(9) The Series Finale

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"Get off of me! Let go of my brother!" Tommy yelled as Agatha continued to restrain the twins.

"My powers work out here, or did you forget?" Wanda asks.

"No, dear. I'm counting on it." Agatha says. Tommy and Billy try to run forward, but Agatha pulls them to the ground.

"No!" Wanda yelled as she shot a bolt of red magic at Agatha, which knocked her down. Once the boys were free from Agatha's restraints, Wanda looked at her sons. "Go to your room."

"No way, we're staying with you," Tommy says.

"Come on, Mom, we can help," Billy says.

Agatha gets up. "Listen to your mother, boys."

"Now!" Wanda exclaimed. Tommy grabs Billy and speeds off into the house, leaving Wanda and Agatha to fight each other.

When Wanda fires another blast at Agatha, Agatha turns away upon impact, and when she straightens up, she reveals Wanda's magic in the palm of her hand and absorbs it

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When Wanda fires another blast at Agatha, Agatha turns away upon impact, and when she straightens up, she reveals Wanda's magic in the palm of her hand and absorbs it.

"I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing." Agatha says. Wanda looked down at her left hand and saw it was shriveled. As she was distracted, Agatha shoots purple magic at Wanda, knocking her down. "You're clearly in over your little red head. So, why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it? And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself. What do you say?"

Wanda uses her powers to hit Agatha from behind with a car, knocking both Agatha and the car into the house

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Wanda uses her powers to hit Agatha from behind with a car, knocking both Agatha and the car into the house. Wanda walks over and finds Agatha's boots under the vehicle. When she gets up, she sees White Vision arrive in the reflection of a window. She turns around.

"Vision?" Wanda says. Her jaw hangs open in an awestruck expression as she approaches him and looks up into his eyes. "Is it really you?" White Vision holds a hand up to her face.

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