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(Enid POV)

It was a Wednesday. I wake up. I go to look at Wednesday, but she wasn't there. For once she was in her own bed. She looked paler than usual.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Yes, you were right by the way. I thought I'd keep my distance in case you catch it too." She says.
"Oh." I say
"Sorry for not listening to you." She says.
"No, it's not your fault you got sick." I say, I guess it kinda is.
She looks confused.
"It is." She says.
She looks lonely.
I walk over to her and sit next to her.
She moves away slightly.
"You'll catch it." She says.
"So? At least I can help you!"  I say.
"I don't need that Enid, I'm fine." She says.
"But you look so lonely!" I say.
"I don't want to get you sick!" She says.
"I don't care about that!" I say.
I lay down, resting my head in her lap.
She looks at me in disapproval.
I put my hand on her head.
"You're warm, you're usually very cold" I say.
"Yes, it's called a temperature." She says.
"No- when it's a regular person (no offence) it's usually really hot but you're regular body heat level." I say.
"Oh, that's bad." She says.
"Right, you lay down and get some rest. I need to get ready for school, I'll visit you at break and lunch to see how you are." I say.
"Okay." She says, she lies down.
I get ready and go to class.

"Hey! Where's Wednesday?" Yoko asks as I come up to her.
"She's sick." I say.
"I didn't know she could get sick." She says.
"Anyone can get sick Yoko." Xavier says, walking beside us.
Tyler catches up to us.
"Hey!" He says.
"Hey, how are you!" Xavier asks.
They talk amongst themselves.
"What are her symptoms?" Yoko asks.
"At the moment it's just a temperature but she's not gonna risk anything in case everyone else gets it and it gets worse." I say.
"She cares about everything else?"


(Wednesday POV)
(TW paracetamol? Pills.)

Enid left at 7:30am. It's 9am. I've been trying to sleep but I can't. I change positions, I hate sleeping on my side but if it does something then I don't care. I fall asleep.

I'm half awake, I see Enid come in. I wake up fully to see her but she's not here. What? But she was here a second ago. Must have been a dream.

Enid comes in, I was trying to sleep but i kept waking up every hour and thinking that Enid came in. This time she is actually here and she was holding a glass of water.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
I explain to her what has been happening.
"you've been having fever dreams. I should have a paracetamol somewhere, it helps reduce fevers." She says, looking in her drawers.
She hands me these pills and the glass of water.
I don't really take pills.
She looks at me confused.
"You swallow the pill with the water." She says.
"I know how to take pills Enid. I just don't take them." I say.
"Do you want to sleep or not?" She asks.
I sigh, I take the pills.
"They should kick in soon. I'll bring up some soup or something at lunch" She says.
"Okay." I say. She leaves.

I wake up at around 11.
I sit up, feeling light headed. I got an idea but I need to write it down. I try to stand up but I fall, my legs were weak. I black out.

"Wednesday!?" I hear.
I open my eyes to see Enid.
"Why are you on the floor?" She asks.
"I got an idea and went to write it down but I can't stand." I say.
"What was the idea?" She asks.
"I don't know because I never wrote it down." I say.
She looks at me with disapproval.
She picks me up and places me on my bed.
"Can you sit up, I got you food." She says.
I try to sit up, but I can't.
"No." I say.
"This sickness just keeps getting worse." She says.
It's not just being unable to move either, I'm constantly tired, my throat hurts and my nose is blocked. Sounds like flu.
Enid calls someone.
"Hey Yoko, could you come to my dorm and bring Mr. Wood too please." She says.
"Enid, I'm fine. I'm not dying." I say.
"Well it sounds like the flu and I'm pretty sure that's killed people!" She says.
"The flu to us Addams's is like having a small cough. I'm fine." I say, it's true.
"But you can barely move! It could be worse than the flu!" She says.
She might not be wrong but I doubt it. I can't just die from being out in the rain for a few minutes. I think. I guess it is bad because now I'm second guessing myself and I never do that.
I hear Yoko say something.
"Yes I'm still here, just come please." She says, she sounds worried. I didn't want this to happen.
I try to sit up again but I can't. Enid sees me struggling. She sits me up. I hate relying on others.
"I hate this." I say.
"I know. But it'll pass.... I hope." She says.

(Enid POV)

Wednesday stares at her bed. She hates relying on others, I know she does but she hasn't got a choice right now. She tries to convince me that she's fine. I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I say.
Mr. Wood and Yoko come in.
"Is everything ok Enid?" He asks.
"Wednesdays sick." I say.
"What are the symptoms?" He asks.
I tell him and he thinks for a moment.
"Sounds like the flu." He says.
"I always go out in the rain." Wednesday says.
"Without a coat?" He asks.
"I've never needed a coat." She says.
"I don't understand how you've caught it unless-" he raises his eyebrows.
"What?" I ask.
"It means someone else has it too, they've given it to Wednesday and are now spreading it around the school." He says.
"So a lot of people are gonna have the flu." She says.
"Not just that but you'll be the main cause too, Enid could be a carrier." He says.
Everyone looks at me.
"Ok I didn't give it to Wednesday but I'll stay here from now on if it helps not spread it." I say.
"It's probably already too late. Unless these people know strict hygiene rules." He says
"I'm pretty sure." I say.
"Ok, so you can stay here. I'll inform Weems about the outbreak. I'll bring up some special tea after, my own kind. It will help relieve the symptoms." He says.
"So last year we had a murderous beast and a dude who wanted to erase us, this year we get a killer cold." Yoko says.
Mr. Wood leaves the room.
"I'll get out of here before I become a carrier too. Have fun." Yoko says, also leaving the room.
Wednesday relaxes, she almost seems relieved.
"I'm an idiot, I should have-"
"Don't blame yourself Enid." She says.
"But you were trying to stop this from happening and I got in the way and now I've probably spread it." I say.
"It's ok."

(1233 words)

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