Chapter 4 (updated)

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(Author's note: woah, I really started to write this in 2018. I decided I wanted to continue writing this silly fanfic, so here it is. I am updating all the previous (1-5) chapters, as I have improved my writing and wanted to show that. Keep in mind I started to write this way before season five, and the rest of the chapters will be written without season five being taken into account. Enjoy!)


It was mid morning on a lazy Saturday, and I was laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, lost in my endless train of thoughts. Yesterday was when I found out Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste. Who would have guessed in a millions years that Chat Noir was Adrien?

"Can you believe that he's Chat?" I asked Tikki this question. She was munching on a cookie, relaxing in the little makeshift bed I had made her awhile ago.

"Well I mean, yes I can." When I cocked my head in confusion, Tikki explained. "I always knew who Chat Noir was, just like how Plagg knows who you are."

"Tikki, there's something I never understood. I get why we can't tell other people who we are, but what's the big deal about telling one another? We risk our lives together every day."

"It's best to keep your real life separate from your hero life, such as if one of you were to ever get compromised by Hawk Moth. If Chat Noir ever got captured, he could not figure out who Ladybug.

I sighed and rolled over, wrapping myself in all my blankets like a burrito. "Hawk Moth hasn't caught us yet." I let out another long sigh. "I'm sure Alya is going be surprised about me going to the dance with Adrien. She never would have guessed I was able to do it."

I looked around my room, it's been the same for years; my fashion and art supplies were laying everywhere, my work table, my TV and video games. The only difference was the old pictures I had up of Adrien. They were now long gone; taken off and thrown away. Pictures of my friends and family now replaced them.

"Why did you turn him down, Marinette?"

I had thought about it for awhile, trying to find the right words. I had a reason, but it was hard to explain... "It just didn't feel right. I felt like I didn't know the actual Adrien enough, and that he didn't know me. I'm still so confused about him and who he is. I'd rather take the time and get to know each other better. After all, we've waited this long right?"

Tikki nodded her head; I knew she'd understand. She always did.

Our conversation had then been interrupted by a small tap, tap on the window. I was confused. Did something hit my window? A bird? An animal?

I pulled open my soft pink curtains, only to discover green catlike eyes staring at me. Embarrassed and taken back, I stumbled and fell backwards onto the floor with a loud thud. I watched as Chat Noir slipped in with ease through my window.

I hadn't been prepared for this at all! I was still in my pajamas, and my hair was down and unbrushed. I hadn't washed my face or anything yet... I wasn't even wearing a bra! Why couldn't he have at least given me a heads up?! He has my number. How hard would it have been to call or text me?!

My embarrassment turned into a bit of anger and frustration. "You couldn't have at least told me you were coming? You have my number!" Even though I knew Adrien was Chat Noir, it was still easier to talk to the Chat side of Adrien rather than Adrien himself. Does that make sense? I'm just more comfortable with Chat Noir. We've gone through so much together after all. I simply felt more comfortable around him in his mask, though I hoped I could become more comfortable around Adrien himself.

"Yeah, I probably should've... But you look so cute in your pjs on the floor~." His voice had gotten deep and very flirtatious, making my cheeks grow warm. He was being more flirty than usual, and I was able to tell that he was enjoying it and my reactions.

At that comment, I noticed I was still on the floor. I decided to go get dressed in the bathroom quickly, but before I had the chance to get up, Chat Noir--No Adrien? Ugh whatever. Chat Noir had pounced on top of me, causing an even louder thud than when I originally fell!

H-He pounced on top of me?!

I had been sitting up on the floor, but I was now laying down, with Chat Noir on top of me! He was using his knees and hands to keep himself up, not quite touching me, but he was very close. Whereas I was laying flat on my bedroom floor, between his knees and hands. He was close to my face, extremely close. So close than if he moved even one millimeter closer, his nose would be touching mine.

He had the biggest smirk on his face. 

"Wh-What are you doing?!" I couldn't yell, because I didn't want my parents to hear the commotion, they probably already heard the thuds and planned on questioning me later. But I had made my voice more stern than usual, trying to get it across that this wasn't okay at all.

"Oh, this? I'm just relaxing~." There he was again, with his deeper, flirty voice from before.

Why was he being so much more flirty than usual?! Was he just trying to get a reaction from me? Or was he actually flirting with me? I couldn't tell anymore, all I knew was this kitty was going to pay big time for this!

"Cha-- A-Adrien... Y-You should get off..." I fumbled with what name to call him, and with just my words in general. We were in what seemed to me to be a very awkward situation, but Adrien seemed to be just fine with it...

"Plagg, claws in!" A bright green light flashed as Adrien transformed back into himself. He moved one hand to merely ruffle and fix his hair, and then placed it back in its position next to me.

Now it was Adrien on top of me.

Adrien a millimeter from my face.

Adrien who was flirting with me.

What the hell is he even thinking?!

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