03 - Inheritance

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Sasuke had found himself in the Uchiha estate, back at his own house. Naruto was by his side, having told him that they should stick together with everything that is going on. In a way, Sasuke was glad to have the orange-clad shinobi with him; it would be a distraction from the thoughts that stirred in his head. He had not yet had the time to sit down and think of what he was going to do. He could end his own life, but Itachi was still a menace and he knew that Sakura herself would be disappointed as she would lose her daughter (but does that even matter now?). Sasuke had a lot to answer for, that he knew. Kakashi was hellbent on killing him, and it was only due to Sakura that Kakashi had stopped.


Sasuke had seen the girl for only a few moments and she was... well. Amazing, really. He was sure that she was stronger than him, and he was certain they were around the same age. And she already had her sharingan! Interesting, for sure. Sasuke had not been able to ask about the girl, but he made a mental note to ask Sakura or... Kakashi.

Kakashi and Sakura had an odd relationship. Like, parental, almost. Kakashi held a lot of respect for Sakura, and that surprised Sasuke to an extent. Kakashi, while he had never badmouthed Sakura, had made it clear that he thought she was the weak link in the team, even before Naruto. It did annoy Sasuke to a point, but it had not been his business. Sakura needed to improve and she – well, did. She had gotten stronger with his and Naruto's absence. She was probably one of the most powerful shinobi now, he gathered.

Sasuke opened the main door the manor, and took in the sight that the place had been defiled. Graffiti of crude words insulting the Uchiha and himself smeared the walls, with the once expensive furniture either having been looted or destroyed. The locks should have held, but he supposed that with enough force, people could force their way in. That, and the smashed windows. Naruto had been silent for a while, which was nice for Sasuke, but it made him think that Naruto was actually thinking for once.

The boys wandered into what was the lounge room, again, everything destroyed. Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose. They could not really stay here. He was also sure that Kakashi would not hand them any funds in order to fix some things. But what about the Uchiha inheritance? Surely, he still had access to that. Sasuke would have to speak to Kakashi about that. He had always had access to it when he was younger – if he had not been so liked upon the female population, he was sure that he would have gotten shit for being the 'rich kid'.

"Ne, Sasuke," Naruto started, looking around, "No offense, but I don't think we can stay here..."

Sasuke nodded.

Maybe they could clean up a bit, and make a spot in the lounge for some futons for a bit. Yeah, that was an idea.

"We can clean up, come on."

Naruto groaned at the mention of 'cleaning up'. Sasuke knew that Naruto was lazy, but it would be worth it in the sense that they would be able to relax and talk amongst themselves without as much surveillance on them. That would be a good thing to have. He was sure that they were being watched by ANBU, but... It was better than nothing.

Sasuke nodded his head, beckoning for Naruto to follow him.




They finally found a room with no smashed windows – the sun room. It had a lot of windows, and Sasuke was surprised that the vandals had not destroyed it. There was still crude words on the windows, but they weren't smashed, and there was a lock on the door if needed. Naruto was humming as he swept up the remnants of dust and dirt, and scooped it into a black trash bag.

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