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George's eyes landed on Natalie, a small smile spreading on his face. Natalie looked at the floor, as Alison raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"George," Natalie said, as he came to hug her, squeezing her so tight, knocking the air out of her lungs. Of course, George missed her, she had been one of his best friends, and after Fred's death, a part of Natalie died, making him feel as if he lost his best friend and brother all in one day.

"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you for almost four and half years now." George said, as he let her go, and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Has it really been almost five years now?" Natalie asked, after the funeral, Natalie couldn't bring herself to see the Weasley's, to see the burrow, to see the joke shop, but mainly she couldn't bring herself to see George, who looked exactly like Fred with the exception of his missing ear. It hurt sometimes even more then losing Fred, because it seemed like he was right across the room from her, talking to her, managing a small smile for her. She decided that it was best for herself, and her grieving process that she should cut all contact with the Weasleys. 

"Well, my brother passed...and then you disappeared so almost five years now." George commented. Natalie's eyes wandered to the floor, not being able to look at George without feeling guilty. Alison glanced at Natalie, curiously listening to their conversation, and wondering.

Could she have really not told him that his brother was alive?

She pursed her lips, deciding it was best not to say anything at the moment. George cleared his throat at the awkward air that had engulfed the little group. 

"Still missing an ear?" Natalie asked, George touched the spot where his ear used to be, and chuckled.

"I enjoy my one ear; two ears are for losers."

"At least people don't have to repeat themselves a million times when speaking to me."

"What?" George faked, cupping his only ear. Natalie rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Exactly my point." 

"Well, why have you entered my little shop now." 

"It was actually Alison; she ran in here." George's eyes landed on Alison, his smile growing.

"Well, I'm glad my shop has attracted such a beautiful lady like yourself." George said, Alison giggled, as she looped her arm through Natalie's again.

"Well, I couldn't help myself. I saw the red head statue and ditched Natalie right away." 

"Yeah, that statute was my idea. I knew it would attract customers. I've never seen you here before, and I always remember all my customers." George said, Natalie smiled beckoning him closer. George leaned down, confused.

"She's a muggle." George's eyebrows rose surprised.

"You're a muggle?"

"SH!" Natalie and Alison said, George laughed, his eyes crinkling in the corner.

"My father would love to meet you, he loves muggles." George said.

"You guys find us interesting?"

"Just as much as you find us interesting." Natalie said, Alison giggled. 

"Well, how is your family, George?" Natalie asked.

"We've gotten better." George answered, before clearing his throat.

"Anyway," George said, turning to Alison, clearly not wanting to talk about his family at the moment. 

"Would you care for a tour? I'd love to show you the shop." Alison nodded.

"What tour it's a small-" 

"Sh, let me tour." George said, he grabbed Alison's hand, and the two of them walked in front of Natalie, who already knew her way around the shop, clearly ignoring her.


"All done?" She asked them.

"Yeah." Alison said, with a take toy flower in her hand, that George had given her.

"George, you think we can use your floo upstairs?" Natalie asked. He nodded, telling his employe that he'll be right back before leading them upstairs. His apartment looked exactly like it had five years earlier. Natalie felt like it had been yesterday when her and Fred had moved in here together. George lit the fireplace, before throwing some floo powder in. 

"Come again soon, Natalie. I mean it, especially at the burrow. We all miss you." He said, 

"I'll try." She said, he nodded saying goodbye to both of them before walking back down to his shop.


"Natalie, did you tell George about Fred?" Alison asked, once she put the wizard robes back in Natalie's closet. Natalie turned away from her, slowly unbuttoning her robes. 

"Um...not yet."

"Natalie!" Alison said, Natalie signed turning around.


"No, no Alison! You have to tell him! His family! You said he has how many family members?" Natalie took off the robe, and put it in the closet, shutting the doors before answering.

"Six, he has six siblings." She said.

"Six? Including his parents that's eight people that love him! Natalie! What are you doing? That's not right!" Alison shouted, shaking her head.

"I will tell them!" Natalie shouted, turning around and glaring at Alison.

"Now! Tell them now!"

"You don't understand! He doesn't remember them or me, what if I end up hurting him." Natalie explained, running her hands through her hair.

"What if you're just keeping him to yourself for a while?" Alison asked, Natalie wrapped her eyes around herself, staring at the ground.

"That's not true!" She said, but her voice didn't sound very sure.

"Natalie, it is!"

"You met George barley an hour ago!" Natalie spat.

"That doesn't mean it makes it any less okay." Natalie was spared from answering, as the phone rang in the next room. Natalie walked out of her bedroom and down the hall.

"Hello?" She said, as she picked it up.

"Hey, love." Natalie watched Alison walk into the living room, shaking her head at Natalie, disappointed. 

"Hey Fred."

"What's wrong? You sound annoyed?" Fred asked, sounding concerned even over the phone. 

"No, I'm okay. Just a little tired." 

"So, you don't want to come over?" Fred asked,

"No, no. I'll be there soon." She said, Natalie watched as Alison grabbed her bag, and walked out the door, slamming the door shut behind her. 

Remember me?- Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now