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Alison glared at Natalie. She was shorter than Natalie by two or three inches but still could kill Natalie with one look, just like she's doing now.

"Alison! How wonderful- "

"Stop! You will be silent and let me speak!" Alison said, shoving a finger into Natalie's chest.

"I called you! I've been calling you for three days now! Three days! Your answering machine and I have had more conversations than we did! I was so worried! I was terrified you were dead in a ditch somewhere!"

"Alison, please calm down!" Natalie said, noticing the several people had turned to look at them.

"Calm down! Did you really tell me to call down?" She said,

"Please, let's go outside and talk!" Natalie said. Alison, shaking with rage, nodded. They both walked outside, getting a couple feet away from the grocery store, before Alison started to shout again.

"I was so worried! You can't just faint and ignore me! I thought something horrible happened!"

"I'm sorry-"

"What happened? You looked at that man and you said "George?" and then you just passed out!"

"He just looks like someone-"

"And I was thinking, oh let me just go to your house and check on you. But you know what I realized? I don't know where you live." She said. Natalie's heart started to race, her mouth going dry.

How was she supposed to answer that?

"And then, you said you were a nurse at your old school, but I don't know what school you went to, so I couldn't check there." Alison continued; Natalie pulled at her fingers, a nervous habit she had.

"So, I think you should tell me what's going on now, or I'll go inside right now and ask the guy about it, because something clearly happened." She said,

"Alison I-"

"Please don't lie to me again. We're friends. You're really my best friend, but I know nothing about you."

"That's not true!"

"It is true! I don't know the name of the place you work, the name of your high school. I've never even met people you went to school with?"

Natalie didn't know how to respond. She looked around, trying to think of a way out of this, but there was none.

"Alison, please. You don't understand."

"What don't I understand? That you've been lying to me for years? Who really are you?"

"Let's go back to your house and I can tell you everything." Natalie said, defeated. She knew this would not work, and she wasn't going to obliviate one of her best friends.


"Now explain." Alison said once they were inside the house and after an awkward car ride, where she wished she had more than one seatbelt, since Alison drove above the speed limit by an amount that would get them arrested for sure.

"You might want to sit down." Natalie said,

"I think I'll be fine right here." Alison said, through gritted teeth, as she stood in the middle of her kitchen.

"Alison, remember that lady that came to my house when I was 11? You said she looked scary."

"Yeah, what does this have to do with anything?" Alison asked.

"She is a... witch, I am a witch. She told me that I am a witch, and that I have to go to a school called Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry." Natalie explained. Alison shook her head.

"I said enough lies Alison. Why would you make something up?" Natalie rolled her eyes, taking out her wand from her purse. She looked around the room, spotting the skin filled with a couple of dirty dishes. She flicked her wand at them, muttering a spell under her breath. The water turned on, the dishes started floating, and the sponge started cleaning them.

Natalie turned to look at Alison, seeing her looking between the dishes, Natalie, and the wand, before she lifted a shaking finger up at Natalie.

"You-you-just did that with that, and they started cleaning-and I-WHAT!"

"I told you I'm a witch,"

"I need to sit down." Alison said, as she walked to her kitchen table and sat on the chairs.

"I told you to sit down earlier." Natalie said, as she flicked her wand, and a cup of water came floating towards Alison.

"Sh," Alison said, as she accepted the cup with a shaking hand. She tried to drink the water, but spilled most of it on her shirt.

"So, I went to Hogwarts for seven years, and I studied to become a healer. We have our own world, our own jobs, our own lives." Natalie explained.

"But during those seven years, I fell in love with Fred Weasley. I hated him at first. He was an asshole, but we ended up falling in love." She said. Alison's eyes softened as Natalie started pulling on her fingertips again.

"But at that time, there was an evil wizard that was trying to gain control. He killed a lot of us with his minions, too. So, there was a battle, and Fred died that day." Alison blinked several times, trying to understand what Natalie was saying.

"Hold on! You're telling me that you fought in a battle? Like an actual swords and arrows-"

"We fought with our wands, Alison. And the creators from the forbidden forest."

"I think I'm sleeping. Am I sleeping? Natalie pinch me." Alison said. Natalie walked over and pinched Alison on the arm.

"Ow! I didn't mean it literally."

"Then why say it?"

"It's a phrase!" Natalie rolled her eyes, sitting across from Alison instead.

"So, you guys won this battle?"

"Yeah, but a lot of us died. Fred died, well, I thought he died. That day we went to the grocery store. I thought it was his twin brother, George, but that man wasn't George. It was Fred, and I don't know how he survived because I saw his dead body. We went to his funeral." Natalie said. Alison stood up and grabbed a bottle of wine and two cups.

"Here, you need this." She said, pouring her a glass. Natalie sipped the wine, shrugging.

"Firewhiskey is stronger."


"Never mind."

"So, did you see his body when you buried it?"

"No, the ministry sent us ashes, and we spread them around Hogwarts. The ministry said that was the only way, since there were so many bodies. We fought them, of course, but it was already too late."

"I think you need to go speak to the ministry, then. This doesn't make sense. If he's alive, then whose ashes did you spread?"

"I don't know." Natalie shrugged.

"You have to find out, and I'm coming with you."

"Not today."

"Well, of course not today, because you have to explain everything to me."

"Okay, I've been stalking him for the past two days, and it is him. He asked me out. We're going out on Friday."

"Does he know it's you?"

"I don't think so."

"I can't believe it. I can't believe this happened to you." She said, putting her hand over Natalie's.

"I... can't believe it either. But he's alive, and he asked me out. So, I need to do everything to remind him of who he was and who I am."

Remember me?- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now