal do you hear that lois they have accepted us as friends. Lois let's not push are luck hal we might scare them off. Gomez laughs scare us off how funny usually my family plays that role. Morticia lurch help are 2 guests. Lois why thank you we rarely don't get this kind of hospitality where ever we go we don't even come close to the hospitality your giving us. Grandmama sounds like an unfortunate story. Lois what. Grandmama oh I'm just saying you both deserve this hospitable treatment especially after such a grueling day today. Lois I'm wondering do you have children of your own Gomez. Gomez we do right Morticia. Morticia we have to little monsters as children. Hal yes are children are like monsters in a way. Lois more like animals. Morticia your children are actually well behaved. Meanwhile the brothers in a different room. malcolm oh no oh no. Resse what is it. Malcolm code red code black what ever code color for are parents arriving. Dewey no no there is no way are parents can possible keep are freindship with the addams alive. Francis no more cooking dead animals or being allowed to destroy things. Malcom no more philosophical discussions of life. Dewey no more weird conversations. Francis relax guys all we have to do is make sure to control the actions of the addams by chaining activities except there is one problem. malcolm what is that. Francis the language there behavior we must make jokes or say something sarcastic to them the brothers to act like we are normal humans. We have to adapt to the addams family ways instead of them adapting to ours. malcolm It makes sense are parents are normal human beings that are able to adapt to society so we can too. Lois the garden is so beautiful. Morticia tending a garden is more work than raising children. Lois I'm sorry to hear that. Morticia how come. lois because the garden is alive and can grow without you having to touch it or water it. Morticia if only it worked like that with our children. Lois it's very hard. Morticia I think I understand what you're talking about. Lois really. Morticia no matter how we plant a flower it grows according to its own nature. There is no controlling it. Lois control There is always Control. Morticia the garden is chaotic and unpredictable. Lois you see the garden as life. Morticia no it just like art its Just is. Lois okay want lemonade. Morticia maby a soda. Gomez Don't worry hal everything is fine. Hal are you sure? Gomez they see me as a secound father figure. Hal I would be jealous but if you enjoy it. Gomez I do want a drink. Hal sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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