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The elevator doors slid open once more to reveal a break room sort of environment. There were people of many ages of the company's spectrum hanging out here. A person had to be at least thirteen to sign up to be a model and I knew there was a cut-off age, but no one really knew what age that was. Hardly ever did you see someone over sixty playing a part here. Many people were crowded around a large flat screen tv. There seemed to be some sport show on air that they were interested in. Some were preparing meals in the full kitchen provided in the break room. It seemed as if they ate family style or buffet style rather than making personal meals. Others were sitting at a large rectangular table, fully engrossed in a conversation about some new trend they noticed online. It was very boisterous in the room which was something I never thought would happen. 

I always thought this area would be grey and depressing. People would look stressed out and tired, dragging their feet and slumping their shoulders as they walked, looks of misery planted on their faces. I mean, after standing on a riser all day and not being chosen they had to feel crest-fallen. But all these people seemed...happy. 

"As you may have noticed, this is the employee break room." Mrs. Blakely said matter-of-factly, "Every one of my employees are encouraged to use their break time however they see fit. This is just one part of the break area. To the left is a quiet room reserved for napping and to the right is an exercise room. We encourage our employees to be at their top health but we don't force weigh ins or extreme diets." she continued as we stepped off the elevator and walked into the room. "There is a type for every person and we don't exclude anyone." she added.

As soon as Mrs. Blakely entered the room, everyone seemed to pause what they were doing, turned toward her and bowed their heads politely as a sort of greeting. It was unmistakable that she was in charge. She smiled at them and they went back to what they were doing.

A blond man, around twenty years old pushed out from the table and walked up to Mrs. Blakely and I. "New recruit?" he asked as he winked at me.

"Somewhat." Mrs. Blakely answered, "But not in the way you're thinking. Leave this one alone, Rosco." she warned. He nodded and went back to his seat. When one of the other guys leaned over to ask him something he shook his head and shoved the other guy away before he looked back at me.

Mrs. Blakely turned a corner to the right of the elevator and led me down a hallway. A long hallway. Long enough for curiosity to get the best of me and I asked, "What was that all about?"

Mrs. Blakely sighed, "That was Rosco, one of my top Player Type rentals. He's very popular with the ladies and some gentlemen, but he usually doesn't know when to turn off the charm. He's not one of your charges today but only by a slim margin. But if he messes up again I'll be sending him your way. He'll need a reality check."

"And you think I can give him one?" I questioned. She had to be kidding right? 

Mrs. Blakley  nodded, "Most definitely. There's something about you. I just know it. You may not be able to see it yet, but I'm sure of it and I'm never wrong."

"Isn't that a lot of pressure for someone you barely know?" I asked unsure of myself.

Mrs. Blakely stopped walking and turned to face me. "How will you ever know if you don't try?"

I thought for a moment. There was never a truer statement, but I still wasn't sure if it fit in this situation. 

"Don't worry. 'You've got this." as the kids say." Mrs. Blakely said as she smiled and continued on down the hallway. She walked up to a set of silver double doors and pushed them open. Inside was closer of a scene I expected when we first got off the elevator. There were four guys sitting at a small square table, playing some kind of card game. I instantly recognized Alex and Puck from reading their profiles earlier, but the other two were new for me.

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