Free, not Safe

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  A/N: Well, ya'll earned it! Congratulations! Here's the next part of this fanfiction! I think from here, this is where the story gets...interesting. I've dropped subtle hints and foreshadowing to the next chapters and events to come. Will you pick up? Hm. Good luck!


  It had been more than a month since that meet up, with no sign from Scaramouche for all of it. Aether's mind was filled with worry day in and day out, so much so that he had been getting hurt more often due to his mind being elsewhere. 

        "Aether, Paimon can't help but feel that you're not on your A game these few days..." His flying companion remarked worriedly. Aether didn't respond. In all honesty, he could care less if Paimon was worried. 

       "I don't want to pry, but have you talked to him at all about what happened?"  She pushed. Aether didn't answer once more. Paimon frowned, floating silently at his side. Her eyes scanned the blonde, mainly focusing on the myriad of injuries from recent battles. Aether couldn't bring himself to look at her. 

         "Well, do you want to talk about it?" She asked softly.

       "I'm just...scared. I don't know what the Tsaritsa would do to him if she found out anything about us." He spoke in a small voice, wrapping his arms around his torso, as if trying to mimic the way Scaramouche would hug him. Paimon frowned deeply. 

         "What do you mean? What would she do to him?" She asked. Once more, silence filled the air. The blonde didn't respond to Paimon, because frankly, he was scared to even answer. The pixie floated in front of him, a stern look on her face. 

       "Aether. Paimon understands your concern for this...guy." She glanced to the side awkwardly, still trying to get used to not insulting Scaramouche. "But! He wouldn't want you to get hurt because of him!" She chided him gently. The blonde looked up at her, his eyes beginning to tear up, and nodded slowly. 

         "I know." He whispered before falling silent once more. 

        "How about we go and get some food?" Paimon offered. "That always cheers Paimon up when she's sad!" She grinned, placing her hands on her hips. Aether smiled, though it was a little one. 

        "I really feel like I could use a cheering up." He admitted. Paimon smiled. 

        "Great!" She laughed, before flying off toward the city of Mondstadt. Aether stood up, looking out to the trees, feeling the winds blow his braid gently. 

          "Come back soon, Scara." He whispered into the wind before following Paimon. 


"Come on, Wanderer! Fight me like a true man!" Childe shouted, blasting jets of water at the frisbee-hatted man. Scaramouche rolled out of the way, wiping blood from his lip. 

        "Still a joy as ever, Tartaglia." He sneered. The Fatui Harbinger glared harshly, smirk still on his face. 

         "Rich, coming from a traitor such as yourself." He yelled out, sending jolts of purple electricity toward Scaramouche. He simply deflected it with a burst of his own, both electrical powers during together and simply disappearing.

         "I opened up my eyes, Tartaglia. Maybe it's time you should too! I'll give you one last chance. Surrender now and you'll be treated with leniency." Scaramouche shouted, appearing once again in the middle of the field, calm and collected. Childe gripped his bow tightly, preparing to knock an arrow. Suddenly, the wind howled, the trees bending in the strong force. Scaramouche planted his feet into the ground, gripping his hat in surprise. Childe did the same, stabbing his blades into the grass in order to stay grounded. 

A Raging Hatred; An Aether x Scaramouche storyWhere stories live. Discover now