camping and wolfing out

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(Wednesday POV)

Enid and I sit in the back of the car, Lurch was driving us to the woods By Nevermore. He'll be going back home when he's dropped us off and we'll be staying the day and night.
It was around dinner time when we got there, I set up the tent and other things.
"Hunting is my favourite part of camping." I say.
"I'm not surprised." Enid says.
Lurch gets back into the car and drives off.
"Is Lurch not sticking around?" Enid asks.
"No, but he'll be back tomorrow evening to pick us up." I say
"Aren't there like, monsters though?"
"The scariest thing you'll see out here is me."
"So you could just murder me? Right now and no one would know other than Thing?"
"Yes, but don't worry. I have no intentions of killing or hurting you."
"That's good to know."
She sits next to me.
"I need to go hunt dinner." I say getting up.
"Wanna help? You'll be wolfing out in under a second so you could help, just don't get any slobber on the food."
"What if I push it closer to you, chase it until you have a close enough range to knock it out."
I'm shocked by this.
"Am I rubbing off on you?"
"Just do it quick, I can bear to see animals getting hurt."
"And your back."
I sit down with a hunting rifle.
"You go find us a deer and lure it over here."
Enid starts to wolf out, howling at the moon of course; Like the ware Wolf horror film cliche. She runs deeper into the woods.
"Remember to howl twice when it's coming my way!" I call out.
Thing comes out onto the grass and signs.
"You're right, I did say I'd talk to you. But I'm a bit busy." I say to him
"Not right now."
I sigh.
"I have to tell you at some point don't I, fine. But don't tell Enid."
He hesitates and then signs.
"I don't know what's wrong with me, I just get this feeling when she's around."
"Everything just changed since we hugged at Nevermore i-"
"Yes I know it was different with Tyler but-"
"You rang." A voice says from behind me.
I turn to see Tyler.
Instinct kicks in and I punch him in the face. He falls to the ground with a satisfying thud. I nearly laughed from excitement. I come back to my senses, we made this thing to help with us. Howl once if you found something, howl twice if something is headed our way, howl thrice if in danger, etc. I try my best to make a howling noise, I howl three times.
She runs over instantly bearing her teeth.
She sees Tyler sprawled out on the ground.
"You ok?" She asks, still as a ware wolf.
"Yes, just enjoying our time while he's knocked out." I say.
I pick him up and tie him to a tree with chains.

My fist hurts. Enid catches me holding it. She turns back into her hybrid form, human but with wolf ears or whatever. She goes to grab my arm but I pull away.
"I'm fine, go get dinner." I say.
She gives me a sad look and then runs off after turning back into a wolf.
I turn to Tyler, who I heard was groaning in the midst of our conversation.
"Take is slow, you might have a concussion. Either do that or choke on your own sick." I say to him.
I put something cold up to the part where I punched him.
I accidentally brush him with my arm and it sends me into a vision.
I see him as a Hyde in a van, locked up.
It goes to him breaking out and attacking the armed men.
I see him run into the woods.
I come back on the floor.
"You escaped." I say, getting up
"Yeah. They weren't strong enough to hold me." He says.
I keep the cold thing up to his face.
"Did I actually trick you into liking me?" He smiles.
"Fuck off." I say.
"Big words for someone so small. You know when I captured you, I knew you could fight me off but you let your little wolf freak take care of me. Is it because you wanted her to feel involved?"
I throw a knife at him, narrowly missing him by an inch.
"No one calls my friend names and gets away with it."
"There we go, I found your weak point."
My eyes widen and I feel my stomach drop. You know whenever I feel my stomach drop it's usually something I enjoy, but at this... it makes me feel sick.
His smile grows wider.
"I've never seen you so scared Wednesday until now. I'll get you... And your wolf friend too."
I start to black out...

I hear the forest call to me.
Why the hell is the forest talking.
It's bright, the sun is up and I hear birds chirping. It sounds so peaceful, it's sickening. "Wednesday!" The voice is louder now. It suddenly becomes gloomy and dark, now that's what I find peaceful. I wake up to Enid above me, it was raining.
"Where's Tyler?" I ask, sitting up quickly which nearly causes me to black out again, but Enid catches me. "I didn't want to pick you up in case anything was broken." She says. I feel a piercing pain in my wrist and fist. She picks me up gently and it catches me off guard, woah. She's strong. "Your face has gone red, I think you might be sick." She says.
"Did you get dinner?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm gonna make stew for us." She smiles.
All I can feel right now is paranoid, Tyler could come out at any point and jump us. I'm at my most vulnerable and the only person here who can protect us is Enid, but I'm supposed to be protecting her.
"Enid-" I say.
She looks at me with concerned eyes.
"Before he escaped we were talking about you." I say
"Oh? what about me?" She asks.
"He said that he finally found my weak point because I said too much."
"What is it?"
"It's.... It's you..."

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