I can't be at peace forever right? Once a while, I need to crack. My problem isn't boys, I'm fed up. But my mind likes to trick and track.
I hate when my head gives me thoughts that will only do bad, or even when my eyes can't see me as something else than what I ever was. The camera gives me a nice flash, but the eyes of others know why I'm harsh. The hopes I had are mostly flying by, with the crave of loving that was so unnatural. I love myself more, that's not a lie. Now I'm just looking for a hint, that explains why I feel bad. My physique is not what bothers me, is my heart. It's bombing but not like that.
December 21st 2022
- P.R.A
Thoughts In Poems (english version)
PuisiIf you don't know how to express yourself I invite you to read this large/small poems and/or quotes that I make about my daily life.