Jealousy Jealousy

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Natalie had woken up a little later than the others, she took a shower, and changed out of her pajamas. Natalie went downstairs, seeing the family including Fred eating breakfast.

"We were wondering when you would wake up." Bella said,

"Sorry, I was exhausted after my flight." She said, sitting down next to Fred. Her mother had already made up a plate for her. Fred grinned into his cup, trying not to laugh out loud. 

"So, Bella and Luca are going into Whitehurst today. You two should join them." Her father said. Whitehurst was a small village that reminded Natalie of Hogsmeade. 

"Go where?" Fred asked,

"It's a small village a couple miles from here."

"Oh, that sounds like fun." Fred said, Natalie shrugged.

"Alright, we can go a little later today." Natalie said.


The four had gotten changed shortly after breakfast. Natalie worn some jeans with a white shirt, and long leather jacket over it. Fred walked inside her room, wearing jeans and a black sweater. They could hear Luca beeping their horn for the last five minutes.

"Ready?" Fred asked, Natalie nodded, looking insider her purse to make sure her wand was there, along with some muggle money.

"Yes, just a second." Natalie said, grabbing some shoes to put on downstairs. She huffed, after what felt like the 100th time. She walked up to her window, that was directly in front of the garage.


"WELL, IF YOU HURRIED UP THEN I WOULDN'T HAVE TO BEEP MY HORN!" Natalie rolled her eyes, shutting the window. She turned to an amused Fred.

"What?" Natalie asked.

"Nothing, you guys are just so amusing." He said, Natalie shook her head.

"Don't worry, you'll get annoyed of us soon." Natalie said, as they walked out of her room. They waved goodbye to her parents before going outside to the car. Fred opened Natalie's door, before sitting beside her.

"Do you remember the way?" Bella asked, from the passenger's seat.

"Of course, I do." Luca said,

"We better not be lost, Luca." Natalie said, as she felt Fred grab her hand, staring outside the window.

"We won't get lost."

"Really? Because we're supposed to turn right here, you're in the left lane." Bella said, Luca glared at her.

"I knew that!"


Finally, after a longer than necessary drive, the four parked in front of a bar. They all got out of the car, looking around the village. It really did remind her of Hogsmeade, with the bustling village people, and the way the buildings were made. 

"Let's walk around." She told Fred grabbing his arm. 

"We'll meet you at the bar at 7." Bella said, Natalie nodded as she and Fred started walking.

The village was busy with people running around finishing their Christmas shopping, having little time to stop and chat while running errands.

"It feels so familiar." Fred said, shaking his head.


"I don't know, it just feels like it does. Like I've been to something similar." Fred said, looking around, before Natalie could reply she heard someone shout-

"Natalie!" They said in a very thick Italian accent from behind her. They turned around seeing a man around her age running up to her. She blinked a couple times before shouting-

"Cole!" She yelled, as he hugged her. She threw her arms around him, laughing as he picked her up and spun her around. Fred watched crossing his arms over his chest, as the man put her down. Fred noticed the man had dark hair, with green eyes that seemed to roam over Natalie's face. He held her by the arms even as he let her down.

"Cole, I didn't know you were in town!" Natalie laughed, 

"I didn't know you were here either or I would have called! What are you doing here anyway?" Cole laughed, annoyingly Fred thought.

"I'm visiting my family for Christmas." Fred cleared his throat, as he watched Cole rub his slimy, well he'd like to think they were slimy, hands up and down Natalie's arm.

"Oh! Cole, this is my boyfriend, Fred!" Cole gazed at Fred a hint of annoyance in his gaze. Fred offered a hand to Cole. Cole shook it, trying to squeeze it, but Fred squeezed it harder.

"Nice to meet you," Fred said, putting a hand on Natalie's lower back.

"You too." 

"How do you two know each other?" Fred asked, putting a very fake smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Cole is Luca's best friend from high school. Oh! Luca is here too, do you know?" Natalie said,

"No, I didn't! I was just stopping in town to grab some last-minute things for Christmas! Luca and I made plans for after Christmas to hang out." Cole explained. Fred ran his tongue over his teeth trying not to look annoyed.

"How long have you two been together?" Cole said, pointing between the two.

"Over a month." Fred said, kissing the top of Natalie's head, lovingly. 

"Ah, well new relationships how nice."

"You know, our parents thought we were going to get married." Cole said, Natalie's smile faltered, nodding. She glanced at Fred; she could quickly tell that he was about to punch Cole in the face.

"Yeah, well that was a long time ago."

"Before you went to a fancy private school." Cole said, poking Natalie teasingly in the arm. Fred pulled her closer, his hand moving to her hip. Cole noticed it, his eye lingering on Fred's hand.

"Well, we better be going. We wanted to walk around before dinner." Fred said, 

"Ah, yes. How long are you guys staying?" Cole asked,

"Um, we'll be leaving two days after Christmas." 

"What? Christmas is tomorrow!" Cole said,

"Yeah, what a shame." Fred smirked, not caring if his voice sounded sarcastic. 

"Well, we really better be going." Fred said, he smacked Cole on the back so hard, he stumbled forward a little.

"Nice to meet you, again." Fred said, grabbing Natalie's hand. 

"Oh! Well, it was nice seeing you! Bye Cole!" She shouted, as they walked away from him.

"I don't like him." Fred said, not caring if they were in ear shot.

"Cole's nice."

"He likes you,"

"He has a girlfriend."

"No man who is that touchy with a woman actually likes his girlfriend." Fred said

"Fred Weasley your just jealous." Natalie laughed,

"Am not!"

"Are too!" She said, he rolled his eyes. She kissed him on the cheek, as they continued there walk. 

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