The Best Friend, The Roomate Hobi

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             Park Jimin

I stare down at the elevator floor as it slowly moves up.

I can't stop thinking about how dumb I am!

How could I have forgotten to ask Jungkook for his number?!

My eyes start watering again, and I wipe my nose with my sleeve.

I just feel so sad.

I have never ever felt so much for someone before. I've always known I wanted a sweet guy, but I didn't think I'd get handed the greatest human EVER?!

The elevator doors open and I walk in the huge hallway, a little confused because I never come to Hobi's job. It's very big, and nice and cool! And he's a CEO and everything, but we always work different times.

I told everyone, since I own the cafe, that I needed a break, that I don't feel well (because I don't) so I just brought some things for Hobi.

I never just take off of work because of something like this.

But I'm still tearing up, I can't help it!

Who wants to see their boss, whose already so young, emotional and unprofessional at work?

I'd just look incredibly immature. .

I knock on Hobi's office door, hearing him yell come in, and I slowly open it with a pout.

"Jiminie! Woah, what's wrong?"

He walks up to me and cups my face.

"H-Hobi..." My tears come down and my lips quiver.

"Jimin, you're worrying me, what happened? Do you need me to do anything?"

I laugh as I remove my face from his chest, "No! You're a CEO JUST...not part of the flipping Mafia."

He laughs as he takes everything out of my hands, and guides me to the chair in front of his desk.

I take a seat.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He asks.

"I-I don't want to go into details yet, I'm too tired to. But just know, I met someone, and I didn't get his number. I don't know where he lives, don't know anything besides things about his personality and life, if that makes sense.."

Hobi frowns, "You can talk about it when you're ready...I'm sorry, Jiminie. Don't give up though. Maybe you'll see him walking around in the streets."

I chuckle to myself. He hates being around the Christmas decorations....

Or, maybe he doesn't anymore? Didn't I change something for him? ANYTHING?

I slouch in the seat.

"I think I know what can help!" Hobi exclaims.

"Hm?" I hum unenthusiastically.

"Here," He lifts his cup of coffee up then drinks it.. "Mmmmmmm! Sooo good! Your cafe is the absolute best!" He exclaims afterwards.

I giggle as I shake my head.

"It helped!"

"It didn't Hobi."

"It did."



"Did not!"

    . . .

I smile and shake my head.

"Hobi you didn't actually win the game, I only let you win!"

Hobi told me to stay a bit longer, hes trying to help me feel better.

I'm also trying, I just...I can't stop thinking about it. About Jungkook.

"Hobi, I'm gonna go. I'll see you at home?"

He smiles softly, "Okay...I won't pressure you with questions, or make you tell me. But please, please let me know If I can help in any way. I can tell how much this guy really, means to you already."

"Yeah, it was all, so perfect...I will tell you details tonight, yeah?!"

"Yeah," He smiles and hugs me.

A knock appears on his office door, "Hold on!" Hobi yells. "Pinky promise you'll go, have a nice warm coffee, and text me if you need anything?"

I giggle and nod, happily inter whining my pinky with his, "I promise! Bye bye Hobi."

"See you later Jiminie."

I walk towards the door with a tight chest and a fading smile.

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