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       COULSON, JAMIE, MAY, AND TAYLOR STOOD IN FRONT OF DEANNE, MICHONNE, AND Ricks as they spoke to them about a possible alliance between Shield and Alexandria, Alexandria just had to keep doing what they were doing and shield would offer prote...

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COULSON, JAMIE, MAY, AND TAYLOR STOOD IN FRONT OF DEANNE, MICHONNE, AND Ricks as they spoke to them about a possible alliance between Shield and Alexandria, Alexandria just had to keep doing what they were doing and shield would offer protection. They needed good people to take other good people in, and not align themselves with hydra. Rick and Michonne were stunned to see Taylor, they had heard from her children that she died, Ryan had seen her go down fighting off walkers to save him.

"One thing, you have Lu and Rob, I've been looking all over for them." Jamie tells Deanna.

"Lu? Rob?" Deanna ask him.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes, has two children, adopted. We got separated early on, family's been looking for her all over. Rob brown eyes, brown hair."  Jamie says pulling out a photo to show her, in reality it's a photo of his sister Ella, not Lu. Rick and Michonne were weary of him, they didn't know what games he was playing, or what he could do. If he was anything like Lu in combat skill that were in way over their heads. They didn't even know what the other three were capable of, all the information they had was from the organization form Lu's earth, and they're way ahead of this earths time. This world wouldn't be a match for them.

     DEANNA CALLED FOR LU, AND ROB, THE TWO MADE THEIR WAY TO THEM, THEY MET at one of the home's, the one they'd been interviewed at. They see Rick, Michonne, and Deanna, along with people they recognize, the first being Taylor St.James.

"Does Stephan know?" Lu asks seeing her.

"Not yet." Taylor shakes her head and Lu sighs. Rob's eyes fall on Coulson, May and the blonde male, who looks and feels oddly familiar.

"You should listen to what they have to say" Rick tells Rob, and Rob glares at Rick.

"We got your message, but-" Coulson begins.

"You were late." Rob says cutting him off. Lu eyes land on the other three people in the room, Coulson, May and Jamie, they all stare at Lu. "Rumlow found us."

"What do you want with us?" Lu asks looking at them.

"That's the spirit." Jamie says sarcastically. Lu's eyes shift to him with a raised brow. He felt familiar to her. He didn't feel threatening to her. "Cutting right to the chase."

"Rob, Lu, this is Agent Coulson, Agent May, Agent Romanova, and lastly Agent Sousa." Michonne says giving them a look, to play along. Lu almost losses he'd composure hearing that last name.

"You two look alike."  Deanna tells Agent Romanova and Lu.

"She's family." Jamie tells Deanna. "Been looking for her and Rob all over."

Holy shit! He's Jamie! Steve's Jamie! Lu says trying not to react. "Family." Lu smiles at her.

"Moms been crazy looking for you." Jamie tells her. Her eyes flash with hurt at the mention of her mother. Rick looks at her asking if she's okay and she gives him a smile and nods. "Don't get me started on you Rob, the entire family's looking." Jamie says, the tone warning them not to blow it.

"You found us." Rob says sarcastically, earning a glare from Rick. Rick and Michonne wanted to know what game they were playing.

Coulson begins to explain what they had planned to do with Alexandria, well help. Lu heard it all and took it in. "The conditions of our agreement still stands." Coulson says turning to look directly at Rob, and then at Lu.


"You're Steves kid." Lu says breaking the silence in between them.

"Thought we cleared that." He says. "Also Natasha's kid."

"The deal Coulson has with Rob." She says.

"Taking you back home." He says.

"Home?" She whispers, like a scared child. He looks at her softly, for a brief moment, reminding him of his sister, his twin sister Ella.

"Home." He nods.

"I have the programming to go home." She says. "It's not complete, but ..." she looks at him, "it's started." She says.

"You're the key." He says.

"How do you know?" She asks.

"I'm not dumb." He shrugs, it reminded her of her mom, "and you and Rob are the keys." He says.

"Yeah." She whispers.

"We were tracking you, every time you released your powers, we were able to track you. At the prison, when you killed the walkers." He says.

"I released my powers." She says. "Killing all the walkers."

"Just like on the hydra rooftop." He says and she nods.

"Killed Rumlow, that son of a bitch won't be hurt in anyone else." She says.

"Ella would of enjoyed that." He says.

"Where's your sister?" She asks him.

"On assignment, helping out a settlement in California, with our version of Rob." He says and she nods. "Where's my dad?" He asks her.

"I don't know." She says in a soft tone. "Last time I saw him, was the the church, he injected me with a serum that put me to sleep, and said he couldn't put me in anymore danger." She says. "He's looking for you and Ella." She says.

"Did he then to him?" He asks him.

"No." She says shaking her head. "I gave him a picture of my memories of my dad, to help him remember you guys."

"You have a brother?" He asks her and she shakes her head.

"Only daughter, for both of my parents." She says. He nods. "I've read your and her file." She says.

"Lu, Hope wants you." Rob knocks on the door and peaks his head in.

"Hope?" Jamie asks her.

"My daughter." Lu says and Jamie looks at her and nods.

"We need to talk about when we're leaving." Jamie tells the two. Lu's breathe hitches and she nods, gathering her composure. She leaves the room to make her way to Hope. "You think she'll go home?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah, our world needs her. Her family does." Rob says and Jamie nods. "As much as she loves everyone, she knows this isn't where she belongs." He says.
"This world already has a Ella Romanova."

"Yes it does." Jamie says nodding in agreement.

Words 1046
This from a chapter in Brooklyn baby! I just didn't want people confused, but yea. I think most of the readers did read Brooklyn Baby before this one. If not enjoy! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Check out my other books, it would be greatly appreciated, I have more supernatural and tvd stories, also TWD stories as well , and the mcu, and OTH, fics if you're interested. Stay safe, wear masks, protect yourself. Have a beautiful day, or morning or have amazing an amazing sleep.
Updated December 21, 2022

Updated December 21, 2022

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