Chapter 6

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As soon as Adrien's lips touched mine, I could taste a joyful hint of mint. Did he prepare and plan to kiss me? What's going on in his head right now? A million thoughts raced through my head and I wasn't sure how to react.

Do I pull away? Kiss back? What would happen if I kissed him back? I pondered over the fact that frankly, I have no experience with boys. Why can't Adrien be the first boy I make out with? I was planning on going to the dance with him, after all.

I deepened the kiss, and I could tell it wasn't the reaction Adrien was expecting as I felt a wince of hesitation. However, Adrien became more relaxed as he melted into the kiss, I felt his mouth open slightly, allowing me to taste even more fresh mint. 

I realized that my heart was beating like crazy, and my face felt hot. Like I was running the worst fever I've ever had. I was brought back to reality when I heard my phone ring. I always had the ringer on full blast, as misplacing my cellphone was something I was frequently guilty of. 

As soon as my thoughts came crashing back to the present, I pushed Adrien off me and out of the kiss. I honestly didn't know what to think or do. Adrien readjusted himself on the floor, sitting criss-crossed. I could feel an awkward tension in the air when I painfully made eye contact with him before I got up to check my phone, which was laying on my sofa

It was Alya trying to video call me, probably wanted to hangout or gossip. I pressed the red button to hang up the call without much hesitation and sat down on the ground, my back resting against my sofa. Sorry Alya. She'll be thrilled and forgive me when I tell her why later. 

"Wasn't important?" Adrien smiled shyly, and I could tell he felt self conscious and unsure of himself. His face was still so flushed. Adrien blushing is so cute. It was then when I noticed the clothes Adrien was wearing. He wore sleek black jeans and a dark green hoodie with his father's company logo on it. Plain and simple. I smiled. It wasn't as nice as what I remember him wearing in middle school, but I what he currently wore suit him better than anything else he's had to wear.

I felt my face grow warm from my thoughts when I remembered Adrien asked me a question. "No, it was just Alya. I'll tell her why later. She always understands." Alya was still my closest friend. We did almost everything together, and she was the first person I always turned to for support or advice.

"Oh~" Adrien said, almost like a purr. He was letting his Chat Noir side out once again. "I'll have to brag to her that you picked me over her~" he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I'd pick Alya over anyone any day. You don't stand a chance, kitty." Kitty? Did I just call him kitty? I felt my face go beat red and I quickly looked away from Adrien's gaze.

Adrien laughed, definitely more at my embarrassment than anything. "You don't have to be so shy around me, Mari. Have we not been saving Paris together over and over for the past three years?"

I peered back at him, still unsure of what to say. What do you say to someone after you've kissed them? I've never had to do this before! My mind drifted and I started to think about what Tiki had said about their identities. How they've both compromised one another. I felt confident in my choice. We always win. The thought of us losing or messing up never came up to me. But what would happen if one of us did mess up? If one of us did end up captured?

"Adrien, we have to be very careful." I tried to keep a stern look, but it was hard from how flustered and flushed I was. 

"We will be, bugaboo~"

"I'm dead serious, Adrien." I felt all the adrenaline from the kiss flow away. This was serious. Too serious. We couldn't afford any mistakes. She needed to be Ladybug right now. Strong and stubborn. "Our lives are in one another's hands now. We need to think of the other before anything we do, before any decisions we make. " Adrien was looking directly at me. I hated making eye contact, but I still looked directly in his big green eyes before finishing. "I don't think you should call me 'bugaboo' or 'mi'lady' or anything that you would say to Ladybug. What would happen if someone overhears? I gave you all my trust when I reveled who I was."

Adrien looked more serious, his playful demeaner gone. He looked like I had just kicked over his sandcastle. "I know, Marinette. I know. I was just excited."

I sighed. "I know, I know. I'm just scared." I've never been so open to Adrien before. I've never felt like I could tell him anything. I guess that all changed when I found out he was Chat Noir. Without much thought, I brought him into an embrace. He hugged me back instantly. Though I couldn't see his frame well do to the hoodie he was wearing, I could tell from hugging him that he gained more muscle than what he had in middle school. His arms felt toned and the hug felt strong and secure. He also felt so big compared to me. Weren't we around the same size a few years ago?

I broke the hug and stared at the holder of the cat miraculous. "I know it hasn't been long, but you should probably go. I think Alya wants to come over, and I'm also scared of my parents hearing us. You didn't exactly ask to come over, you know."

Adrien smiled. It was crooked and playful, just like when he smiled as Chat Noir and nothing like how he smiles when he models. He stood up and took a deep bow. "My apologies, Mari. Next time I'll be sure to send a notice by mail before my arrival."

I giggled and stood up with him. "Oh, stop it. You know what I mean. Does your father even know where you are right now? Doesn't he keep pretty tight tabs on you?"

Adrien smiled wider and chuckled. "Oh, I wouldn't know. I never carry my phone on me when I leave. It's the only way he can know where I am. But alas, you are correct. It has been such a dreadfully long time. I do need to return to my overbearing father." Adrien stretched lazily and yawned, before saying his traditional "Plagg, claws out". I watched as he was enveloped in a bright flash of green. Adrien Agreste had become Chat Noir after the green light dissipated. 

"Goodnight, Kitty. See you tomorrow for patrol?"

Chat Noir grinned and took my hand, kissing it gently as he bowed. "I wouldn't want anything else, Marinette. You'll be on my mind." With that, Chat Noir jumped out my window into the dark, chilly night of Paris. As soon as he left, I immediately started to call Alya. I couldn't tell her everything, but there was still so much to tell her. Alya was going to freak the hell out. 

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