It was a normal Tuesday morning and America was sitting in the lounge having a large beer when Britain called for him cutely "B-b-b-babe I have s-s-s-s-something to show you" America replied "What it it yeehaw" and Britain went silent, it was quiet for a second before he heard Britains petite feminine footsteps slapping on the hardwood floor. The noise of feet slapping entered the lounge, "d-d-d-d-d-d-dew you like it l-l-luv?" Britain asked and Americas jaw dropped the floor as he started dry heaving snd skidadled over towards him and pinned his petite, feminine and fat hips to the ground. "A-a-a-a-a-a-a-America what are you doing?" He stuttered as America's large McDonald's sprite sized boner that showed through his camo army pants that he had already began leaking through as the cum dropped down in between Britain's large fat juicy thighs "I'm gonna shoot up your insides like a America high school," Britain whimpered at this Britain would never admit it but he got rlly turned on by America when he talked about shooting up places. "P-p-p-p-please d-d-d-d-dew" Britain said, he felt the taller mans warm semen trip down his fat feminine thighs. A sensation of warmth fell over Britains body as America started removing his very short and feminine skirt, the velvety fabric was slowly pulled down leaving imprints where the cloth once was. Britain moaned femininely and softly as America started kissing his neck. When America was done leaving his mark he started taking off his own pants, once done he leaded Britain masculinely to the sofa where then threw the petite smaller boy onto it. As soon as he pinned Britain down he immediately entered the smaller ones foreskin, (That's right Britain isn't circumcised cause that's gay). Britain moaned and screamed "Oh good heavens!!" Femininely as America shoved his circumcised 100000000000000ft member into Britain's petite uncircumcised one. This lasted 146278182653829163 hours and when they where finally finished they made out