Chapter 5 (updated)

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(Author's note: woah, I really started to write this in 2018. I decided I wanted to continue writing this silly fanfic, so here it is. I am updating all the previous (1-5) chapters, as I have improved my writing and wanted to show that. Keep in mind I started to write this way before season five, and the rest of the chapters will be written without season five being taken into account. Enjoy!)


I had finally had enough as I roughly shoved Adrien off of me. He landed on the floor next to me, laughing loudly. I tried to shush him. He was being way too loud.

"You're so cute when you get worked up, bugaboo!" He then bursted out laughing even louder.

I once again felt my embarrassment begin to melt away. Was I always this comfortable around Adrien? I tried to conceal my devilish smile, as I had just then came up with a plan. Adrien was still sitting on my floor, laughing. He was so distracted and open. Now was my chance for some payback.

I began to slowly inch my way closer and closer to him. Just as he stopped laughing and was wiping away tears was when I had gotten just close enough. I kissed him on the cheek. However, I held the kiss for a moment, allowing it to linger before I broke it.

Adrien's entire face turned redder than a firetruck. Before that moment, I don't think I had ever seen Adrien so flustered and caught off guard. 

"M-Mari...?" He stuttered; he was flustered, probably even more than I had been when he first arrived. It was the cutest thing!

"That'll teach you to mess with me, kitty." I gently poked his nose in a playful manner when I said this and giggled. I laid down on my floor and after a few moments, Adrien had laid next to me.

"S-So... You excited for the dance?" Adrien was still quite flustered, especially as he tried to break the awkward silence between us.

"I meaaan yeah, I definitely am. Not sure Chloe will be as excited though." I suppressed a laugh at the last comment I had made. Chloe was going to hate the fact I'm going to the dance with Adrien, and that amused me. I knew it was bad that it did, but Chloe was so terrible to everyone. And even after three years, Chloe was still obsessive over Adrien. If anything, this was karma. 

Adrien chuckled at my comment about Chloe. "Well, she isn't very nice so..." Adrien trailed off as he turned to face me. "You know, you're really cute, Marinette. I thought that even before the whole Ladybug thing."

I laughed, half from embarrassment. "I'm anything but cute... I'm just... A stupid mess." I had a lot of self-doubt. Questioning my self worth was simply something I did all the time. I felt like a nobody. The only time that was any different was when I was Ladybug, but Ladybug isn't really me. Ladybug was heroic and brave and smart. Marinette wasn't like that. I was just a klutzy, painfully normal girl. And it felt like I was never allowed to be sad or upset. I mean, what would happen if Ladybug got akumatized? Sadness wasn't an emotion I could afford to feel. 

I realized I once again got caught up in my endless thoughts when I felt Adrien move himself closer to me, his cheek almost touching mine. "I really do think you're really cool, Mari. . ." His face was so close I could feel the heat radiating off of it. I could feel myself getting more and more tense.

"I-I'm not..."

"If you weren't... Would I do this?" Adrien grabbed my hand gently. His hands were so soft and warm.

Before I could say anything, his face moved closer to mine, and he...

He kissed me...

On the lips...

A-Adrien kissed me?!

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