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(takes place after the series on Netflix so *SPOILERS*. Does not contain romance except from WednesdayxEnid don't worry lol, unless Gomez and Morticia are in the room. Will sometimes be in 3rd person or Wednesdays POV.)
(Also none of this will be exactly accurate but I'm only making this for yours and my entertainment.)
(My sister helped me with this, her insta is raemae60)
(Wednesday POV)

I get to my room and unpack my bags from my somewhat year at Nevermore. I guess I should be relieved, getting a break after all that has happened but I can't help but wonder how it is going to be run next year. I put my cello by my bed and sit down. I hear a vibrate come from the bag that I placed on a set of drawers by my bed. I see it open and and a hand crawls out to give me a phone.
"Thank you, Thing." I say, taking the phone from his fingers.
I'm not used to having technology. Xavier gifted me the phone before I left, giving me his "contact" with it too but so far the only person who has "messaged" me is a stalker. Great, more mysteries. I happen to be a mystery magnet now.
But this time it's not the stalker. Here is how the conversation goes:

Unknown: Hi! It's your fave roomie!

You: who?

Unknown: It's Enid

Unknown: Xavier sent me your number

Great. He's just sending my contact to people now.
I save her number into the phone, Xavier showed me how.

Enid: so how is it being a slave to technology?

You: I don't do much on it, just send messages.

Enid: oh.

You: though, this thing did come with something called YouTube. I might explore it, I'm also curious to see what's inside but Xavier says I shouldn't.

Enid: Phones are expensive and hard to fix. You should check out YouTube.

"What's that?" I hear from beside me.
I turn to see Pugsley.
"It's a phone." I say.
"What are you doing in my room?"
"I need Thing for something." He says, he picks up Thing and then leaves.
I get bored and place the phone down.
I hear dinner being called from downstairs.
I walk by Pugsleys room and I do what I usually do when passing his room, I throw a knife at him. It's become something that I do everyday other than the occasional drowning, suffocating and burying him alive. It narrowly misses him by an inch, piecing his shirt sleeve to his wall. That was intentional, as I never miss. I just decided to spare him this time.

After dinner I go upstairs, I tried to be quick so as to not start an awkward conversation with my parents about Nevermore or things like that. I come back to my room, checking my phone to see some missed calls from Enid. I text her:

You: why did you try to call me.

Enid: sorry! I know you don't like calls but I have an idea and I need to call you to say it quick enough without exploding!

You: just this once.

My phone starts to vibrate as a call pops up, it's Enid. I reluctantly accept the call. Nothing happens except the option to hang up, mute or dial. Enid's contact is on the screen with a circle of a picture of her. "Hello?" I hear her voice come out of the phone. "Hello." I answer. "Hey do you have WhatsApp so I can facetime you?" She asks. "What's WhatsApp?" I ask.
"Nevermind, anyways! I have an idea!"
"You have already said that in your message, that is why you called me is it not?"
"Well yes but I felt like I needed to announce it to you again."
I tap the button that looks like a megaphone, whatever that is. Xavier showed me how.
I hear her voice more clearer and louder now.
"Go on." I tell her, waiting for her to tell her idea.
"What if you came over to mine or I come over to yours for the week?"
"Come on!!!"
"It's just a week, plus I want to see you!"
"I don't know!"
"You saw me the whole school year."
"I know but I wanna see you again, maybe somewhere next week. I just need to get away from my mum for a bit."
"Ok, fine. But just you. No one else. also, my parents do alot of things you wouldn't consider normal. This may be a bad idea but if you want to do this then fine."
"Thank you! I'll pack my stuff for the week and then I can ask my dad to drop me off-"
"No need, I'll make Lurch drive me in the morning on Friday. You don't need to send your address either, as I already know where you live."
"Wait what-"
I press the red button with the phone symbol and the phone makes a beep.

I guess the phone is somewhat useful, I usually spent my nights not knowing the time as I had taken out the clock hands to use the radiation in them. I'm not going to say what for. I check the time, 10 pm. I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed.

(Time skip)

I wake, quickly sitting up and breathing heavily. I hate nightmares. I hate the rainbows and clouds and- I sigh. I check the time on my phone, I've kind of gotten used to checking it in the mornings. It's 6am. I go downstairs, passing Pugsleys room on the way. I would admit, I stopped. Thinking that I would have at least a little time to maybe stab him once or twice, but I quickly put that aside. Since I live all the way in New Jersey and she lives in California, I'm deciding to leave on Friday so I have three days to get there and back. It takes around 84 hours to get there and back, maybe a bit more from all the stops. I'd have to have Lurch drive over the same 9 states twice, lucky for us we wouldn't have to stop by any hotels as Lurch can stay awake for over a week. Assuming he got enough sleep last night.

I pack bags for the trip containing food, clothes, toiletries, Thing, etc. Thing comes everywhere with me now, I tell him that I am perfectly capable by myself but he insists. I guess we have the main character and sidekick stereotype now.
"Lurch!" I call. He comes out of the kitchen in a suit, holding a plate. "You rang?" His deep voice says.
"Could you wait in the car while I do something before we leave." I say.
He hands me the plate.
"Breakfast." He says.
"Thank you." I say, he leaves through the front door. I go upstairs with the plate and two pans, I walk into Pugsley's room and quietly place the plate by his bed. I then slam the pans together, creating a loud noise. Pugsley springs up, getting out of bed. He then stands on the plate and slips, causing him to fall and the plate to break. I see bits of glass pierce into his feet, I have to hold back a smirk. I close his door and leave, ready for the trip...

(Sorry if I'm not good and doing Wednesdays personality, I'm trying lol. I hope you guys enjoy this and future parts. 1254 words)

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